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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Genre en Action
Association Generation Challenge for Development and Culture
NAWF Women Entrepreneurs
MSA University
The Children of Female Prisoners' Care Association (CFPA)
The Moroccan Human Rights Forum
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
The Entrepreneurs Forum (FCE)
SEMNID Association for Social Development
La Presse
Abou Fadhl Mohamad Bahlouli
Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech
Socio-cultural centre for women in action
Moroccan Youth Association for Development AMDJ
Moroccan Association of Social Workers
هلدا عواد
Venus Association for the culture and arts
Ministry of Women , Family and Children
Association Neama for Development
Association Irtikaa
Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Africa Women's Forum (AWF)
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
Egyptian Center for Women'  s Rights (ECWR)
Youth Empowerment Society - YES
Al-Thoria Studies Center
Youth and Development Consultancy Institute (Etijah)
Kayan Feminist Organization
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
The Egyptian Youth Council for Development
Association Tawaza pour le plaidoyer de la femme
Mediterranean Network against Trafficking Women (MNATW)
Abdulhakeq Al Barghazi

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Shared practices

Economic empowerment of rural women through access to resources and rights

In partnership with OXFAM, the women’ s development group and the development association ASSAD, CAWTAR launched an...

Soulaliyates women' s right to ownership and enhancing their role in local governance.

Despite the problem of illiteracy among Soulaliyates women, the Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des...

Symposium ‘Gender diversity in early childhood’

A conference on professional gender diversity in early childhood under the patronage of the Ministry of Childhood, Families and...

Right to Inheritance

The main objective of the practice is the improvement of economic empowerment and the respect of economic women’s rights in...

The Wednesdays of CREDIF

The practice consists of sessions aimed at raising awareness of and mobilising a large and diverse public (academics,...

Social awareness program on women's rights

With the participation of OxfamNovib, this practice has carried out various training and awareness-raising activities addressed...

Call for social, cultural and health rights for young street mothers

The practice focuses on the case of young street mothers aged 14 to 22 who are often victims of violence and are pregnant after...

«Accompagnement des femmes à la création d'activités génératrices de revenus (AGR)» Création et Développement de Microentreprises

Le projet est mené à Tanger, Il s'agit de former des femmes ayant déjà une activité dans le but et de les aider à sortir de...

Equality for local development: gender mainstreaming in municipalities

The project aimed at increasing analytical and practical capacities of local authorities in order to implement real gender...

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative

With a population of over 32 million, literacy rates in Morocco stand at an average of 56%, representing over 10 million people...