

Aida Ridanovic

Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:11pm

Workshops, debates, research, analysis, policy recommendations Education plays a vital role...nizations in the region, CEMD would like to contribute to an ongoing public debate about gender equality that wi...

Rana Alsheikh Ali

Radio Souriat

Member since 9 April 2019 @ 4:37pm

Syrian Women Debate: aimed to training 30 Syrian women who are active in civil society organiza...Syrian cities to provide them with the theoretical and practical basics of debate and public speaking Pink Hug...


Foundation's Team

This Wednesday, dialogue on the presentation of issue 34 of QM magazine.

Created by Foundation's Team 641 days ago

...ood practices to advance gender equality in the Euro-Mediterranean region, both at a legal level and in its translation into everyday reality. The debate will also address the current...

Foundation's Team

CLUSTER Cross-Border Workshop in Jordan develops training materials for young people

Created by Foundation's Team 798 days ago

...public and private sector, TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) institutions and civil society. The goal of the Workshop was to debate at the regional level the res...

Foundation's Team

CLUSTER met to discuss the production of trainings on sustainable economy and their dissemination

Created by Foundation's Team 798 days ago

On 3 June 2022, the CLUSTER consortium met to debate developments in the creation of the Private Sector oriented Catalogue and the TVET (T...


Foundation's Team

Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània

Created by Foundation's Team 763 days ago

...s and Research at CREDIF and the Gender and Equal Opportunities Observatory Moderated by: Cristina Mas, Journalist of the newspaper ARA. 18:30 Debate 19:00 Closing remarks by the...

Foundation's Team

The Tharwa N'Fadhma N'Soumeur Association is organizing a screening and debate of the film Coup pour coup by Marin Karmit

Created by Foundation's Team 1001 days ago two years of living under the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, the Tharwa N’Fadhma N’Soumeur Association is organizing a screening/debate of the film "Coup pour coup"...

Foundation's Team

Join the next Climate Refugees Ecodebate

Created by Foundation's Team 1023 days ago

...FCU) invites you to participate in the next ECODEBATE (WEBINAR) "Climate Refugees",...roads. Anyone wishing to participate in this debate is welcome. Registrations!...FFCU in the South region and leader of the ECO-DEBATES. “What are the challen...

Shared practices


Project: Do not touch my rights!

Created by Cherifa KHEDDAR 2875 days ago

...otection of children in danger, etc. During the day, a rich and intense debate was launched and women were v...12 and 13 May 2016 in Blida. During the three days of the seminar, the debates were very rich and intense,...

Foundation's Team

Inform, Educate, Debate. for a successful democratic transition!

Created by Foundation's Team 3215 days ago

This practice consisted of organising conferences, theatre performances and painting workshops with the aim of developing women’s critical spirit and sense of arg...

Foundation's Team

Women's voices Web radio

Created by Foundation's Team 3474 days ago

...ix de Femmes” (Women’s Voices) was launched in 2009 and today it has an important database in radio production.It helps to develop the debate with journalists committed to...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Senior Trainer, Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1213 days ago and related issues. The bootcamp will include training, coaching and debate components - the aim of the b...pending on the Covid-19 situation. Co-conceiving a 2-hours long public debate (speakers: Thinkers, educator...

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers by an International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies

Created by Foundation's Team 1347 days ago

...y essential for modelling a vision of a more just society. The journal further adopts a gender justice agenda that promotes thinking, dialogue and debate between academic gender resea...

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers UNESCO: Inequalities in the Arab region in light of Covid-19

Created by Foundation's Team 1733 days ago

...sed on human needs from the social and human sciences to promote a culture of evidence-informed decision-making. In September, 2018, the regional debate was organized at the launchin...


Ana Sofia Fernandes


Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1079 days ago

...oted by the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM), EWL’s national coordination. The documentary brings to the forefront of the debate a grave violation of human ri...

Stephanie Willman Bordat

Promoting best practices in the state response to GBV in Morocco

Created by Stephanie Willman Bordat 1375 days ago

...o addressing GBV, the country’s policy environment is far from optimal to support positive, effective change. After five years of review and debate, the 18-article Draft Law 103...

Maria Àngels Roque

The Press and the Feminist Struggle in Morocco - Interview and Lecture videos with Fedwa Misk on 27.02.2019

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1526 days ago

...nt. In this context, and lacking a media outlet that offered an area of debate on the demands and status of...ut the ability of the media in Morocco to involve the public in the big debates on the status and empowermen...


Foundation's Team

Rethinking Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from Egypt, Lebanon and Syria

Created by Foundation's Team 1393 days ago

...e seminar on gender-based violence (GBV). The seminar sought to start a debate with gender experts and activ...eminating the knowledge produced during the event, while dissecting the debate’s policy-orientations t...

Foundation's Team

1st General Report on GREVIO's Activities

Created by Foundation's Team 1732 days ago

...tion against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) finds that while gender-based violence is now at the “forefront of public debate”, many Council of Europ...

Foundation's Team

Arab Women in Virtual Debate: A study on women's representation in traditional Media Facebook pages

Created by Foundation's Team 2349 days ago

How do female and male users interact with traditional media Facebook page content? Which representations does this interaction suggest for women as media pro...


Foundation's Team

This Wednesday, dialogue on the presentation of issue 34 of QM magazine. / Ce mercredi, dialogue sur la présentation du numéro 34 du magazine QM. / هذا الأربعاء، حوار حول تقديم العدد 34 من مجلة كوادرنز دي لا ميديترينيا

Created by Foundation's Team 641 days ago

APRIL 19, 2023. BEGINNING AT 17:00H | Col·legi de Periodistes (Rambla, 10 · BCN) The IEMed and the College of Journalists, with the collaboration of the European Network of Women Journalists, co-organize a dialogue between women journalists, communicators and feminis...

Foundation's Team

The Tharwa N'Fadhma N'Soumeur Association is organizing a screening and debate of the film Coup pour coup by Marin Karmit / L'Association Tharwa N'Fadhma N'Soumeur organise une projection et debat du film Coup pour coup de Marin Karmit / جمعية Tharwa N'Fadhma N'Soumeur Association تنظم عرض ومناقش...

Created by Foundation's Team 1001 days ago

This Saturday, April 23, 2022, after two years of living under the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, the Tharwa N’Fadhma N’Soumeur Association is organizing a screening/debate of the film "Coup pour coup" by Marin at their home at 9:30 p.m. Karmitz with Elodie Avene, to prot...

Foundation's Team

Join the next Climate Refugees Ecodebate / Participez au prochain Ecodébat sur Les Réfugiés Climatiques / انضم/ انضمي إلى الندوة البيئية القادمة حول لاجئي المناخ

Created by Foundation's Team 1023 days ago

The French Federation of Clubs for UNESCO (FFCU) invites you to participate in the next ECODEBATE (WEBINAR) "Climate Refugees", which will be held this Thursday, March 31, 2022 from 6 p.m. sharp to 7:30 p.m. Who are climate refugees? What is their legal status? How are they received an...