Created by Foundation's Team 656 days ago
...mbat and prevent violence against women and girls. They also agreed that, in light of the various crises, including those relating to health, climate change, and more recently emerging n...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 692 days ago
...wenty years that have elapsed there has been a series of legislative changes and improvements adopted in t...ment of women in the context of regional crises, gender equality and climate change, and violence against women a...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Monia Braham 1077 days ago
...nities and countries. The adverse impacts of climate change and natural disasters are the Agenda’s requirements require a change of the current development mo...t and their transformative nature for social change and economic transition. This...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1221 days ago
...lso provides a warning about what is rapidly coming down the track on climate change and environmental degradation...tegies, and financing. The plan identifies key levers that can create change and the actors at global, nat...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1911 days ago
...Despite the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and scientists alarm...explore the specific relationship between climate change and women in the oases of Toz...system has been disrupted and some of its climate change-resistant crops have di...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2134 days ago
...icles in this publication have a national or regional scope, thematic (climate, migration, education, employ...tter understand the logic of discrimination and to identify levers for change and to share good practices....
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2278 days ago regions have undergone great alterations due to climate change. According to the UN, women are most affected by climate change and natural disasters. This d...nd ensure resilient regional development adapted to climate change....
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2303 days ago
Climate change presents one of the largest threats to worldwide e...ts provides a broader overview of the climate change financing, this report examines the realm of climate finance by focusing on a select set of climate change funds....
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2313 days ago
...acements of populations. What water remains available is dwindling, under pressure from rapid population growth and urbanization combined with climate change. Existing water management sy...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2387 days ago
...oup and for the implementation of laws that protect the rights of women and girls, strengthen their role in peacekeeping and the fight against climate change, to improve their access to t...
Contenu type : Documents
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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