

ADWAR Association

Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR

Member since 15 December 2021 @ 4:05pm women and girls economically, to reduce unemployment as well as providing job opportunities and eliminating all the types of discrimination and gabs based on gender. Third: Contributing in rais...

Ikrame Moucharik

Assiouar collective

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 1:01pm

- Primary prevention of gender-based violence; - The promotion of gender equality; - Promotion of the physical, moral, emotion...of women and girls; - Raise awareness of inequalities, discrimination and gender-based violence; - The promotion of...

Joana Sales

União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta

Member since 11 January 2018 @ 5:48pm

...AR struggles against all forms of discrimination against women, namely gender based violence. It manages 2 shelte...egional projects on prevention of gender based violence in schools; It also h...national and European networks on Gender Equality and Gender Based Violence


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) organizes an interactive day with the participation of members of the Palestinian Academics and ambassadors of young women's rights

Created by Andalib Adwan 610 days ago

...nces and expertise related to strengthening efforts to combat discrimination and gender-based violence against women. Anda...h Böll Foundation. This year, the project aims to combat gender-based discrimination against women in soci...

Andalib Adwan

The Center for Development and Community Media holds two workshops entitled : Women's Rights and Reality in Academic Institutions and Media Treatment

Created by Andalib Adwan 610 days ago

...n universities, in addition to discrimination against them, which has limit...demic institutions, explaining gender-based discrimination against women in uni...issues from a human rights and gender perspective. Kholoud Al-Saw...project aims to combat gender-based discrimination against women in soci...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center inaugurates the activities of the project: Encouraging Interventions to Promote Women's Rights in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 610 days ago

...r, the project aims to combat gender-based discrimination against women in society and...for women’s rights and gender equality in academic institu...ts and combating violence and discrimination against them within a...mic institutions and violence based on gender in society. The Community Me...


Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 850 days ago

...e on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) is organising the third European Gender Equality Week at the end of October 2...quo; access to justice on pay discrimination. Gender stereotyping is the generalis...ough staff. Finally, gender-based violence is violence directed...

Foundation's Team

20-21 July 2022 UfM-UNIDO Women Business Forum

Created by Foundation's Team 972 days ago

...region face some of the highest levels of discrimination in accessing productive and financial resources. Behind this funding gender gap, gender bias seems to play a role inequalities that remain gender-based. It will also discuss which mo...

Esther Fouchier

Preparatory meeting for the Generation Equality Forum

Created by Esther Fouchier 1459 days ago

...tation of global commitments to gender equality. It marks the 25th anniversa...sustainable goals connected to gender equality. It aims to build c...arge of "Housing, Fight against discrimination," Marseille Departmen...erranée  Topics Gender-based violence with Fouzia ASSOULI,...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Created by Foundation's Team 3436 days ago

...thly premium to encourage their school enrolment and attendance. Gender awareness-raising activities were org...ourage the media to provide positive images of girls and denounce gender-based discrimination. This practice has b...

Foundation's Team

Protection of women's rights through concerted actions at national, regional and international levels.

Created by Foundation's Team 3505 days ago

...rights of women and girls who are victims of gender based violence. To achieve this goa...shadow report entitled "Real equality and non-discrimination in Bulgaria" was pre...tions of the CEDAW Committee, which they were based on the GAF’s shadow repo...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Promoting a Culture of Equality, Female Empowerment and Employability

Created by Foundation's Team 1410 days ago

...3.30 p.m. (Brussels time). The general objective: Promote gender equality by improving women’s p..."Dissemination of the culture of equality and fight against discrimination and stereotypes based on gender" of the Government Plan for E...

Foundation's Team

Call for Projects 2021: Acting for Equality between Women and Men

Created by Foundation's Team 1439 days ago

...all within a specific objective in favor of gender equality, namely: - Promote access t...ductive health rights, - Fight against all gender-based and sexual violence by develop...en and men and fight against gender-related discrimination in the field of emplo...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Call for papers on gender equality directed to regional and local policymakers

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1796 days ago

...rights for all, advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment, thr..., goal number 5 is dedicated to gender equality, for as stated by t...women is crucial to ending the gender-based discrimination prevalent in many cou...region to take into account the gender equality perspective and the...


Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1806 days ago

...UN women to engage people in Gender Equality. Please find here below the...face horrifying violence and discrimination across the world&mdas...panies with a solid record on gender equality. Generation Equality...t gender-equitable companies, based on the Women’s Empo...

Foundation's Team

Centre for Gender Equality Information

Created by Foundation's Team 3541 days ago

The Centre for Gender Equality Information is a finnish provides updated, research-based information related to gender equality and gender studies....mpaniment regarding pregnancy discrimination in the workplace ("Pregnancy discrimination campaign") and the re...

Foundation's Team

Transgender Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 3541 days ago

ENG Transgender Europe (TGEU) is a charitable organization based in Berlin (Germany) that was cr...ated on the first European Transgender Council in Vienna...EU envisions a Europe free from discrimination, where each person can live according to their gender identity and gender expressio...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 720 days ago

...’s rights and promoting gender equality are among the keys to buildi...ctices and barriers show that gender-based violence rests on a mentality that perpetuates discrimination against women; as wel...n 26 October of this year, is based on three main thematic areas:...

Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1105 days ago

...e elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and the...the Arab region. In general, "Gender gaps have narrowed considerably in se...ains challenging, closing the gender gap for poverty alleviation is a must...enda under goal 15 regardless gender issues. Moreover, access to other na...

Monia Braham

Women Inclusion in Arab Cities

Created by Monia Braham 1187 days ago

...and sustaining such a state. Gender inequality in the Arab Region is amon...ndicators (such as the Global Gender Gap Index ) and is a primary driver o...rees, sexism is compounded by discriminations based among others on geographic loc...r women’s exclusion. Tackling gender gaps and enhancing women’s in...


Foundation's Team

Sensibilisation envers l'égalité des genres pour lutter contre la violence envers le partenaire intime (GEAR contre les VPI) / رفع التوعية عن المساواة بين الجنسين ضد عنف الشريك الحميم / Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence (GEAR against IPV)

Created by Foundation's Team 3505 days ago

L’approche « GEAR contre les VPI » est une proposition d’intervention en milieu scolaire ou autre, où filles et garçons sont invités à participer à des activités expérimentales pour évaluer mais au...