

Georgina Yglesias Julià

AMANE – Association Meilleur Avenir pour Nos Enfants

Member since 16 December 2020 @ 2:56pm

...n actors to improve prevention and care for vulnerable children and/o...some time now AMANE has also been working towards integrating the ge...based violence) perspective in its work: in its training and awarenes...eveloped – i.e., pedagogical kits, care and support guides and concep...

عبدالكريم الخزاعلة

Qudrat Association for Community Development

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:01pm

...ted numerous successful campaigns, workshops and training programmes...ity, and provide health and social care and rights support. Qudrat’...s unit, in addition to its general work, deals specifically with wome...e via training, rehabilitation, networking, and the funding of small...


Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 12:29pm

...lude gender equality. - Developing several methodologies to work on women’s empowering within the framework of the European Commission Entercom. - The project ‘’Mutual Share for Care Women’’ which consists in exc...


Andalib Adwan

Achievements that exceed the plan for the year 2022 by the Community Media Center (CMC).

Created by Andalib Adwan 743 days ago

...d community coalitions and networks. The CMC implemented eight p...einrich Böll Foundation, CARE International in Palestine, C...Over the past year, CMC has worked to empower and build the sk...gional and local conferences, workshops and study days. This wo...

Andalib Adwan

With the aim of introducing the Palestinian Women Academics Authority PAC, the CMC carries out 10 visits to NGOs in Gaza

Created by Andalib Adwan 844 days ago

...reate an independent feminist framework that includes female academic...the academies to the mechanism of work of the institutions, and Association for Women and Child Care, and finally the Culture and...r the PAC, in order to develop its work and ensure its continuity, in...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center holds a conference on the rights and needs of academies in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 844 days ago

...ttendees, and spoke about the work of CMC Community Media Center...ference, which included three working papers, was moderated by m...the Wefaq Association for the Care of Women and Children, organization that has been working in the Gaza Strip since 20...


Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 847 days ago

...and pension gaps, gender balance in decision making positions at work and ending the gender care gap. However, despite great e...he gender pay gap, in which women earn less than men for the same work – a measurable indicato...

Noha El Khouly

The Impact of COVID-19 on Violence Against Women

Created by Noha El Khouly 1614 days ago

...agile situation, and bearing the bulk of family care. Therefore, many indications...March 15, 2020, as it led to the suspension of work in cases of violence wives, relying on the fact that there are no working courts. Women were also un...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Tasharuk: Gender, Culture and Resistance in Palestine

Created by Foundation's Team 1232 days ago

...through its 2020 call for proposals and is the result of the collective work of Associació Hè...ilience through training in rights and violence prevention, psychosocial care, and legal advice for survivo...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Ensuring Women's Decent Work and Transforming Care Provision

Created by Foundation's Team 1250 days ago

...and redistributes paid and unpaid care work. The pandemic and its subsequ...he future of women’s decent work, in a rapidly changing econom...uo;s decent work and transforming care provision for a gender-respon...ry: Ensuring Women’s Decent Work and Transforming Care Provisi...

كريشنة أمل

SURVEY - Women and unpaid work during the pandemic in Palestine

Created by كريشنة أمل 1473 days ago

...nd responsibilities of unpaid care work that fall on Palestinian wome...part of the burden of unpaid care work for Palestinian women. For t...ovision of direct or indirect care without pay within the househ...activities are considered as work, because in theory one could...

Maria Àngels Roque

Collage art contest: Collaging a Gender-Equal Future

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1523 days ago

...ome more embedded, the hardships of women workers in charge of unpaid care work and family duties have risen,...Theme & Format Theme of the collage work must be: “Collaging a g...ive countries of the project • Your work will be displayed and highlig...


Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker Fact Sheets

Created by Foundation's Team 1425 days ago

...dressing women’s economic and social security, including unpaid care work, the labour market and violen...oing to respond to and prevent violence against women, support unpaid care work, and protect women’s ec...

Foundation's Team

European Institute for Gender Equality Index 2019 Reports

Created by Foundation's Team 1740 days ago

...levels of achievement in six core domains: work, money, knowledge, time, powe...ty Index 2019 includes a thematic focus on work-life balance. This new policies; caring for children and childcare services; informal care for older persons and persons...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Initiatives, Campaigns, Statements, Calls and Opportunities

Created by Foundation's Team 1772 days ago

...l for Proposals: COVID-19 Microgrants for Media Work in Emerging Economies (E...mic (list of resources, English) European Network of Migrant Women: Global f...ine workers , Gender Impacts on Health , Unpaid care and housework , Economic hard...


Foundation's Team

Unstereotype Alliance Annual Report: 2020

Created by Foundation's Team 1268 days ago

...ones from across the four Unstereotype Alliance workstreams. 2020 was set to be a...ns, a brutal reminder of the criticality of our work. We saw a ‘shadow pande...ets and online. We are still facing a burden of care that is disproportionately bo...

Foundation's Team

Covid-19 and Economic Challenges for Migrant Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1445 days ago

...Migrant women have been vital key workers during the current Covid-1...Migrants are over-represented in care roles, for example 37% are re...tered nurses and16% of the social care workforce are migrants. • Mo...of EU migrants who are ‘key workers’ would not be eligib...

Foundation's Team

Gender-Based Violence : Report on Catalan Statistics

Created by Foundation's Team 1446 days ago

...s. Gender-based violence takes place in a framework of unequal relationships and...which take place in specific areas, in the framework of affective and sexual have highlighted the paramount importance of care and given the opportunity to...


Foundation's Team

The Care Economy in the Arab States: Towards recognizing, reducing and redistributing unpaid care work - brief / L'économie des soins dans les États arabes : Vers la reconnaissance, la réduction et la redistribution du travail non rémunéré dans le secteur des soins / اقتصاد الرعاية في الدول العرب...

Created by Foundation's Team 1516 days ago

Women play an outsized role in the care economy in the Arab States, performing 4.7 times more unpaid care work than men – the highest female– to–male ratio anywhere in the world.  This policy brief is based on the report Progress of Women in the Arab States 2020:...

Foundation's Team

Perspectives féministes sur le travail de soins dans la région MENA / وجهات نظر نسوية حول عمل الرعاية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا / Feminist Perspectives on Care Work in the MENA Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1754 days ago

Les militantes féministes et les universitaires estiment que l’économie des soins est vitale pour le bien-être et des communautés de la région arabe, en particulier lorsque ces communautés rencontrent des difficultés pour assurer leu...

Foundation's Team

Care Work and Care Jobs: For the future of decent work / Prendre soin d'autrui: Un travail et des emplois pour l'avenir du travail décent / وظائف الرعاية والعمل: من أجل مستقبل العمل اللائق

Created by Foundation's Team 2419 days ago

This report analyses the ways in which unpaid care work is recognized and organized, the extent and quality of care jobs and their impact on the well-being of individuals and society. A key focus of this report is the persistent gender inequalities in households and the labour market, w...