

Foundation's Team

Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània / / Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània

Created by Foundation's Team 721 days ago

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la table ronde « Trencant barreres : la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània », qui aura lieu le 20 décembre à l’IEMed (Carrer de Girona 20, 08010 , Barcelone), le secrétariat de la ...

Foundation's Team

International Women Day 2021: Women in Leadership, towards an equal region in a COVID-19 world / Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2021 : les femmes et le leadership, vers plus d'égalité dans la région dans le contexte de la crise du COVID-19 / اليوم العالمي للمرأة 2021: المرأة في المن...

Created by Foundation's Team 1373 days ago

Join the UfM International Women’s Day webinar to discuss the importance of bridging the leadership gap and empower women to attain gender-equal decision-making. Together, we can achieve this goal! The event will provide simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Arabic. ...

Foundation's Team

Gender Inequalities and Food Insecurity: Ten years after the food price crisis, why are women farmers still food-insecure? / Inégalités de genre et insécurité alimentaire : 10 ans après la crise des prix des denrées alimentaires, pourquoi les agricultrices souffrent-elles encore de la faim ? / عد...

Created by Foundation's Team 1941 days ago

The global food price crisis of 2007–08 underscored how fragile livelihoods are among the world’s extremely vulnerable people, as it drove 44 million people in developing countries into poverty. In the aftermath of the crisis, in 2009 the Food and Agriculture Organization of...

Foundation's Team

Apply to an innovative fellowship for female researchers in agriculture / Bourse pour des chercheuses dans le domaine de l'agriculture / برنامج أَوْلَىّ: فرصة هامة لإبراز دور الباحثات العربيات في مجال الزراعة

Created by Foundation's Team 2085 days ago

The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and CGIAR Research Program on Wheat have launched a call for applications for the first edition of the Arab Women Leaders in Agriculture (Awla) fellows...

Foundation's Team

Climate Change and women's economic empowerment in Tozeur / Changement climatique et autonomisation économique des femmes à Tozeur / التغير المناخي والتمكين الاقتصادي للنساء في توزر

Created by Foundation's Team 2260 days ago

Oasis territories in Tunisia have undergone major changes in recent years due to climate change, which affects the health of populations and their way of life. According to the UN, women are the most concerned by this phenomenon. To deepen this question, "La Ruche de la citoyennet&eacu...

Foundation's Team

Constraints and good practice in women's entrepreneurship in MENA / القيود والممارسات الجيدة في ريادة الأعمال النسائية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط  وشمال أفريقيا / Contraintes et bonnes pratiques en matière d'entreprenariat féminin dans la région MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 2310 days ago

This report focuses on the environment within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for women’s entrepreneurship. Beyond existing structural barriers related to access to finance and a lack of knowledge regarding entrepreneurship and business start-up, the report finds th...

Foundation's Team

Boîte à outils genre : agriculture, développement rural et biodiversité / مجموعة أدوات النوع: الزراعة والتنمية الريفية والتنوع البيولوجي / Gender Toolbox: Agriculture, Rural Development and Biodiversity

Created by Foundation's Team 2338 days ago

L’approche Genre et Développement promeut l’égalité des droits, ainsi qu’un partage équitable des ressources et responsabilités entre les femmes et les hommes. En tant que méthodologie, l’approche Genre produit une analys...

Foundation's Team

National study on small-scale family farming in Egypt / Étude nationale sur l'agriculture familiale à petite échelle en Égypte / دراسة وطنية حول الزراعة الأسرية صغيرة النطاق في مصر

Created by Foundation's Team 2382 days ago

This study was produced by the FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa (FAO-RNE) in collaboration with CIRAD (France) and CIHEAM-IAMM (France), and it was carried out in 2015 -2016 with the aim of producing a comprehensive assessment of the situation of small-scale family far...

Foundation's Team

Female Experts Tunisia / Expertes Tunisie / خبيرات تونس

Created by Foundation's Team 2458 days ago

The objective of this site is to fight the invisibility of women in the media in Tunisia by identifying several hundred women researchers, professionals and association leaders in Tunisia. It is available to journalists, who can directly access the experts’ contact details. This site w...

Foundation's Team

Appel à soumissions de dissertations: femmes et milieux ruraux et agricoles / دعوة لتقديم أوراق علمية حول النساء و الأوساط الزراعية و الريفية / Call for Papers : Women and Rural and Agricultural Areas

Created by Foundation's Team 2480 days ago

L’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) et le Centre international des hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM) lancent un appel conjoint de soumissions de dissertations. Ils sont à la recherche de travaux couvrant les domaines...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Zouhair Gassim
Nansen Dialogue Montenegro
AWARE Services & Consulting
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS)
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
International therapeutic Attorneys Centre (ICAR)
Cairo Center for Development (CCD)
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture
The committee of vigilance for democracy in Tunisia (CDVT)
Space Starting Point (ESPOD)
Réseau Algérien des Femmes d'Affaires (RAFA)
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF)
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Women in Morocco
Union de l'Action Feministe (UAF)
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Association du Développement et des Études Stratégiques de Medenine (ADESM)
Réseau Doustourna
Humanity Diaspo
Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue
Le blog Tunisian Girl
Building Bridge Association (BBA)
Jordanian Journalist Association
Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Association Tahadi pour l'Environnement
Women's Security Index (WSI)
Forum for Professionals fighting against Family Honor Crimes in the Palestinian society in Israel
Jusoor Center for Studies and Development
Voix de la Femme Jemmeliya (VFJ)
Women'  s Studies Center (WSC)
The Entrepreneurs Forum (FCE)
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme

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Gender Equality Conference. Conference Proceedings

Croatia joined the Community programme Gender Equality in 2006 signing a memorandum of understanding, which resulted in holdingan...

Strengthening the role of syndicates in supporting gender equality

This guide targets trade union leaders and members of both sexes. It seeks to enhance their ability to formulate a common...

The Current Faces of Arab Feminisms. Micro-Rebels, Art Activists and Virtual Heroines

The current generation of Arab feminists is young, cyber-active and artistic,and vocally attacks social taboos. Their agendas...

Unpacking Gender: The Humanitarian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan

This report is a result of wide literature review and a month-long field assessment in Jordan, including in-depth interviews,...

A phone of my own. Gender, religion and technology

The invisibility of immigrant women has a negative impact on their integration into the host society. This article...

Women's Social Entrepreneurship in Luxembourg

Women represent over 70% of employment in the social and solidarity-based economy in Luxembourg and ULESS (Luxembourg Union of...

What Does Tunis Think of its First Female Mayor?

On July 3rd 2018, the municipal council of Tunis elected Souad Abderrahim as the city’s first female mayor. Abderrahim, a...

Youth Water Cooperation in the Mediterranean: Challenges and the Way Forward

This policy brief first looks at water issues within the Mediterranean with a special focus on water as a human right....

The role of women's institutions in development planning in the Palestinian territories

This thesis studies the most important aspects that help women’s institutions participate in the formulation of policies and...

The current situation of gender equality in Luxembourg. Country Profile

This report, prepared within the framework of the European Commission initiative 'Equality Pays Off', examines the participation...