

Wedad Sourani

A special report checking the compatibility of the strategic education plan with the Ministry of Education

Created by Wedad Sourani 704 days ago

...ion and care for the teacher (professionally, economically, and socially) as the mai...role in light of the difficult political and economic conditions when dealing with...teachers on how to deal with students during crises, by holding training courses...

Foundation's Team

CLUSTER participated in the launch of the first farm in Catalonia using the aquaponics method

Created by Foundation's Team 836 days ago

...lonia on 27 October! The increasing need to invest in and diversify sustainable sectors of the economy to better cope with future economic and climate crises requires retraining or upskil...

Maria Àngels Roque

Launch Conference of CLUSTER: advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditerRanean project

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1179 days ago

Background The economic hardships following the COVID-19 pandemic have heavily hit employm...nvesting in sustainable economy sectors to better cope with future economic and climate crises. Against this backgrou...


Foundation's Team

Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània

Created by Foundation's Team 790 days ago

...n various fields and spheres, in particular in their leadership in the economic and labor sectors, their rights in contexts of health, climate and agri-food crises, as well as violence against...

Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 846 days ago

...h to longstanding issues such as the gender pay gap and to more recent crises perpetuated by Russia in Ukrain...g to reduced mental and physical health, quality of life and a loss of economic output. The EU does not hav...

Foundation's Team

Research seminar: "Restraints and obstacles to women' s economic empowerment”

Created by Foundation's Team 3566 days ago

...2015, School of Governance and Economics, Mohamed VI Polytechnic Univ...within the context of current crises (political, economic, social and geopolitical) terms of rights, access to economic, political and social resourc...n into account. Women’s economic empowerment calls, on the o...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey on social justice in the Mediterranean: Participate now

Created by Foundation's Team 862 days ago

...erranean priorities, particularly in the context of recent crises, which have exacerbated social and economic vulnerabilities in the and green transitions in terms of inclusive socio-economic development. It looks into...

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers: Feminist Theory in University accross the Arab World

Created by Foundation's Team 1399 days ago

...d inclusive human rights—amidst ongoing crises such as COVID-19, and what teac...the wake of COVID-19, regional uprisings, and economic precarity? Has engagement wi...ce increased as a result of the current socio-economic and political situation in...


Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 680 days ago women´s participation in economic life and combat and prevent v...eed that, in light of the various crises, including those relating to he...eeded to strengthen women’s economic and political empowerment a...current sanitary, food and energy crises. December 2022...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 716 days ago

...and clearly attest to the existing political, economic and educational barriers. public and social life, the political and economic sphere, and the fight against...powerment of women in the context of regional crises, gender equality and climate...

Maria Alabdeh

The disproportionate impact of Covid 19 crisis on women and adolescent girls in middle Bekaa and Women Now for Development's response

Created by Maria Alabdeh 1501 days ago

...nd complicated in countries like Syria and Lebanon, where past and ongoing conflicts generate ethnic and sectarian schisms, and cause economic and humanitarian crises manifested in the migration a...


Foundation's Team

Gender, Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises / الجندر والأمن الغذائي والتغذية في الأزمات الممتدة / Genre, sécurité alimentaire et nutrition dans des crises prolongées

Created by Foundation's Team 2884 days ago

This report focuses on the topic of gender in protracted crisis situations. It depends on past experience to provide guidance on how to address gender equality as part of food and nutrition security interventions in situations of protracted crisis. Understanding and addressing how men a...