

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 535 days ago

...itutions. This is how the female academics participating in the “A...gns and Influencing Policies for Academics’ Rights” with the...the training, the participating academics developed their plans for lob...ocused on working with students, academics and universities, and during...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 535 days ago

...tions. This is how the female academics participating in the “A...and Influencing Policies for Academics’ Rights” with the...e training, the participating academics developed their plans for lob...sed on working with students, academics and universities, and during...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center launches the Youth Academy to defend women's rights in society and academic institutions

Created by Andalib Adwan 535 days ago

...ject, to strengthen the institutionalization of the Palestinian Women Academics Association (PAC), which it l...ago as an independent feminist body that defends the rights of female academics, and is able to represent the...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Tech Women Network Festival

Created by Foundation's Team 754 days ago

...e capital secured funneled to those founded by women. Addressing hostile work environments, parity in senior leadership, support for female STEM academics, and equitable educational op...


Gender Equality in Africa: cross-views on the commitment of female academics

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 866 days ago

...national Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus” of AUF, the webinar "Gender Equality in Africa: cross-views on the commitment of female academics", on 31 July 2022, from 4:30...

Foundation's Team

An Introduction to the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) Tool

Created by Foundation's Team 1310 days ago

...a, statistical analysis, measurement. Who is it for? Gender Equality officers Human resources officers Science managers Researchers and academics forming part of equality comm...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

The Wednesdays of CREDIF

Created by Foundation's Team 3250 days ago

The practice consists of sessions aimed at raising awareness of and mobilising a large and diverse public (academics, representatives of the association world, etc.) every last Wednesd...

Calls and opportunities

Caroline Brummelhuis

Call for submissions: Tunisian Senior Women in Business

Created by Caroline Brummelhuis 1401 days ago

...d over) in Tunisia and will run for three months (March 15 to June 15). This incubation programme accompanies the creation of start-ups by women academics, increases the visibility of...

Tala Harb

Gender in Development and Humanitarian Assistance Diploma (GDHA)

Created by Tala Harb 2905 days ago

...provide sector professionals with the theoretical understanding and practical skills required. The GDHA targets all sectors of society, from academics, journalists, mid-career prof...


Foundation's Team

Women experts: They do exist

Created by Foundation's Team 1343 days ago

...etc.) who have published at least one book or one article related to their professional activity. Research “Research” experts are academics and researchers who have publ...

Foundation's Team

Research projects on globalization, gender and mobility at the Colloquium in Tunis

Created by Foundation's Team 3099 days ago   The PhD students of the Euro-Mediterranean region exposed a resume of their projects (poster) and received recommendations of academics, researchers and experts in o...

Foundation's Team

Kohl - Journal for body and gender research

Created by Foundation's Team 3212 days ago

...ournal is a biannual, multilingual, open access, and peer reviewed academic journal. It targets mainly, but not exclusively, graduate-level academics, fresh graduates, independent...


Stephanie Willman Bordat

MARSADNISSA: Analyzing gender justice and judicial stereotypes in Tunisia

Created by Stephanie Willman Bordat 1295 days ago of collective, community-based efforts, involving a wide range of participants, including activists, non-governmental organizations, lawyers, academics, and public actors in various...

Fatima Sadiqi

Gendering Political Agency in the Maghreb - Books review

Created by Fatima Sadiqi 1482 days ago

If North Africa is understudied by academics of the Middle East, the Maghrib is less so and Maghrib...attention to this region and the potential it has for researchers and academics in general. In covering four...

Foundation's Team

Women and Public Space - For gender equality in the streets, transport and leisure areas

Created by Foundation's Team 2211 days ago of insecurity. It proposes structured actions to make transport safer and better adapted to everyone’s mobility. Drawing on the expertise of academics and associations, the report...