

Esther Fouchier

Coeur de Femmes - 4 and 5 March 2020 in Marseille

Created by Esther Fouchier 1785 days ago

...Stands : Lively information stand on women’s rights and gender stereotypes (CIDFF) Family planning on different themes (sexuality; contraception; abortion; violence; discrimi...

Foundation's Team

Have a look at our June’s Newsletter!

Created by Foundation's Team 2783 days ago our Documentation Centre, an interesting resource for Moroccan single mothers, a call for communications for a colloquium about gender and contraception in France, and the upcoming e...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for communications for the colloquium Gender and contraception: Which r-evolutions?

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2797 days ago

...iament adopted the Neuwirth Law legalizing contraception. During the same decade in Fr...eads on birth control practices (including contraception and abortion) from a gender s...relations (class, race, age, disability). Contraception&Genre seeks a discussion...


Rachid Aboutaieb

National Symposium on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Casablanca

Created by Rachid Aboutaieb 2148 days ago

...rights in terms of sexual and reproductive health; Define the problem of unwanted pregnancies in Morocco and the needs of the population for contraception; Identify the gaps in sexual...


Foundation's Team

Pathfinder International

Created by Foundation's Team 3406 days ago

...ers and forge their own path to a healthier future.  In order to do so they have several focus areas: Adolescents & Youth; Advocacy; Contraception & Family Planning; HIV &a...


Foundation's Team

Ending violence against women and girls with disabilities in the European Union

Created by Foundation's Team 1435 days ago

...iolence by a partner in their lifetime. Violence may include domestic and gender-based violence, institutional violence, forced sterilisation, contraception and abortion, and harassment,...

Maria Àngels Roque

Sexual and Reproductive Health in Morocco and Lebanon: Interview with Marie Debs and Rhimou Hajoub

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2381 days ago

...te, sexual and maternal relations are emerging in the south of the Mediterranean. Whether related to birth control practices such as abortion, contraception etc. or to the practices of b...

Foundation's Team

Women's sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 2567 days ago

...imination as well as the right to be free from torture and ill-treatment, with a particular focus on comprehensive sexuality education, modern contraception, safe and legal abortion care...


Foundation's Team

Journée des droits humains : l'apport de la FFEM aux enjeux genre et développement / مساهمة مؤسسة نساء الأورومتوسط في شؤون الجندر والتنمية في يوم حقوق الإنسان / Human Rights Day: The FFEM's contribution to gender and development issues

Created by Foundation's Team 2223 days ago

À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des droits humains et du 70ème anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme, le 10 décembre 2018 a eu lieu à l’Assemblée nationale à Paris une rencontre-d&ea...

Foundation's Team

Santé et droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes en Europe / الصحة والحقوق الجنسية والإنجابية للمرأة في أوروبا / Women's sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 2567 days ago

La santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes sont des droits humains. Malheureusement toutefois, les femmes en Europe continuent de voir ces droits bafoués ou restreints en raison de lois, politiques et pratiques qui reflètent en définitive la pe...

Foundation's Team

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices toward Family Planning and Reproductive Health among Married Women of Reproductive Age in Selected Districts in Jordan / Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques relatives à la planification familiale et à la santé génésique des femmes mariées en âge de procréer d...

Created by Foundation's Team 2905 days ago

Statistics indicate that reproduction is the main reason behind the population explosion in Jordan, and the rising dependency ratios and proportions of housewives, and mothers low participation in economic activities. This issue has been highly affected by the Syrian refugee crisis. This study is...