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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Coalition parlementaire arabe sur la lutte contre la violence de la femme
Free Sight Association
Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms M.A.L.I.
Women & Cinema
Vision Communication Consultancy
Master genre et droits des femmes des deux rives de la meditérranée
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures Marrakech-Safi
Benno pour reussir
Al-Mashreq for development and population
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique pour les Droits des Femmes (FLDDF Injad Beni Mellal)
Réseau Doustourna
University of Manouba Tunisia
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Asociación de Investigadores Extranjeros (AINVEX)
Be active. Be emancipated (B.a.B.e.)
Centre for Women's Legal Research &Counselling and Protection
Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)
Krizia Nardini
Association Beity
Creativity Center for Citizenship and Democracy
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries
Nansen Dialogue Montenegro
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
CEDAW Association for Democracy and Human Rights
Africa Women's Forum (AWF)
ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality
Ntic et Citoyennete - Maurifemme
Arab Institute for Human Rights
Carmen Garraton
Volunteering association  Touiza  of the wilaya of Algiers
Journalists Without Borders (JWB)
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Civil Coalition for the development of Solidarity action (CCDAS)

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Stop Violence Against Women: Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November,...

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Santa Coloma de Gramenet: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

From 12- 26 June 2023, Biblioteca Central de Santa Coloma de Gramenet hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...

Campaign in Jericho and Hebron to end the justification of GBV

On November 25 and 26, young women interns at the Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) marked the International...

Improving political participation of women in Sousse and Monastir

From August 2015, the Association of Voix de la femme à Jemmel conducted a pilot action to mobilize equality actors in two...

ABAAD Launches a Humanitarian Call to Action Lebanon

The massive explosion at the National Port of Beirut, which occurred on Tuesday 4th of August, has devastated the lives of so...

2016 FDFA’s activity report

For the first time, the association Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir - FDFA puts online its activity...

Promoting advocacy in favour of women's social and political rights at the local level

The Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling – WCLAC will conduct a fieldwork project within the framework of the...

Egyptian French Partnership to Combat FGM Practice

Egyptian French Partnership to Combat FGM PracticeEvery minute 6 girls are undergone FGM practiceIn the context of partnership...

The Community Media Center in Gaza holds a youth training camp for the promotion of women's rights using puppets

Gaza - Community Media Center - August 2022The Community Media Center in Gaza opened an intensive training camp on the making and...

The Catalan society and the women’s promotion in the Mediterranean area

The European Institute of the Mediterranean - IEMed hosted the event entitled “The Catalan society and the women’s promotion in...