Created by Foundation's Team 2396 days ago
This report provides an update on the realities of climate change in the Mediterranean countries, as well as on the carious actions implemented by stakeholders to face the different challenges of climate change and fight against it. In the 8th chapter, the report highlights the role of ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: climate change, women's participation, euro-mediterranean, gender, gender equality, changement climatique, participation des femmes, euro- méditerranée, genre, egalité des sexes, التغير المناخي, مشاركة المرأة, المنطقة الأورو متوسطية, جندر, مساواة بين الجنسين
Created by Foundation's Team 2544 days ago
In recent negotiations based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), international geopolitical power dynamics have been reproduced and economic lobby groups, although formally belonging to the group of civil society observers, have commanded a great deal ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: climate change, sustainable development, gender inequality, access to resources, changement climatique, inégalités de genre, accès aux ressources, développement durable, تنمية مستدامة, تغير مناخي, الوصول إلى الموارد, عدم المساواة الجندرية
Created by Foundation's Team 2547 days ago
L’association La ruche de la citoyenneté active à Tozeur (Tunisie) œuvre pour le développement des territoires oasiens en tant que régions qui nécessitent des traitements spécifiques, notamment face au changement climatique, tout en ...
Contenu type : News
Tags : Tags: climate change, sustainable development, women's roles, women's participation, développement durable, changement climatique, rôles des femmes, participation des femmes, تنمية مستدامة, تغير مناخي, أدوار النساء, مشاركة المرأة
Created by Foundation's Team 2555 days ago
The educational exhibition "Ecological transition: the challenges and strengths of gender equality" of the Association Adéquations aims to raise awareness among all publics and in particular the institutions of development and international solidarity, organizations of civil soci...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: gender equality, women's empowerment, climate change, economy, culture, égalité femmes-hommes, changement climatique, autonomisation des femmes, économie, culture, تغير مناخي, مساواة جندرية, تمكين المرأة, اقتصاد, ثقافة
Created by Foundation's Team 2562 days ago
In this document, leaders, high officials, experts and civil society actors from the 43 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) share their visions, thoughts and commitments with regard to women empowerment and gender equality. Visions that echo the UfM Secretary General&rsqu...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: women's empowerment, stereotypes, social justice, values, dialogue, climate change, autonomisation des femmes, stéréotypes, justice sociale, changement climatique, valeurs, dialogue, تمكين المرأة, صور نمطية, عدالة اجتماعية, قيم, حوار, تغير مناخي
Created by Foundation's Team 2582 days ago
The Foundation met in Amman with the 7 selected associations following the call for applications to mobilize equality actors at a local level (3rd edition). These associations will study subjects that have a direct impact on women’s lives such as women’s access to local poli...
Contenu type : News
Tags : Tags: gender equality, domestic violence, environment, climate change, female entrepreneurship, decision making, p..., participation politique, prise de décision, entreprenariat féminin, changement climatique, مساواة جندرية...
Created by Foundation's Team 2618 days ago
Climate change is a major source of concern in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and migration is often understood as one of several strategies used by households to respond to changes in climate and environmental conditions, including extreme weather events. Based in la...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: climate change, development, women's partcipation, migration, développement, migration, changement climatique, participation des femmes, التغير المناخي, تنمية, مشاركة النساء, الهجرة
Created by Foundation's Team 2681 days ago
Que ce soit en éducation - où deux fois plus de filles que de garçons ne commencent jamais l’école - ou les sciences - où les femmes ne représentent que 28% des chercheurs - les liens entre la représentation des femmes dans les post...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: political participation, science, education, decision making, climate change, participation politique, prise de décision, éducation, science, changement climatique, مشاركة سياسية, صنع القرار, علوم, تعليم, تغير مناخي
Created by Foundation's Team 2688 days ago
Climate change is not only one of the greatest environmental and development challenges facing the world today, it is one that will have critical impacts on human rights and inequalities, including gender inequality. That’s why the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Women have collab...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: sustainable development, climate change, energy, gender issues, développement durable, changement climatique, énergie, questions du genre, تغير مناخي, تنمية مستدامة, طاقة, قضايا الجندر
Created by Foundation's Team 2871 days ago
Comme toutes les politiques publiques et de développement, celles concernant l'atténuation et l'adaptation au réchauffement climatique global seront plus efficaces en prenant en compte l'approche intégrée de l'égalité des femmes et des ho...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: gender equality, discrimination, climate change, égalité de genre, discrimination, changement climatique
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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