Member since 21 October 2019 @ 1:44pm
1: Fighting violence against women. 2: Readings of the law 103.13 regarding the fight against gender-based violence. 3: Youth and public policies. 4: Gender equality in politics. 5: Fighting domestic violence. 6: Non-exclusion.
Contenu type : User
Member since 10 April 2018 @ 6:01pm
...and marketing channels • Documentary films on violence against women and children • Documentary films on violence against disabled people • Pr...• Presenting a radio program on the problems of violence within the community (domestic violence - violence against c...
Contenu type : User
Member since 11 January 2018 @ 5:48pm
...inst women, namely gender based violence. It manages 2 shelters and centres for women victims of domestic violence in Portugal. It has participa...s on prevention of gender based violence in schools; It also has an Ob...ender Equality and Gender Based Violence
Contenu type : User
Created by Andalib Adwan 620 days ago
...or women and girls in the digital space and addressing gender-based violence via the Internet and informat...t and facilitate the access of women and girls who are subjected to domestic violence and its survivors to the mult...
Contenu type : News
Created by Andalib Adwan 620 days ago were subjected to digital violence, or approximately 61% in 2022...nd girls who are subjected to domestic violence to use the Misahatuna order to protect them from domestic violence, and to hang it in t...n and Youth from Gender-Based Violence – Our Safe Spaces&rdquo...
Contenu type : News
Created by Andalib Adwan 654 days ago
...lti-sectoral services related to gender-based violence, by building the capacities o...trip, preparing a research study on issues of violence against women and mechanisms...cilitate women and girls who are subjected to domestic violence to access the ...
Contenu type : News
Created by Foundation's Team 784 days ago on the directive on combating violence against women (Committee on L...instance by ending gender-based violence, addressing pay and pension g...h staff. Finally, gender-based violence is violence directed against...ective on combating violence and domestic violence in March 2022. The p...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 1123 days ago
...and international human rights standards to combat violence against women and girls. Preventing and combatting violence against women is a longstandi...ting in gender inequality. In addition to suffering violence in a domestic setting, women experience vio...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 1129 days ago rights standards to combat violence against women and girls....Preventing and combatting violence against women is a longstandi...lity. In addition to suffering violence in a domestic setting, women experience vio...s on preventing and combatting violence against women. - ...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 2128 days ago
...ts and health (RHR) as well as Gender Based Violence (GBV). The project consists...y stability and social security and reduces domestic violence. According to one of the com...ide to Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence’’ which is addres...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Foundation's Team 3439 days ago more ways than one; fighting against domestic violence, the team ran carrying signs...order to keep the focus on the issue of domestic violence, and keep on fighting for law, many women are stillvictims of domestic violenceand the authoritiesdo not ensu...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Foundation's Team 3439 days ago
...y and the rights of women and girls who are victims of gender based violence. To achieve this goal, it ini...m UN bodies. GAF also provides assistance and support to victims of domestic violence, and it organizes seminars an...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Foundation's Team 1255 days ago
...or several) provider(s) with diversified and high added value expertise related to gender equality, the fight against violence towards women and domestic violence, the fight against traff...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1698 days ago
...ccessibility to a privatized healthcare system, the continuation of violence against women, the “cor...what does the lockdown mean for women and children who suffer from domestic violence? After all, not all “ho...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1704 days ago
...revention and response to GBV, including through safe shelters but also campaigns on social norms targeting male engagement in domestic work and combatting domestic violence. All information here. DO...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Created by Foundation's Team 1282 days ago
...on of its table of indicators on public policy against domestic violence. After the Grenelle on domestic violence and the development of new me...mplemented to support and protect the women victims of domestic violence and their children throughout...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 1431 days ago with women victims of domestic violence The aim of this tool i...ssionals to better understand domestic cyber-violence, to better identify it and to...n supporting women victims of domestic violence in order to increase their kn...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 1708 days ago
...“Les femmes victimes de violences doublement impactées...OCCO: Violences masculines et Coronavirus &n...Spanish) COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls ...hip and gender , Gender-based violence , People in vulnerable situat...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 955 days ago
...ries, of women living in Palestine and suffering different types of violence. Hadeel Gharbawy, Sahar Alnah...MC’s public by telling their touching personal experiences of domestic violence, rape, forced marriages, wome...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1193 days ago
...entific and newsreports about violence against women during COVID-19...fferent factors contribute to violence against women worldwide, with...ddressed inthis study will be domestic violence and intimate partner...o understand the link between violence against womenand the multidim...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1239 days ago
...hed them towards more unpaid care. Incidents of gender-based violence – particularly domestic violence – surged while lockdown...of gender-based violence, helped improve police response to domestic violence, joined forces with...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1193 days ago
Globally, during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, reports of domestic abuse have increased. Using scientific and newsreports about violence against women during COVID-19 and the changes it implicated in society, this article speculates howdifferent factors contribute to violence against ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: violence against women, lockdown, covid, pandemic, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, violence à l'égard des femmes, violence intime, covid
Created by Foundation's Team 1396 days ago
Le 24 novembre et à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes 2020 avec Inclusion Europe, nous avons organisé un webinaire intitulé «Mettre fin à la viole...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: disability, women, violence, domestic violence, handicap, violences domestiques, femmes et filles handicapées, union européenne
Created by Foundation's Team 1431 days ago
Guide for professionals in contact with women victims of domestic violence The aim of this tool is to help professionals to better understand domestic cyber-violence, to better identify it and to offer specialised support to victims. This guide is primarily aimed at professionals...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: domestic violence, guide, cyberviolence, cyberviolences, violences conjugales, guide, العنف المنزلي, دليل, العنف السيبراني
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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