

Abdelhkim Achak

Morocco Volunteers

Member since 3 October 2018 @ 11:35am

Project "Art and masculinities" which aims to sensitize young artists on issues related to gender and gender equality and encourage them to mainstream gender in their artistic activities to change the stereotypical representations based on the genre.


Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Santa Coloma de Gramenet: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 498 days ago

...n Women’s Foundation organized in 2019 in order to shed light on artists working on gender-related iss...inations. The copyright of these artworks is exclusively owned by the artists. In case you want to use one...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Argentona: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 572 days ago

...n Women’s Foundation organized in 2019 in order to shed light on artists working on gender-related iss...inations. The copyright of these artworks is exclusively owned by the artists. In case you want to use one...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 572 days ago

...n Women’s Foundation organized in 2019 in order to shed light on artists working on gender-related iss...inations. The copyright of these artworks is exclusively owned by the artists. In case you want to use one...


Foundation's Team

Visit our Artistic Contest Gender Equality Collages for the Future

Created by Foundation's Team 1187 days ago

...he exhibition. The collages map our present in all its complexity, while simultaneously projecting an egalitarian future between the sexes. The artists in the spotlight - profession...

Foundation's Team

Follow the inauguration of our collage exhibition!

Created by Foundation's Team 1435 days ago

...make up the exhibition. The collages map our present in all its complexity, whilst simultaneously projecting a gender-equal future. The featured artists – professional and amat...

Foundation's Team

Our Illustration Exhibition Drawing 4 Equality keeps touring Barcelona!

Created by Foundation's Team 1442 days ago

...n Women’s Foundation organized in 2019 in order to shed light on artists working on gender-related iss...inations. The copyright of these artworks is exclusively owned by the artists. In case you want to use one...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Fostering women' s capacities and gender awareness-raising

Created by Foundation's Team 3563 days ago

..., Entertainment and Design), a non-profit annual international conference bringing together particularly innovative scientists, entrepreneurs and artists. Their presentations are reco...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Are you a feminist artist?

Created by Foundation's Team 1355 days ago

...t World Tour to end the violence on June 23 and 24 and are looking for artists from all over the world to co...min to 30 min max -  The performance can be in any language (and artists from all over the world are w...

Mireia Estrada Gelabert

Jiwar is looking for Mediterranean artists'VISA rejection experiences

Created by Mireia Estrada Gelabert 1615 days ago

...Jiwar is looking for VISA rejection experiences by Mediterranean artists having been rejected either b...of the initiative is to look into the impact of VISA rejection in the artists’ careers, paying attent...

Foundation's Team

Call for Music Projects: Apply for the Voix de Femmes Festival

Created by Foundation's Team 1827 days ago

...ts created by Tunisian or international women artists for the Voix de Femmes Festiv...15 minutes or the entire project. A list of artists involved in the project A care of the accommodation for the selected artists: more info on the official co...


Foundation's Team

Journal of Middle East Women's Studies

Created by Foundation's Team 3431 days ago 2005. This interdisciplinary journal advances Middle East gender, sexuality, and women’s studies through the contributions of academics, artists, and activists from around th...

Foundation's Team

Théâtre Variable n2

Created by Foundation's Team 3434 days ago

Founded in 2010, Théâtre Variable n°2 is a French organization composed of artists and researchers. Its purpose is to promote research and theatrical creati...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 721 days ago

...municators, the Great Challenge; 3) Gender-Based Violence, Covid-19 and Civil Society Initiatives; 4) Breaking Stereotypes; 5) Women Creators and Artists. This dossier closes with the...

Foundation's Team

Women and the Industry of Peace in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1939 days ago

...ole in deciding their own future and building a better peace. It contains articles by writers, journalists, media professionals, researchers and artists residing in Lebanon. They cov...

Foundation's Team

The place of women in music and cinema in Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 2458 days ago

...ork of researchers of the Laboratory and members of the Vivendi Group, including directors and employees of Universal Music Group, Canal + Group, artists and other actors of  the...


Foundation's Team

Issue 34 Quaderns de la Mediterrànea - Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers / Numéro 34 des Quaderns de la Mediterrànea - Femmes Méditerranéennes Franchissent les Barrières / العدد 34- مجلة كوادرنز دي لا ميديترينيا - نساء البحر الأبيض المتوسط يكسرن الحواجز

Created by Foundation's Team 687 days ago

The 34th issue of the Quaderns de la Mediterrànea is out! Since September 2013, the IEMed has been the headquarters of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMWF). This Euro-Mediterranean foundation, as a regional structure, seeks to meet various challenges to addre...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 721 days ago

In the Euromed Ministerial Conference in Barcelona in 1995 it was declared, for the first time, that civil society was one of the main actors for achieving peace, security and development on both Mediterranean shores. In 2005, ten years after this first Ministerial Conference, there was...

Foundation's Team

The winners of our illustration contest discuss about art and feminism in a successful dialogue / Les lauréates de notre concours d'illustration discutent d'art et de féminisme dans un dialogue réussi / الفائزات في مسابقة الرسم الخاصة بنا يشاركن في حوار ناجح حول الفن والنِسوية

Created by Foundation's Team 1961 days ago

On 25 September 2019, the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) organized the dialogue “Youth creators transforming the Mediterranean”, which brought together the young winners of the contests “Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles ...