

Foundation's Team

The Foundation contributes to education in arts and cultural policies

Created by Foundation's Team 2716 days ago

Gender and culture are both key elemen...nomic, political, social or cultural sectors, through peer-to-peer learni...nt the changing needs of the culture sector as well as the crosscutting d...finition of skills pertaining to the sector; advocacy as a learning exper...

Calls and opportunities

Maria Àngels Roque

Supporting women's audiovisual sector in Southern Mediterranean

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2651 days ago

...ated to gender equality and the under-representation of women in the audiovisual sector in seven Southern Mediterrane...e SouthMed WiA project aims to strengthen the capacities of the film sector operators in the seven target...


Foundation's Team

Gender-related opportunities in the audio-visual sector

Created by Foundation's Team 2001 days ago

...als. For the first time ever, in Arabic and in English, a book puts together relevant information about gender equality opportunities in the audiovisual sector in the South Mediterranean, i...


Foundation's Team

Appel aux journalistes à écrire sur le thème de l'identité et du genre / دعوة مفتوحة للمساهمة بإنتاج قصص عن الهوية و النوع الاجتماعي / Journalists invited to submit Stories on Identity and Gender

Created by Foundation's Team 2227 days ago

L’OPEN Media Hub lance un appel à candidatures pour permettre aux journalistes de télévision et de vidéo en ligne du voisinage européen de créer des contenus liés à l’Union européenne (UE) et aux relations de leu...

Foundation's Team

Excellent promotional opportunity for female directors from the Mediterranean / فرصة ممتازة لتعزيز عمل صانعات الأفلام في المتوسط / Magnifique opportunité de promotion pour les réalisatrices de la Méditerranée

Created by Foundation's Team 2318 days ago

As part of the one-day professional forum organized on the 13th of October 2018 in Marseille (France), "Rencontres Films Femmes Méditerranée" is launching a call for projects to select 10 Mediterranean female directors (as long as they have already made a film, short ...

Foundation's Team

Mères en ligne: First radio for single mothers in Morocco / Mères en ligne : Première radio pour les mères célibataires au Maroc / أمهات على الأثير: أول إذاعة للأمهات العازبات في المغرب

Created by Foundation's Team 2689 days ago

The Association 100% Mamans, in partnership with the Italian organization Soleterre, launched last 18th May the first radio for single mothers in Morocco, during a press conference held in Rabat. This radio seeks to become an advocacy tool, to enable single mothers the recovery of spee...