
Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Middle East Programme Officer at Euromed Rights

Created by Foundation's Team 1167 days ago

...ovember 2021, at midnight CET to: The position is open solely to persons legally entitled to work in the EU/Belgium. Interviews will take place...

Maria Àngels Roque

The 2021 edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Literary Contest is now open!

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1344 days ago

...young people (18-30 years) with nationality and residence from one of the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area: Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulg...

Maria Àngels Roque

Take part in a Euro-Arab summer school on gender equality and other issues

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2104 days ago

...ns, The College of Europe has launched a call for participants for the El-Hiwar Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations that will be held in Bruges (Belgium) from the 15th to the 19th of...

Maria Àngels Roque

Alyssa Rally: Car rally for women in Tunisia

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2737 days ago

...January 2018. This event has a touristic, ludic and sportive nature. This is a meeting of female crews from different countries (France, Canada, Belgium, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) a...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Brunella Mariani
Kayan Feminist Organization
Savera Liverpool
Association for the Development & Enhancement of Women (ADEW)
Centre for Women's Legal Research &Counselling and Protection
Youth & Women Empowerment Forum
The Arab Association for Human Rights
European Observatory on Femicide
Mohammed V University- Agdal Rabat
Association Karama of Arab Family (AKFA)
Association féminine pour la protection de la famille
Saba Hamlet for Gender Equality
Morocco Volunteers
Oxfam Intermon Maroc
Association pour le Droit à la Différence (ADD)
Info-Com Jeunes de Guelma
Syria Algad Relief Foundation
Mixité et Gouvernance en Méditerranée
Wafaa Ziti
Tunisian National League of Policewomen
Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction (ATSR)
Africa Women's Forum (AWF)
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Théâtre Variable n°2
Assocaition des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
Right and Democracy Organization
Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
Aswat Nissa
Le blog Tunisian Girl
Amal Association for the family and the child
Gender Equality Unit
Valencia University
Radio Souriat
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
University El Maner Tunis

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Launch of new Observatory of court decisions for women's rights cases in Morocco

Mobilising for Rights Associate (MRA) is delighted to announce the launch of the new Marsadnissa. ma online Observatory of court...

Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights (PpDM) presents Council of Europe's initiative to prevent and combat sexism

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM - Plataforma portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres) presents the...

Art and feminism together: 10 illustrators that you should know

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. On March 8, International Women’s Day, women’s movements and...

Jusoor launches the first women business Incubator in Libya - LEAP

This summer, Jusoor Center for Studies and Development (Jusoor) launched LEAP, a new business incubator aiming at contributing to...

L'association voix d'eve s'engage avec 42 association contre la violence

l'association voix d'eve a participé à la cérémonie de lancement des cercles de dialogue : La jeunesse s'engage pour la cohésion...

Women's leadership: a force for peace?

The NGO Humanity Diaspo was invited to participate in the World Peace Forum which was organized by the Normandy region on June...

Libyan women have the right to more than just a seat at the table in their country's peace process

Press release by the Delegation of the European Union to LibyaThe UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325 on...

2GAP officially launches its global platform during the Generation Equality Forum

At the occasion of the Generation Equality Forum, 2GAP presented on 1st July 2021 its webinar: “The power to decide to...

Workshop on income generating activities in Sousse

Between 6 and 9 October 2017, Forum Femmes Méditerranée and We Love Sousse organized a workshop on income...

The Community Media Center (CMC) launches a media campaign with the aim of combating violence and gender-based discrimination in the digital space

The Community Media Center (CMC) organized a digital campaign with the aim of combating violence and gender-based discrimination...