


Gender Equality in Africa: cross-views on the commitment of female academics / Égalité de genre en Afrique : regards croisés sur l'engagement des femmes universitaires / المساواة بين الجنسين في أفريقيا: وجهات نظر متقاطعة حول التزام الأكاديميات

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 933 days ago

On the occasion of the Africa’s Women’s Day, the University of Mostaganem (Algeria) is organizing, as part of the activities of the "International Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus” of AUF, the webinar "Gender Equality in Africa: cross-views on the commitment of...


International Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus / Consortium International pour l'Egalité Femmes-Hommes sur les campus / الكونسورتيوم الدولي للمساواة بين الجنسين في الحرم الجامعي

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 1108 days ago

The International Consortium for Gender Equality on Campus was created by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) as part of the “Gender” component of its ACTIF program. This Consortium brings together 11 French-speaking establishments from various regions of the w...

Foundation's Team

Free Online Seminar Fall 2021: Feminist Research Methodologies and Digital Feminist Research

Created by Foundation's Team 1264 days ago

Description: This 10-week seminar is designed for students who want to start research with a feminist theoretical framework. While this course focuses on technique, it also hones in on the theoretical background of feminist research including, epistemology critiques and feminist st...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 impact on gender equality in academia / / L'Impact de la COVID-19 sur l'égalité de genre dans le monde universitaire

Created by Foundation's Team 1341 days ago

On June 9, 2021 from 4.00 to 5.30 pm CET, the SUPERA core teams from the University of Coimbra, the University of Cagliari and the Complutense University of Madrid will present the results of the study on the gendered impact of COVID-19 carried out in the t...

Foundation's Team

Decolonising Women and Gender in Middle East Studies - podcast interview Nicola Pratt - ArabSouth / Décolonisation des femmes et genre dans les études sur le Moyen-Orient - interview podcast Nicola Pratt - ArabSouth / تخليص النساء والنوع من الاستعمار في الدراسات الشرق أوسطية- مقابلة بودكاست مع ني...

Created by Foundation's Team 1571 days ago

Dr Lucia Sorbera (Chair of Department of Arabic Language and Cultures) interviews Visiting Professor Nicola Pratt (Reader in International Relations at Warwick University) about the shifting approaches within feminist Middle East scholarship. The relationship between feminist/women&rsq...

Foundation's Team

Call for abstract for the conference Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East / دعوة لتقديم مقترحات أوراق لمؤتمر دراسات المرأة والنوع في الشرق الأوسط / Appel à candidatures: conférence sur le genre et les femmes au Moyen-Orient

Created by Foundation's Team 2134 days ago

The association for Middle East women’s studies (AMEWS) launched a call for abstracts for the international conference ‘’Women and Gender Studies in the Middle East’’ which will be organized in Beirut, Lebanon, in the second week of March 2021, in partnersh...

Foundation's Team

AG About Gender / AG About Gender / إي جي عن الجندر

Created by Foundation's Team 2328 days ago

AG About Gender is an international journal of Gender Studies with a six-monthly publication that aims to stimulate debate and promote the international dissemination of published contributions on gender issues. It publishes original academic articles in English and Italian. Access to c...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality in Academia and Research - GEAR tool / Egalité de genre dans l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche (GEAR) / المساواة بين الجنسين في التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي - أداة GEAR

Created by Foundation's Team 2468 days ago

This tool is targeted at all staff, from the bottom to the top, working in research and higher education institutions. This includes research and teaching staff; human resources, administrative and support staff; middle and top level management. While not directly targeting students, th...

Foundation's Team

Femmes d'Avenir en Méditerranée / نساء المستقبل في المتوسط / Women of Future in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 2909 days ago

Femmes d’Avenir en Méditerranée est un programme unique élaboré par Sciences Po à l’attention de jeunes femmes issues de la rive sud de la Méditerranée, pour les guider et les former dans leur épanouissement professionnel et person...

Foundation's Team

Centre for Women and Literature. Gender, sexualities and cultural criticism / Centre Femmes et Littérature. Genre, sexualité, critique de la culture / مركز البحث النظري والنوع و الجنسانية في برشلونة

Created by Foundation's Team 3422 days ago

ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat is a research center pertaining to the University of Barcelona (Spain) and founded in 2016. ts main objective is to promote research on the theorization, practices and cultural representations of gender and sexual diversity...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Kayan Feminist Organization
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Permanent Peace Movement (PPM)
Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche sur le Développement (AFTURD)
Moroccan Association of Reproductive Health
European Observatory on Femicide
Anne Laure Humbert
Portuguese Association of Women in Legal Careers
Jawhara Association
Audiopedia Foundation
Women’s House for Development
YEFL Young Egyptian Feminists League
Aman Society Centre for counseling, development and community health
Actions in the Mediterranean - AIM
Organization Dihya for Development
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)
EuroMed Rights
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration
Human Development Network
Ecological Universe for Development and Climate Association
Peace and friendship international organization. P4all
Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines (Jossour FFM)
Myriem Narjis
Wafaa Ziti
SHASHAT Women Cinema
Kazan Federal University
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
Women'    s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Women's aspirations Association
Radio Souriat

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Learning exchanges between Euro-Med associations to promote gender equality

The learning exchange is a process of peer-to-peer exchanges between associations working for gender equality which consists in...

Feminist mobilization in Morocco to protect seasonal workers in Spain

The National Coordinating Body of Feminist Associations has developed an Advocacy Memorandum aimed at improving the conditions of...

تكوين حول " القيادة و التسير و التخطيط الإستراتيجي و البرمجة

نظمت جمعية صوت النساء المغربيات وبدعم من منظمة NED دورة تكوينية باللجنة الجهوي لحقوق الإنسان بأكادير حول موضوع ” القيادة...

G7 Gender Coalition: consolidating women's rights at the heart of G7

We are pleased to announce that we are part of the 'G7 Gender Coalition', which brings together civil society actors from France...

Empowering female factory workers towards fairer labour conditions in Zarqaa

In the factories of Zarqaa, one of the most important industrial hubs in Jordan, female workers endure difficult situations and...

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe launches the campaign Intersectionality Transforms our Realities

Within the framework of its project “Promoting Diversity and Equality”, co-funded by the governments of Spain...

FFEM takes part in Morocco's Business Social Responsibility Awards Ceremony

The award ceremony of Morocco’s Business Social responsibility Trophies 2019 (Trophées Défis RSE...

Inauguration of the Bridges of Safety Center

Friday 26 May 2023The inauguration of the 'Bridges of Safety' center to shelter women victims of violence and their accompanying...

Let's name March 8 every day and everywhere!

The Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation and the European Institute of the Mediterranean thank all those who participated in the...

Strengthening the constitutional rights of Libyan women

Although Libyan women are an integral part of society, their rights in the transitional period have remained inadequate and have...