

نسرين صواف

The Egyptian Youth Council for Development

Member since 10 October 2018 @ 6:25pm

The Council is keen to ensure equal participation of young men and women in all its activities and trainings related to legal awareness, citizenship and media. The Council also trained...

لطفي الصدي

Djerba Solidarity & Development Association

Member since 20 March 2018 @ 10:48am

...and the media as a basis for better local governance", Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research2018 • Training women on human rights and citizenship, in the municipality of Midou...

Menna Mosbah

YEFL Young Egyptian Feminists League

Member since 10 October 2017 @ 10:34pm

. Raising awareness against G.B.V. campaigns . Women Debut Club . Feminists Citizenship Ambassadors forum . HIV/AIDS medical /raising awareness relief . Active feminist Citizen program . Feminists narrative Club - Interactive Theater . Gender Equality, SD research Studies


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago a development and media institution that invests and employs the media as a platform for democratic discourse, advocacy for human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of social...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago a development and media institution that invests and employs the media as a platform for democratic discourse, advocacy for human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of social...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center launches the Youth Academy to defend women's rights in society and academic institutions

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago a development and media institution that invests and employs the media as a platform for democratic discourse, advocacy for human rights and citizenship, and the promotion of social...


Amel Arbaoui

Inauguration of women's spaces in the partner municipalities implemented within the framework of the 2BE project

Created by Amel Arbaoui 794 days ago

On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, the Citizenship Bridges Association will launch women’s spaces...e 2BE project: the budget in support of equality, implemented by the Citizenship Bridges Association, in partn...

Amel Arbaoui

The opening of the cultural café instead

Created by Amel Arbaoui 818 days ago

The Bridges of Citizenship Association and the Dahmani Youth House have the honor to invite you to open the cultural café instead of the Dahmani Youth House within the framework of the Badel project, on Sunday, starting from ten o’clock in the morning.

Foundation's Team


Created by Foundation's Team 852 days ago

...lessons useful for other European countries. The project is funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme. To be eligi...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Empowering Nefta's women artisans through cloth recycling

Created by Foundation's Team 2336 days ago

...low.  This practice was identified as part of the pilot action led by "La Ruche de la citoyenneté active" (The Hive of Active Citizenship association), which aimed at&...

Foundation's Team

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 2581 days ago

...s a series of educational brochures and audio-visual productions on subjects such as family planning, HIV-AIDS prevention, conflict resolution, citizenship, the environment, and the fam...

Foundation's Team

'Jeunes et Femmes' (youth and women): tools to build a life

Created by Foundation's Team 2934 days ago

...ith regard to their future life. During the course they meet professionals, associations (Mouvement du Nid) visit places that are important for citizenship and culture (art galleries, m...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Applications: women role models from the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 1259 days ago

The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship and The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut are coope...

Maria Àngels Roque

The 2021 edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Literary Contest is now open!

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1373 days ago

...mobility. Towards a Euro-Mediterranean citizenship Since 2008, the IEMed&n...change to advance towards the creation of a citizenship that embraces the entire Euro...lows of people help moving towards a shared citizenship? Take part, write and send y...

Foundation's Team

Call for projects for actors in the field in Africa and the Caribbean

Created by Foundation's Team 1631 days ago vulnerable situations working in the informal sector: development of their entrepreneurial capacities, information on their rights (health, citizenship...), support in their profess...


Foundation's Team

Women Economic Empowerment Portal

Created by Foundation's Team 2738 days ago

...platforms: The CRTDA website which provides information on CRTDA activities The Lebanon Knowledge Development Gateway LKDG which focuses on citizenship, rights, refugees, relief, ec...

Foundation's Team

League of Tunisian Women Voters

Created by Foundation's Team 3434 days ago

...sia. The values ​​of this association are as follows: - Total equality between women and men - Parity between women and men in all fields - Citizenship for all Tunisians without any...

Foundation's Team

New Woman Foundation

Created by Foundation's Team 3434 days ago

...believes in women’s unconditional right to freedom, equality and social justice, and consider women’s social, political, economic, citizenship and reproductive rights as an...


Foundation's Team

Employing a gendered approach to transitional justice in the Arab region - potential role of national women's machineries - Policy Brief

Created by Foundation's Team 1602 days ago

...tice is a context-specific and inclusive set of processes, which has the power to amplify the voices of victims and affirm the equal rights and citizenship of individuals. Given the un...

Foundation's Team

The Electoral Presence of Women in Morocco : Progress and Contradictions

Created by Foundation's Team 1756 days ago

...y status of women in society were already strongly present throughout the 20th century.  The association Tazghart, which works for active citizenship with a focus on the role of w...

Foundation's Team

Guide to integrate Gender Approach in organisations

Created by Foundation's Team 1793 days ago

...emergency humanitarian actions, development aid, environmental protection, defence of human rights for underprivileged populations, as well as citizenship education and advocacy action...


Foundation's Team

Fighting against female school dropouts in Areas C in Bethlehem and Hebron / النضال لإيقاف تسرب الفتيات من المدارس في المنطقة (ج) في بيت لحم والخليل / Lutter contre l'abandon scolaire des filles à Bethléem et Hébron

Created by Foundation's Team 2335 days ago

Education is considered as an important factor in enhancing a person’s opportunities in social and economic mobility. However, leaving school at an early age remains a problem, to which poverty and being female are generally associated with. To further analyze this issue, the Psyc...

Foundation's Team

Climate Change and women's economic empowerment in Tozeur / Changement climatique et autonomisation économique des femmes à Tozeur / التغير المناخي والتمكين الاقتصادي للنساء في توزر

Created by Foundation's Team 2335 days ago

Oasis territories in Tunisia have undergone major changes in recent years due to climate change, which affects the health of populations and their way of life. According to the UN, women are the most concerned by this phenomenon. To deepen this question, "La Ruche de la citoyennet&eacu...

Foundation's Team

Brussels Binder: Base de données d'expertes en Europe / برسلز بايندر: قاعدة بيانات تجمع الخبيرات في أورويا / Brussels Binder: Female experts database in Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 2337 days ago

The Brussels Binder est une ressource pour les organisateurs/organisatrices de conférences et les médias qui cherchent à inclure des voix de femmes expertes dans leurs débats politiques. Il vise à améliorer l’équilibre entre femmes ...