

Amal AlShawahneh

Social and Economic Forum for Women Association

Member since 10 December 2020 @ 2:07pm

...promote the concepts of gender equality in society. • Improving the status and well-being of women and children and their access to health, educational and cultural services, care and protection. • Cond...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (CMC) concludes its activities within the framework of International Women's Day 2023

Created by Andalib Adwan 683 days ago, as well as facilitating access for women subjected to violence to multi-sectoral services provided by institutions, i...kshop held by the Gaza Mental Health Program entitled "Women’s Mental Health in Digital Space", where Basm...violence to the multisectoral services provided by the institutions...

Andalib Adwan

Our Safe Spaces training programme, to tackle GBV in Palestine

Created by Andalib Adwan 1299 days ago

...nts also developed a mobile application that supports the access of women victims of violence...p; On the fourth day, participants dealt with how mental health centres work and provide psychological support services to victims and survivors of g...

Foundation's Team

UN Women statement for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, 2020

Created by Foundation's Team 1736 days ago

...ights are fully protected and access to services guaranteed. LGBTQI+ people routinely face barriers to access to healthcare and related support services, especially in places where...LGBTQI+ people to have equal access to healthcare services and to equally benefit from s...


Rachid Aboutaieb

National Symposium on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Casablanca

Created by Rachid Aboutaieb 2172 days ago

...roductive health that ensures access to sexual and reproductive health information; access to family planning services the availability of quality...exual and reproductive health services; Propose research and develo...ed to sexual and reproductive health. For more information, pleas...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers UNESCO: Inequalities in the Arab region in light of Covid-19

Created by Foundation's Team 1761 days ago

...implications of inequality on access to healthcare, to safety and protection...employment and poverty, the inaccessibility to a privatized healthcare system, the continuation...ate Responses (Labour market, healthcare system, Housing, Education&...

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Emergency Response Funding - WPHF

Created by Foundation's Team 1767 days ago

...quo;s organizations at community level to ensure that public health education messages on risk women-led small businesses. Restoring and strengthening access to sexual and reproductive health services, including pre-and post-natal...


Foundation's Team

Women on Web: A Website Supporting Abortion Rights

Created by Foundation's Team 2590 days ago

...The Women on Web website is a collection of personal experiences and a source of reliable information. It supports access to safe abortion services to protect women’s lives and health....

Foundation's Team

WEBPAGE: EU Neighbourhood Info Center. EuroMed Gender Issues

Created by Foundation's Team 3427 days ago and psychological integrity, promoting the social and economic rights and empowerment of women and girls, their access to justice, education, health care and other social services, strengthening their voice an...

Foundation's Team

Jordanian Women's Union (JWU)

Created by Foundation's Team 3430 days ago

...nally and internationally. Among its services, the JWU has a hotline in to protect these rights and how to access these mechanisms when their r...ghts have been violated, as well as a health program that provides medical and clinical services for vulnerable and abused wom...


Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1102 days ago

...ecosystems and their related services and consequently intensifyi...bstacles to deliver on public services impose the philanthropic or...opment is hampered by unequal access to economic resources, informat...nder inequality regarding the access to natural resources and the lo...

Foundation's Team

Queer Community in Crisis: Trauma, Inequality and Vulnerability

Created by Foundation's Team 1320 days ago Lebanon, mapping available and needed services and resources, and generati...ed that members of the community have limited access to safe spaces, are facing a...c assistance, and are facing worsening mental health and psychological wellbeing....

Foundation's Team

Needs Assessment of Syrian Women and Girls Under Temporary Protection Status in Turkey

Created by Foundation's Team 1563 days ago

...challenges they are facing to access services and identifying areas the way of Syrian women to access rights and services. Housing is one of the unaware of various support services: 68% do not know about free l...g able to access free primary health care in the cities where they l...


Foundation's Team

Ending forced sterilisation of women and girls with disabilities / إنهاء التعقيم القسري للنساء والفتيات ذوات الإعاقة / Mettre fin à la stérilisation forcée des femmes et des filles handicapées

Created by Foundation's Team 2388 days ago

Forced sterilisation happens a lot to women with disabilities and it happens the most to women with intellectual disabilities. It also happens a lot to girls with disabilities. To this end, the European Disability Forum (EDF) and CERMI Women’s Foundation have released a comprehens...

Foundation's Team

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices toward Family Planning and Reproductive Health among Married Women of Reproductive Age in Selected Districts in Jordan / Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques relatives à la planification familiale et à la santé génésique des femmes mariées en âge de procréer d...

Created by Foundation's Team 2929 days ago

Statistics indicate that reproduction is the main reason behind the population explosion in Jordan, and the rising dependency ratios and proportions of housewives, and mothers low participation in economic activities. This issue has been highly affected by the Syrian refugee crisis. This study is...

Foundation's Team

Family Planning among Syrian Refugees in Jordan / Planification familiale des réfugiées syriennes en Jordanie / تنظيم الأسرة بين اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن

Created by Foundation's Team 2929 days ago

This report provides a synthesis of all identified assessments, surveys, and other written documents that include information about the reproductive Health/family Planning, of Syrian Women in Jordan. Among the issues highlighted in this report are: child marriage, the use of birth-control methods...