

Andalib Adwan

CMC Launches Kalam Reham Play on Combating Gender-Based Violence, Performed in UNRWA Schools

Created by Andalib Adwan 734 days ago

...imination between the sexes among children and adolescents, in cooper...ogram manages the discussion with children and adolescents. The to reach the largest number of children and adolescents in schools...cs such as cyber extortion, early marriage, economic empowerment, child...

Rabha Fathi

A National Call to Protect Children's Rights and Criminalize Early Marriage

Created by Rabha Fathi 1082 days ago

...sue the law that criminalizes child marriage. AEFL denounces the Parlia...teps to issue the law banning marriage of underage girls and children. Moreover, the President has...s regarding the risk of early marriage in line with what has been in...

Rabha Fathi

AEFL starts events of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

Created by Rabha Fathi 1106 days ago

...ness session about girls’ marriage and violence against women...f the social campaign to combat child marriage and #16 Days of Activism a...ebinar "Accelerating the End of Child Marriage in the MENA Region. From Evid...he research "Understanding girl-child marriage amongst Syrian refugee commun...

Rabha Fathi

AEFL kicks off its project Social Initiative to Combat Early Marriage

Created by Rabha Fathi 1106 days ago

...cilitators on issues of early marriage and its impacts, and the laun...on the risks of girls’ marriage for 6000 persons. - Form an...he draft law of criminalizing child marriage. 22 experts participate...e of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, representati...

Foundation's Team

The Generation Equality Forum concludes in Paris with announcement of commitments

Created by Foundation's Team 1253 days ago

...ts related to family life education; free care for pregnant women and children under five years; and and social change to end gender-based violence, including FGM and child marriage. The United States Governmen...

Ibtissame Betty Lachgar

Male Violence and Coronavirus

Created by Ibtissame Betty Lachgar 1718 days ago

...s of domestic violence, and their children, living in isolation with...n by her husband, rape within the marriage is not recognized as such...erious concern.   Although children are not always direct vict...finement represents for women and child victims.   Confined with...

Foundation's Team

Anaouat spurs policy dialogue on child marriage in Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 2082 days ago

...ess the increasing numbers of child marriages which made up to 16% of all registered marriages in in Morocco,...l advocacy against minors and child marriage. Apart from the elimination...ce the number of female child marriages. These activities were imple...

Foundation's Team

Political dialogues to follow up on CSO WINS's 8 campaigns on women's rights

Created by Foundation's Team 2139 days ago

...o other public actors implicated in fighting child marriage. The main objective of the...of government institutions to tackle tourist marriages and combat their social acce...onal Council for Women, National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, political pa...

Stefania Di Campli

AL TA'MARBOUTA: The key to reducing rural poverty

Created by Stefania Di Campli 2330 days ago

...ially in rural areas where problems like early marriage or illiteracy, domestic vi...ely responsible for managing the household and child care. Besides facilitating...UTA project will also provide a Playroom where children can learn by playing while th...

Foundation's Team

Anaouat meets Ms. Mingasson, a senior EU political official

Created by Foundation's Team 2400 days ago

...results of the Anaouat campaign in the Chichaoua province on female child marriage and to review the issues a...s made by Morocco in the field of violence against women and female child marriage are effective on the ground....

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Kenzy Associacion for Development
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (PHRO)
Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
University El Maner Tunis
The School Girls of Azaghar Foundation
Disi Women's Cooperative
Union de l'Action Feministe (UAF)
Réseau Algérien des Femmes d'Affaires (RAFA)
Wafaa Ziti
Right and Democracy Organization
National Association for Youth Exchange
Moroccan Association of Social Workers
KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation
Nisreen Alami
Civil Coalition for the development of Solidarity action (CCDAS)
Faculty of Humanities-Martil, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas
AWARE Services & Consulting
Cooperation for Community Development Association
Moroccan Association of Reproductive Health
Krizia Nardini
University of Sousse
Women'    s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
Women in Business of Algeria
SIDRA Association
Kasdi Merbah Ouragla University
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Association Voix de Femmes Marocaines
Bremen University
Jordan Sisterhood is Global Institute (SIGI)

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Shared practices

Solar mamas: It takes one woman to light a village!

Jordan’s poorest desert villages on the Iraqi border, was given a chance to travel to India to attend the Barefoot College, where...

Egal’actu: A news platform about gender equality

The Egae group has launched egal’actu, a news online platform about the equality between women and men. The main goal is...

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in the Palestinian struggle on the ground, their political...

Campagne de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel dans les espaces publics

L’Espace pour l’Avenir (EPA) agit depuis 2011 dans une campagne de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel...

SheFighter, inspiring initiative to end violence against women and girls

An estimated 80% of women in Jordan have faced street harassment, and 1 in 3 women in this country are survivors of physical...

Shared reflection workshops

Mixed workshops held in educational environments (the AMPC office is at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities in Manouba)...

Success Stories following visits to companies run by women in Setif

As part of a field diagnosis on the development of female entrepreneurship in Setif (Algeria), the Women in Business of Algeria...

Discrimination against women in the case of opening bank accounts for their children

In Palestine, according to the Act No. 8/2009, banks do not allow mothers to open bank accounts for their children, arguing...

Inform, Educate, Debate. for a successful democratic transition!

This practice consisted of organising conferences, theatre performances and painting workshops with the aim of developing...

Economic empowerment of rural women through access to resources and rights

In partnership with OXFAM, the women’ s development group and the development association ASSAD, CAWTAR launched an...