

Mahmoud Farag

Social Association for Media Profession

Member since 10 April 2018 @ 6:01pm

...evelop women's capacities through small-scale enterprise programs and provide financing and marketing channels • Documentary films on violence against women and children • Documentary films on violence against dis...

Nawal Mostafa

Children of Female Prisoners Association

Member since 30 March 2017 @ 11:03pm

...oration with the NGO Service Center for advocacy and lobbying. 8. Organized a conference on December, 2016 at Opera house to show the new short documentary film “prison of stigma” which...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (CMC) concludes its activities within the framework of International Women's Day 2023

Created by Andalib Adwan 683 days ago

...s about women’s rights and existing gender violence, and addressing the reality and issues of Palestinian women. Women’s Stories Book: A documentary book issued by the CMC, which...

Andalib Adwan

CMC Launches Kalam Reham Play on Combating Gender-Based Violence, Performed in UNRWA Schools

Created by Andalib Adwan 801 days ago

...hed a digital campaign to combat cyber violence and raise awareness of girls’ digital safety. The organization produced and broadcasted a documentary film on the phenomenon of gen...

Andalib Adwan

CMC organizes a series of documentaries'screenings on the rights of women and youth in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 983 days ago

CMC (Community Media Center) organized the screening of a documentary presenting the story of one of...ced the same circumstances. More than 200 people were present at the documentary’s screening.  Thi...


Esther Fouchier

Workshop - From Beijing to the Generation Equality Forum: which feminist position on the ecologial transition?

Created by Esther Fouchier 1410 days ago

...institutions and civil society actors. As a trainer and creator of educational tools and decision-making aids on gender issues, and host of the documentary website ,...

Foundation's Team

The Arab and Mediterranean Film Festival of Catalonia, with a focus on resistance

Created by Foundation's Team 1571 days ago

...eams and Fears, will inaugurate the Festival. From October 22 to November 1, the Festival will show via the platform Filmin another celebrated documentary by another woman filmmaker, T...

Maria Àngels Roque

International Conference – Youth in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Youth Cultures, Values and Gender

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2891 days ago Education and Labour Market; Political and Civic engagement; Culture, Values and Gender and Mobility and Migration. Additionally, SAHWA Documentary (#Khamsa) will be screened at...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Solar mamas: It takes one woman to light a village!

Created by Foundation's Team 2614 days ago are trained in 6 months to become solar engineers.  This documentary highlights Rafea’s lear...nd her inspiring struggle to make a difference in her community. The documentary cleverly demonstrates how tra...

Foundation's Team

SheFighter, inspiring initiative to end violence against women and girls

Created by Foundation's Team 2646 days ago

...and has been collaborating with several organizations to empower female refugees and end violence against women and girls (eVAWG). This short documentary reflects the positive impact...

Foundation's Team

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative

Created by Foundation's Team 2716 days ago

...further. It is now being used as a model in other women’s cooperatives in other sectors besides Argan. Attached you find a very interesting documentary on this program by SBS A...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Traineeships for Gender Equality at EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1296 days ago

...ded to prove that they satisfy all admission conditions. Candidates must be prepared to submit proof of their qualifications upon request. All documentary evidence of any professional...

Foundation's Team

Call for Entries - Arab and Mediterranean Film Festival of Catalonia

Created by Foundation's Team 1788 days ago

...nbsp;“In Perspective” 60 minutes or more movies or documentary movies  filmed by direct...n “Today looks”: 60 minutes or more movies or documentary movies filmed by directors fr...

Maria Àngels Roque

Women Cine Makers

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2942 days ago

...Non-English-language works must have English subtitles at the time submitted. Films can be entered within four categories: independent cinema, documentary, dance video and experimental...


Ana Sofia Fernandes


Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1107 days ago

The documentary “Consent is not for sale&rd...squo;s national coordination. The documentary brings to the forefront of th...n the system of prostitution. The documentary also includes the testimonies...e matters. At the same time, the documentary reinforces the important post...

Maria Alabdeh

I Was There: a film about female survivors of SGBV

Created by Maria Alabdeh 1257 days ago

...Women Now for Development presents the documentary "I Was There", featuring two...a former detention survivor. The short documentary "I Was There", produced by Wo...face if they speak about these crimes. The documentary was produced as part of the S...

Sana Afouaiz

Womenpreneur Tour Film 2020

Created by Sana Afouaiz 1780 days ago

This documentary - produced in collaboration between Womenpreneur-Initiative and SANAD entrepreneurship  Academy - gathers some of the greatest minds of women...


Laila Chiadmi

The proceedings of the 1st Multi-discimplinary Congress of Young Scientists

Created by Laila Chiadmi 3010 days ago total, involving over two hundred researchers. As a result of this congress, this proceedings book was prepared, in addition to a 10-minute documentary about the conference and its...


Foundation's Team

The Arab and Mediterranean Film Festival of Catalonia, with a focus on resistance / / Le Festival du film arabe et méditerranéen de la Catalogne, avec un focus sur la résistance

Created by Foundation's Team 1571 days ago

The Arab and Mediterranean Film Festival of Catalonia reaches its 14th edition to keep giving voice to Arab and Mediterranean cinema. It will take place between November 12-15, 2020 entirely online, adjusting its format to the restrictions tied to the Covid pandemic. The topic chos...