

Foundation's Team

La Independent

Created by Foundation's Team 3470 days ago

...tackles subjects such as Cooperation and Development; Human Rights of Women and Violence; Culture; Economy; Gender identity; Childhood and adolescence; Migrations; Media; Health; E...


Foundation's Team

She is 10 years old - How our future depends on a girl at this decisive age

Created by Foundation's Team 2505 days ago

.... At age 10, girl’s life is about to take a pivotal turn, either towards expanding opportunities or narrowing ones. As these girls enter adolescence, their potential will be nurt...

Foundation's Team

Boys and Girls in the Life Cycle. Sex-disaggregated data on a selection of well-being indicators, from early age to young adulthood

Created by Foundation's Team 3553 days ago

This report presents a compilation of statistics disaggregated by gender concerning the main childhood and adolescence stages in the developing world. It examines a selection of indicat...


Foundation's Team

Adolescent Girls in Crisis: Voices form Beirut / / Adolescentes en crise : des voix de Beyrouth

Created by Foundation's Team 1582 days ago

Within the urban refugee communities of Lebanon, hosting the largest number of refugees per capita in the world, adolescent girls are impacted by the surrounding crisis in ways that are not only different from adolescent boys and women, but also are often overlooked. This report explore...

Foundation's Team

Sensibilisation envers l'égalité des genres pour lutter contre la violence envers le partenaire intime (GEAR contre les VPI) / رفع التوعية عن المساواة بين الجنسين ضد عنف الشريك الحميم / Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence (GEAR against IPV)

Created by Foundation's Team 3505 days ago

L’approche « GEAR contre les VPI » est une proposition d’intervention en milieu scolaire ou autre, où filles et garçons sont invités à participer à des activités expérimentales pour évaluer mais au...

Foundation's Team

Because I am a Girl: The State of the World' s Girls 2011 - So, what about boys? / Parce que je suis une fille : la situation des filles dans le monde 2011. Et les garçons dans tout ça ? / حالة الفتيات في العالم لعام 2011 – إذن ، ماذا عن الأولاد؟

Created by Foundation's Team 3554 days ago

"Because I am a Girl" is an annual report published by Plan International examining the rights of girls in the world. Although women and children are recognized as belonging to specific categories in terms of politics and planning, the particular needs and rights of girls are often ignored. Based...