

Foundation's Team

Le Forum des Femmes Entrepreneuses de la Méditerranée, une chance pour des entreprises appartenant à des femmes / منتدى رائدات الأعمال المتوسطيات، فرصة للشركات المملوكة للنساء / The Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum, an opportunity for women-owned businesses

Created by Foundation's Team 1878 days ago

Le 22 novembre a eu lieu le Forum des Femmes Entrepreneuses de la Méditerranée, co-organisé par l’Association des organisations de femmes chefs d’entreprise de la Méditerranée (AFAEMME) et l’Association des chambres de ...

Maria Àngels Roque

Women's Economic Empowerment: An Overview for the MENA Region / التمكين الاقتصادي للنساء: نظرة عامة على منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا / L'Autonomisation économique des femmes: un aperçu de la région MENA

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1893 days ago

This article provides an overview of women’s economic empowerment in the MENA region. It aims to contribute to available knowledge through: first, providing an overview of women’s economic empowerment in the region in selected labour markets; second, following the evolution ...

Foundation's Team

EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum in Amman, Jordan / Amman accueillera bientôt le Forum Femmes EuroMed pour le Dialogue / عمان تستضيف منتدى حوار النساء الأورمتوسطيات

Created by Foundation's Team 1964 days ago

On September 11 and 12, 2019, the EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum will be held in Amman (Jordan), organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation. This important meeting aims to encourage women’s role as agents for the promotion of intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region,...

Foundation's Team

Réintégrer les jeunes mères dans l'éducation dans six pays européens / إعادة دمج الأمهات الشابات في التعليم في ستة بلدان أوروبية / Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education in six European countries

Created by Foundation's Team 1993 days ago

Le problème des jeunes mères qui abandonnent leurs études et qui rencontrent des difficultés pour reprendre des études ou une formation ou pour entrer sur le marché du travail avec un niveau de qualification peu élevé reste un prob...

Foundation's Team

G7 Gender Coalition: consolidating women's rights at the heart of G7 / Coalition Genre G7: ancrer les droits des femmes au cœur du G7 / التحالف الجندري لمجموعة السبع: تعزيز حقوق المرأة في أجندة مجموعة السبع

Created by Foundation's Team 2180 days ago

We are pleased to announce that we are part of the "G7 Gender Coalition", which brings together civil society actors from France and other countries to promote the issues of gender equality during the French presidency of G7 in 2019 *. The coalition aims at carrying out joint advocacy ...

Foundation's Team

L'entrepreneuriat féminin en Algérie / ريادة الأعمال النسائية (المقاولة) في الجزائر / Female Entrepreneurship in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 2181 days ago

Cet article s’intéresse à l’entrepreneuriat féminin en Algérie et notamment aux facteurs qui limitent ou encouragent les femmes algériennes à entreprendre. L’article s’appuie principalement sur deux diagnostics de terrain...

سامية عياد الصوفي

A series of trainings to empower women in Rafah, Gaza / Une série de formations pour autonomiser les femmes à Rafah, Gaza / سلسلة من التدريبات لتمكين النساء في رفح

Created by سامية عياد الصوفي 2186 days ago

The Women’s Program Center recently held a number of training courses aimed at empowering women and young women in the city of Rafah (Gaza Strip, Palestine) and building their capacities in many areas. On January 13, the Center organized training on cyber bullying, extortion, and mobil...

Foundation's Team

Rapport mondial sur l'écart entre les genres 2018 / التقرير العالمي حول الفجوة بين الجنسين لعام 2018 / The Global Gender Gap Report 2018

Created by Foundation's Team 2199 days ago

Le rapport du mondial sur l’écart entre les genres  porte sur les progrès accomplis vers la parité des genres dans 149 pays et dans quatre dimensions thématiques: la participation économique et les opportunités, le niveau d’instructio...

Foundation's Team

Training elected women for more effective local governance in Ifrane / Former les femmes élues pour une gouvernance locale plus efficace à Ifrane / تدريب النساء المنتخبات لحكمٍ محليٍ أكثر فعّالية في افران

Created by Foundation's Team 2247 days ago

Despite favorable frameworks to equal opportunities in terms of access to political and governance structures in Morocco, women’s presence and effective participation in elected positions in local authorities remain below expectations, especially in rural areas. A recent field di...

Foundation's Team

Field diagnosis: Climate change and the economic empowerment of oasis women in Tozeur / Diagnostic de terrain : Changement climatique et autonomisation économique des femmes oasiennes de Tozeur / تشخيص ميداني: تغير المناخ والتمكين الاقتصادي للنساء في واحات توزر

Created by Foundation's Team 2275 days ago

Over the last few years the oases regions have undergone great alterations due to climate change. According to the UN, women are most affected by climate change and natural disasters. This diagnosis is concerned with women’s contribution to the economy in Tozeur: their status; the...