

Suhad Banna

The Arab Association for Human Rights

Member since 5 October 2017 @ 12:44am

Women and children belonging to the civilian population and finding themselves in circumstances of emergency and armed conflict in the struggle for peace, self-determination, national lib...


Foundation's Team

EU guidelines on Violence Against Women and Girls and combating all forms of discrimination against them

Created by Foundation's Team 1573 days ago

...on 2005/2215 of the European Parliament on the situation of women in armed conflicts and their role in the reconstruction and the democratic process in countries after a conflict, the relevant articles of the...

Qusai Alsheikh

Workshop on Women and the International law and conventions in Turkey

Created by Qusai Alsheikh 2331 days ago

...he protection of civilians, women and children in particular during armed conflicts, as well as the Internati...rt, the accountability for violations of the laws of armed conflict, the importance of protecting...


Maria Àngels Roque

Women's movements in Morocco and journalism

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2086 days ago

...avier Giró, professor of Political Journalism, director of the Conflict Coverage Observatory (UAB) and co-director of the master Communication of Armed Conflicts, Peace and Social Movements...


Foundation's Team

School for a Culture of Peace's report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding from a gender perspective

Created by Foundation's Team 1503 days ago rights. Alert! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebu...ding from three perspectives: armed conflicts, socio-political crises and...nalyses the gender impacts of armed conflicts and socio–politi...differentiated effects of the armed conflicts on women and men, but also t...

Foundation's Team

UNSCR 1325'National Action Plan Map

Created by Foundation's Team 2377 days ago

...e Security Council that required parties in a conflict to prevent violations of&n...n in peace negotiations and in post-conflict reconstruction, and to protec...from sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflict. It was also the first&...


Hala Bugaighis

A Novel Virus with Familiar Results: the impact of covid-19 on women in Libya

Created by Hala Bugaighis 987 days ago

In Libya, covid-19 has increased suffering for a population that is already reeling from the scourge of armed conflict, the deterioration of the economy, the high cost of living...

Foundation's Team

Alert 2021! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding

Created by Foundation's Team 1170 days ago

...state ofthe world in terms of conflict and peacebuilding basedon three main axes: armed conflict, tensions, gender and peace a...cale down, prevent or resolve conflicts. In both cases, one of the m...well as on field research in conflict-affected countries....

Foundation's Team

Gender and Conflict Analysis Toolkit for Peacebuilders

Created by Foundation's Team 1288 days ago

...ding practitioners on gender and conflict analysis. It is based on C...liation Resources’ experience in conflict-affected contexts and draws o...experts. The gender & conflict analysis toolkit for influence and are affected by armed conflict and peacebuilding. It sheds l...


Foundation's Team

Fighting against female school dropouts in Areas C in Bethlehem and Hebron / النضال لإيقاف تسرب الفتيات من المدارس في المنطقة (ج) في بيت لحم والخليل / Lutter contre l'abandon scolaire des filles à Bethléem et Hébron

Created by Foundation's Team 2209 days ago

Education is considered as an important factor in enhancing a person’s opportunities in social and economic mobility. However, leaving school at an early age remains a problem, to which poverty and being female are generally associated with. To further analyze this issue, the Psyc...

Foundation's Team

Armed conflicts and women's security / النزاعات المسلحة و أمن المرأة / Les conflits armés et la sécurité des femmes

Created by Foundation's Team 2290 days ago

This paper aims to shed light on the status of women during and after armed conflicts and how international law deals with this reality in light of the evolution of the concept of human security. The paper intends to highlight the fact that achieving women’s security is no longer limite...

Foundation's Team

Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action / Déclaration et Programme d'action de Beijing / إعلان ومنهاج عمل بيجين

Created by Foundation's Team 2290 days ago

The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, approved in September 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women, is a global pledge to attaining equality, development and peace for women worldwide. The Platform for action requires immediate action by all to generate a just, humane a...