

Georgina Yglesias Julià

AMANE – Association Meilleur Avenir pour Nos Enfants

Member since 16 December 2020 @ 2:56pm

...llowing areas: capacity building of child protection actors to improve prevention and care for vulnerable children and/or survivors of mechanisms for the protection of children against all forms of viol...developed – i.e., pedagogical kits, care and support guides and concep...


Nawal Mustafa

Nawal Mustafa won the Princess Sabeeka Al Khalifa International Award for Women Empowerment

Created by Nawal Mustafa 756 days ago Mustafa, CEO and founder of the Children of Female Prisoners empowering poor women and their children from former and current pr...hed the (CFPA) Association to take care of this group, who are destine...d nutritional assistance to 30,000 children inside and outside female...

Andalib Adwan

With the aim of introducing the Palestinian Women Academics Authority PAC, the CMC carries out 10 visits to NGOs in Gaza

Created by Andalib Adwan 823 days ago for Human Rights, Aisha Association for the Protection of Women and Children, all the way to Al-Mizan Center for Human Rights, Wefaq Association for Women and Child Care, and finally the Culture and...

Nawal Mustafa

The Child Creativity Center organizes an educational trip for 30 children to the book fair

Created by Nawal Mustafa 1073 days ago

The Children of Female Prisoners’ Care Association (CFPA), headed by...ional program provided by the Child Creativity Center of the asso...ferent programs offered to 30 children under the auspices of Dr....y a number of specialists for children about the characters of th...


Foundation's Team

Zakher Association to develop the capacity of Palestinian Women

Created by Foundation's Team 3409 days ago

...wing four sectors of development: - Enabling and supporting women and children. - Public health and development. - To strengthen the role of women in the areas of child care and reproductive health. - T...


Foundation's Team

Women's movement and challenge of democracy in Morocco : the case of abortion

Created by Foundation's Team 1964 days ago

...vement ; as it split public opinion into various tendencies. The various reports written by (inter)national institutions in concern of women and child care highlight the rising number o...

Foundation's Team

Supporting Access to and retention in employment for women by enhancing child care services in Turkey

Created by Foundation's Team 2450 days ago

...icularly low among women with children. In recent years, governme...s focused on the expansion of child care services as a means to support...ion of flexible quality child care services and demand remains co...a stronger role in providing child care services....

Foundation's Team

From Settlement to Integration - Informal practices and social services for women migrants in Athens

Created by Foundation's Team 2453 days ago

...s: (a) the importance of informal practices of support and assistance at the neighborhood level; and (b) the role of social services (health and child care), as they affect migrant wome...


Foundation's Team

Gender equality policies in Spain / سياسات المساواة بين الجنسين في إسبانيا / Politiques d'égalité femmes-hommes en Espagne

Created by Foundation's Team 2409 days ago

While gender equality policies have been institutionalized and consolidated in Spain until 2008, the 2009-2016 period shows backlash provoked by austerity policies adopted in response to the economic crisis. Institutional dismantlement, budget cuts, legislative standstill, policy reform...

Foundation's Team

Supporting Access to and retention in employment for women by enhancing child care services in Turkey / دعم وصول النساء إلى العمل و احتفاظهن به عن طريق تحسين خدمات رعاية الأطفال في تركيا / Soutenir l'accès et le maintien en emploi des femmes en améliorant les services de garde d'enfants en Turqui...

Created by Foundation's Team 2450 days ago

Female labor force participation remains low in Turkey compared to other OECD countries and labor market attachment is particularly low among women with children. In recent years, government policy has focused on the expansion of child care services as a means to support women’s p...

Foundation's Team

Poverty, Gender & Lone Parents in the EU / Pauvreté, genre et parents seuls dans l'UE / الفقر, النوع الإجتماعي و الأمهات/ الآباء بدون شريك بدون شريك في الإتحاد الأوربي

Created by Foundation's Team 3004 days ago

Women lone parents are particularly vulnerable to poverty in the EU, as they make up almost 85% of all one-parent families. This report casts light on the factors that increase the risk of poverty for lone parents, especially women, and gives recommendations to lower these risks, such as: Increas...