

Foundation's Team

Promoting gender equality and women's economic empowerment on the road to sustainable development: good practices from the UNECE region / Promotion de l'égalité hommes-femmes et de l'autonomisation économique des femmes sur la voie du développement durable : meilleures pratiques dans la région CE...

Created by Foundation's Team 3111 days ago

This document comprises examples of strategies and policies to promote gender equality and empower women on the road to sustainable development in the UNECE region. It highlights issues such as: pay gap, access to financial resources, access to education and training, right to ownership, right to...

Foundation's Team

CULTURE, GENDER AND GROWTH / CULTURE, GENRE ET CROISSANCE / الثقافة, النوع الإجتماعي و النمو

Created by Foundation's Team 3118 days ago

Whereas the general prospects about gender equality remain quite pessimistic, recent changes have occurred within family institutions in some countries and show a determining example. This short report is a text framed in the "Insights" series from the OECD ‘s Development Center. The autho...

Foundation's Team

UN Women Annual Report 2015-2016 / Rapport annuel ONU Femmes 2015-2016 / التقرير السنوي للأمم المتحدة للمرأة 2015-2016

Created by Foundation's Team 3127 days ago

This report highlights some of the UN Women’s work and initiatives during the year 2015-2016, it provides summary financial statements, a list of new programmes and projects, and contact information. It explains the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which recognizes the transformative...

Foundation's Team

Emerging Markets Development Advisers Program / Programmes de conseil en développement des marchés émergents / برنامج مستشاري تنمية الأسواق الناشئة

Created by Foundation's Team 3131 days ago

This study focuses on local capacity development for gender integration, in the work of the Institute for International Education (IIE), through its management of the Emerging Markets Development Advisers Program (EMDAP). It provides lessons on what is needed for successful gender integration int...

Foundation's Team

Towards a real gender equality – key figures 2015 / Vers l'égalité réelle entre les hommes et les femmes – chiffres-clés édition 2015 / نحو مساواة حقيقية بين الجنسين- أرقام رئيسية

Created by Foundation's Team 3133 days ago

This is a collection of key figures about the gender equality in France. Published in March, 2015, it comprises complete data on gender equality and analyses the mechanisms of gender inequality. The document shows that the equality laws in France have allowed an equal access of the women and the ...

Foundation's Team

The Opportunities and Challenges for Female Labour Force Participation in Morocco / Opportunités et challenges pour la participation à la population active des femmes au Maroc / فرص و تحديات مشاركة المرأة في القوة العاملة في المغرب

Created by Foundation's Team 3134 days ago

Even though women make up 50% of the population, and 47% of the tertiary education enrolment in morocco, their participation in the labour force still doesn´t exceed 26%.This study questions the low Female Labour Force Participation (FLFP) in Morocco and other countries in the MENA region. ...

Foundation's Team

Women in Business & Management: Gaining Momentum in the Middle East and North Africa / Les femmes d'affaires ou cheffes d'entreprises : gagner du terrain au Moyen Orient et en Afrique du Nord / المــرأة فــي قطــاع األعمــال واإلدارة: كســب الزخــم فــي منطقــة الشــرق األوســط وشــمال أفريقي...

Created by Foundation's Team 3139 days ago

This report focuses on the particularities of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with regard to the situation of women and gender equality in the world of business. It casts light on the main barriers to women´s employment and leadership in the region, such as: family responsib...

Foundation's Team

Les dones a la Mediterrània. Primer informe de la Fundació de Dones Euromediterrànies sobre les Conferències Ministerials / Les Dones a La Mediterrània Primer Informe de la Fundació De Dones Euromediterrànies sobre les Conferències Ministerials / النساء في المتوسط: التقرير الأول لمؤسسة نساء الأور...

Created by Foundation's Team 3153 days ago

Since the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation has been launched, It is committed to monitoring progress in achieving commitments of the Union for the Mediterranean States on ​​strengthening the role of women in the society. In 2014, the Foundation has selected to work with 12 Eu...

Foundation's Team

Women Entrepreneurship Microfinance Turkey / Microfinance et entreprenariat féminin en Turquie / رائدات الأعمال النساء و التمويل الأصغر في تركيا

Created by Foundation's Team 3162 days ago

This article is based on a field study in two Turkish cities: Kocaeli and Sakarya. It discusses microcredit practices, as an important tool used in gaining economic stabilization, providing social welfare, increasing per capita income and accordingly reducing poverty. It examines the role of wome...

Foundation's Team

Promoting Gender Responsive Policies Budgets. Lessons from South East Europe Experiences in the Period 2011-2013 / Promouvoir des budgétisations politiques sensibles au genre. Leçons tirées d'expériences des pays de l'Europe du Sud et de l'Est. Période 2011-2013 / تعزيز سياسات الموازنة المراعية ل...

Created by Foundation's Team 3167 days ago

The report focuses on efforts oriented to improving individual as well as collective and institutional capacities, to implement Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB). It aims to describe the diversity of strategies, accomplishments and challenges of different interventions that took place in each of ...