

Foundation's Team

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative / Programme d'alphabétisation fonctionnelle des femmes des coopératives d'Argan / برنامج عملي لمحو الأمية لنساء تعاونيات زيت الأركان

Created by Foundation's Team 2711 days ago

With a population of over 32 million, literacy rates in Morocco stand at an average of 56%, representing over 10 million people lacking basic literacy skills. With literacy programmes frequently being carried out in urban areas, opportunities for women in poor rural areas to acquire the...

Foundation's Team

Tracking the money for women’s economic empowerment: Still a drop in the ocean / Suivi des fonds pour l'autonomisation économique des femmes : encore une goutte dans l'océan / المتابعة المالية لتمكين النساء : نقطة في المحيط

Created by Foundation's Team 2896 days ago

This brief produced by the OECD-DAC Network on Gender Equality (GENDERNET) and the DAC Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP-STAT), provides an overview of official development assistance (ODA) going to women’s economic empowerment. It identifies key trends, financing gaps and...

Foundation's Team

Women, Work, and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: Introduction and overview / Femmes, travail et bien-être au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord: Introduction et aperçu / المرأة والعمل والرفاهية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا: مقدمة ونظرة عامة

Created by Foundation's Team 2896 days ago

Providing an empirical and conceptual context for the volume, this chapter of the book discusses patterns and trends in women’s social and economic participation in the region, draws together the themes explored in individual chapters, and offers policy recommendations and suggestions for f...

Foundation's Team

"Res’Art": The women artisans network of Algerian art / Res’ART : Le réseau d’artisanes d’art algériennes / "Res’ Art" شبكة النساء الحرفيات في الفن الجزائري

Created by Foundation's Team 2925 days ago

Res Art is a network of women craftswoman of Algerian art submitted by the association Femmes en Communication. The project has trained more than 400 women artisans and over 50 associations in various Wilayas. The network has a gallery of exhibition with the spirit of social and solidar...

Foundation's Team

Les Pionnières: oser, innover, entreprendre. / بايونيرز (الرواد) الجرأة و الإبتكار و التنفيذ / Pioneer Women: daring, innovaton, entrepreneurship

Created by Foundation's Team 2925 days ago

Créé il y a 10 ans, Les Pionnières c’est un réseau de près de 20 incubateurs et pépinières au service d’entrepreneures innovantes et créatrices d’emplois durables en France, au Maroc, en Belgique et au Luxembourg....

Foundation's Team

Culture, Gender and Growth / CULTURE, GENRE ET CROISSANCE / الثقافة و الجندر و النمو

Created by Foundation's Team 2942 days ago

The OECD Development Centre links OECD members with developing and emerging economies and fosters debate and discussion to seek creative policy solutions to emerging global issues and development challenges. OECD Development Centre Policy Insights is a series of policy-oriented occasional papers ...

Foundation's Team

Poverty, Gender & Lone Parents in the EU / Pauvreté, genre et parents seuls dans l'UE / الفقر, النوع الإجتماعي و الأمهات/ الآباء بدون شريك بدون شريك في الإتحاد الأوربي

Created by Foundation's Team 3020 days ago

Women lone parents are particularly vulnerable to poverty in the EU, as they make up almost 85% of all one-parent families. This report casts light on the factors that increase the risk of poverty for lone parents, especially women, and gives recommendations to lower these risks, such as: Increas...

Foundation's Team

Young Women's Peace Charter / La Charte des Jeunes femmes pour la paix / ميثاق السلام للشابات

Created by Foundation's Team 3047 days ago

The Young Women’s Peace Charter aims to build commitment and understanding of the challenges and obstacles faced by young women in conflict affected countries, as well as in other societies. It includes recommendations addressed to different stakeholders at national and international level....

Foundation's Team

Giving credit where it is due. How closing the credit gap for women-owned SMEs can drive global growth / Accorder des crédits là où c'est nécessaire. Combler les lacunes concernant le financement des PME appartenant aux femmes mènerait à une croissance économique globale / إعطاء القروض عند الإستح...

Created by Foundation's Team 3049 days ago

This study examines the role of women-owned small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in raising labour force participation, and boosting economic growth in emerging markets. It explains the barriers Women-owned SMEs face, such as: access to education and training, legal and cultural barriers an...

Foundation's Team

Empowering Women in the Rural Labor Force with a Focus on Agricultural Employment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) / Autonomiser les travailleuses rurales, notamment au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (région MENA) / تمكين المرأة في قوة العمل الريفية مع التركيز على العمالة الزراعية ف...

Created by Foundation's Team 3068 days ago

Women in the MENA region are farmers and family and wage workers, but lack control over most resources and other opportunities. Therefore their contribution to the agricultural development and to the broader economic and social development remains limited.This paper questions the ways in which wo...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Life  Foundation for Development and Social Reintegration (LFDCI)
Intermediaries Changing Center for Sustainable Development
Movimento per l'Autosviluppo, l'Interscambio e la Solidarietà (M.A.I.S.)
Bothoor Alkhaer Human Organization
The committee of vigilance for democracy in Tunisia (CDVT)
The Lebanese Association of Women Researchers - Bahithat
Journalists Without Borders (JWB)
Sawa Organization - All Women Together Today and Tomorrow
Faculty Affiliate, PHRGE, Northeastern College of Law
Jbail- Byblos Municipality
Volunteering association  Touiza  of the wilaya of Algiers
Women Against Violence (WAV)
Women and Gender Unit – Ministry of Social Development
Association Joussour de Citoyenneté (AJC)
Amal Wazan for women football
Association Karama of Arab Family (AKFA)
Mor Masa Ritüeli
Ankara University
The voice of Amazigh women
Libanaises pour l'Egalité
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Association Femme et Citoyenneté
I & P Image & Paroles
Women Programs Centre - Rafah
Women's Center AlThouri Silwan
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
Liberated T
Youth Empowerment Society - YES
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)
Trajectories for Peace and Development
Arab Institute for Human Rights
Roles for Social Change Association (ADWAR)
Be active. Be emancipated (B.a.B.e.)

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With the aim of introducing the Palestinian Women Academics Authority PAC, the CMC carries out 10 visits to NGOs in Gaza

Gaza - Community Media Center CMCThe CMC concluded a tour of field visits to 10 civil and women’s organizations from all...

MIFTAH wants to strengthen women’s access to decision-making positions

In Palestine, women and youth are underrepresented in local councils, in political bodies and in the public life....

Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights (PpDM) presents Council of Europe's initiative to prevent and combat sexism

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM - Plataforma portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres) presents the...

Capsule sur la FLDF et le travail effectué pendant la période de la pandémie du COVID 19

Situation de la pandémie du Covid-19 et de la violence envers les femmes Depuis l’apparition du Covid 19 en mois de mars, des...

Classic tales revised for gender equality

In the society in which we live, gender equality has become relevant and plays a fundamental role in the education of children....

Nawal Mustafa won the Princess Sabeeka Al Khalifa International Award for Women Empowerment

The Egyptian writer, Nawal Mustafa, CEO and founder of the Children of Female Prisoners Association (CFPA), won the Princess...

The Foundation struggles for including gender in climate agreements in COP22 in Marrakech

Women, environment and sustainable development are an indivisible whole. The climate agreements must incorporate the gender...

Workshop in the West Bank to promote women's participation in public life

A workshop on 'Enhancing Women’s Participation in Public Life and Decision-making' was organized by Hiwar Center for youth and...

Analyzing the role of elected women in local authorities in Ifrane

The principle of gender equality in Morocco is stated in the Constitution, more specifically in Article 19. Similarly, the laws...

Involving the media in the fight against gender violence in Oran

On 19 November 2015, 47 people gathered in Oran to address the issue of violence against women. Among them, there were...