

Foundation's Team

Gender approaches to cybersecurity: Design, defence and response

Created by Foundation's Team 1425 days ago

...ated with masculinity, such as technical expertise, are often, but not always, valued over those associated with women and femininity, such as communications expertise or equality, divers...

Foundation's Team

Recommendation on Preventing and Combating Sexism - Council of Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 1550 days ago

...s a comprehensive catalogue of measures both to prevent and to condemn sexism, and it calls for specific action in such areas as: language and communications; internet and social media; m...

Laila Chiadmi

The proceedings of the 1st Multi-discimplinary Congress of Young Scientists

Created by Laila Chiadmi 2985 days ago different Spanish and international universities, to share their experiences in the field of scientific work. There have been a total of 75 communications and 5 lectures from senior re...

Foundation's Team

Female Education and Employment

Created by Foundation's Team 3140 days ago

...s. Young women leave school earlier and have less access to key skills for economic development, such as foreign languages and information and communications technology. This article reve...

Foundation's Team

Ministerial Conclusions on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society: Annual Report 2008-2009

Created by Foundation's Team 3519 days ago

...and political rights; women' s social and economic rights and sustainable development; women' s rights in the cultural field, and the role of communications and the media....

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Trajectorya noorteorganisatsioon MTÜ
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Femmes-Education Arts-Médiation (FEDAM)
Jazeera Media Network
Elkhir Women's Association
National Association for Youth Exchange
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries
União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
League for Lebanese Women's Rights (LLWR)
Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
University of Coimbra
Amal Association for Women and Development
SHASHAT Women Cinema
Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development  (ARDD - Legal Aid)
The voice of Amazigh women
Soroptimist Club Marrakech
Kenzy Associacion for Development
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Anouar Association
Women Empowerment Unit in Jerash Municipality
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Tubas Charitable Society
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Assemblée des Femmes Paris Ile-de-France
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration
Nelly Jazra
Saba Hamlet for Gender Equality
Racha Ramadan
Womenpreneur Initiative
Creativity Center for Citizenship and Democracy
Jiwar Creation & Society
Arab Institute for Human Rights

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Women, Design and Democracy. What future for the Mediterranean?

This article discusses about women and design in the Mediterranean and how these concepts are related to social change and...

Law on gender equality in Montenegro

This law on gender equality in Montenegro came into force on 8 August 2007. It regulates the method of providing and...

Gender & Training: Mainstreaming gender equality and the planning, realisation and evaluation of training programmes

This document provides practical information and suggestions for planning, organizing and evaluating training offers that...

Where is the money for women's rights? An alarming call

This report provides an overview on public and private funding for initiatives for gender equality in France. It highlights...

Women4Mediterranean Conference 2020

This report gathers the conclusions of the V UfM Women4Mediterranean Conference 2020, which featured the participation of diverse...

Toolkit for Mainstreaming and implementing gender Equality in governance

The Toolkit looks at how gender goals need to be incorporated into hiring, career development and budget cycles. It promotes a...

National machinery, actions plans and gender mainstreaming in the Council of Europe member states since the 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995)

This report was prepared on the occasion of the 7th European Ministerial Conference on Equality between women and men (Baku,...

Combat Cinema: Women's Films in Palestine

This dissertation examines contemporary Palestinian women filmmakers’ cinematic expressions. These films inscribe...

The Global Gender Gap Report 2011

TheGlobal Gender Gap Report 2011, launched by the World Economic Forum in 2006, is a framework that explains the scope of the...

Arab Human Development Report 2005 - Towards the rise of women in the Arab World

This publication forms part of a series of reports of the United Nations Development Fund (UNDF) on development, notably the...