

Raquel Reyes Raventós

EuroMed Rights

Member since 15 July 2022 @ 2:40pm

Objectives for 2027: Women’s rights and the rights of LGBTIQ+ people are introduced into public and political discussions in at least two countries in the region; At least two new countries in the region accede to new instruments to combat violence against women or lift reservations to existing instruments; The legal framework, including the constitutions, in at least two countries in the region is harmonised with the international human rights framework pertaining to women’s rights and gender equality; EuroMed Rights’ work is gender mainstreamed; Feminist and human rights organisations in Europe and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean have strengthened cooperation, and their demands and recommendations are considered in debates on gender equality at national, EU and UN levels.


Tunisian Association for Cultural Action

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:12pm

1-Zéro tolérance contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et des filles financée par (AFTURD) 2-Riche Terroir financé par Solidarité Laique France:Promouvoir l’insertion économique et sociale des Femmes rurales mères d’enfants en situation de handicap.3- FOSA Financé par la Fondation euro-méditerranéenne de soutien aux défenseurs des droits de l’Homme –FEMDH:Création d’un syndicat fondateur pour les Femmes Ouvrières dans le Secteur Agricole à Sidi Bouzid 4-Stop Violence à L’égard des FOSA financé par l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE): Fournir une plate-forme d’expression artistique pour sensibiliser, informer, réfléchir et guider les FOSA pour qu’elles puissent partager leurs histoires.

Aida Ridanovic

Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:11pm

Workshops, debates, research, analysis, policy recommendations Education plays a vital role in challenging the underlying stereotyping and discrimination, which fuels violence against women. Under international law, states must ensure the protection of human rights of all people, without discrimination. But although progress has been made to address gender inequality, there is still a long way to go to bring about the eradication of violence against women across the world. Working with the local governments and civil society organizations in the region, CEMD would like to contribute to an ongoing public debate about gender equality that will produce sound policy recommendation. Having a role in the follow up on the implementation of those policy recommendations is also on our agenda.

Stella Kasdagli

Women On Top

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:01pm

Since 2012 WoT has created and monitored over 980 mentoring partnerships for unemployed women, women who want to change their professional path, establish themselves in male-dominated professions, build their own businesses etc. It has also trained over 1500 unemployed, employed and self-employed women in skills camps offering childcare for the little ones of those who are mothers. It provides training, consulting and project management services to businesses and organizations wishing to prioritize the equal representation of women at work. Finally, it has developed a wide communication and content creation platform, in order to help promote positive and strong female role models and raise awareness around the obstacles that women face in their equal participation in public life.

Mahmoud Mansi

NGOs Today

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:01pm

Alia Arasoughly


Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:00pm

Cinema can play a central role in creating awareness and challenging stereotypes, putting upfront violence against women and girls, women rights, and gender equality at all levels of society. Over sixteen years of commitment and operation, Shashat has created a meaningful presence in marginalized areas with its films s a centerpiece throughout villages, towns, cities, refugee camps, Bedouin communities and universities in the West Bank, Jerusalem area, and the Gaza Strip. It generated acceptance and sometimes debates on gender thematic. Shashat’s methodology is based on the belief that to become credible in changing the values and emotional fabric of society on women’s status and human rights, cultural products must be relevant to people’s lives and experiences.

Christiana Kouta

Cyprus University

Member since 14 February 2022 @ 11:21am


European Observatory on Femicide

Member since 14 February 2022 @ 11:21am

Specific researchers from the EOF Advisory Board are responsible for organising the methodology or data collection under two thematic groups: data collection (mainly quantitative research) and prevention (mainly qualitative research). The EOF operates through the setting up and supporting of Europe-wide country research groups that act as focal points for the collection, joint analysis and dissemination of data. This is coordinated through the work of the two thematic groups.Partnerships and agreements are negotiated with existing organisations working on European/global data collection and comparability, as well as other organisations in the field.


European Observatory on Femicide

Member since 14 February 2022 @ 11:13am

Specific researchers from the EOF Advisory Board are responsible for organising the methodology or data collection under two thematic groups: data collection (mainly quantitative research) and prevention (mainly qualitative research). The EOF operates through the setting up and supporting of Europe-wide country research groups that act as focal points for the collection, joint analysis and dissemination of data. This is coordinated through the work of the two thematic groups.Partnerships and agreements are negotiated with existing organisations working on European/global data collection and comparability, as well as other organisations in the field.


European Observatory on Femicide

Member since 14 February 2022 @ 11:13am

The EOF’s work is based in two thematic issues: creating a Europe-wide data collection system to measure and raise awareness about the extent of femicide, and to provide background information for better intervention and prevention, conducting Europe-wide femicide reviews to identify gaps in response to violence against women. The EOF operates through the setting up and supporting of Europe-wide country research groups that act as focal points for the collection, joint analysis and dissemination of data.

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association féminine pour la protection de la famille
The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development - REFORM
Krizia Nardini
Femmes et Leadership
Volunteering association  Touiza  of the wilaya of Algiers
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
Amal Association for the family and the child
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
Association Tazghart
Association Talassemtane pour l'Environnement et Développement (ATED)
Permanent Peace Movement (PPM)
Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
The committee of vigilance for democracy in Tunisia (CDVT)
The Children of Female Prisoners' Care Association (CFPA)
Coalition for Tunisian Women
Women in Front
Carmen Garraton
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
Sciences Po
Libya Women's Forum
Association Femmes en Communication (FEC)
Forum de Femmes Méditerranée (FFM)
Association 100% Mamans
Association Karama of Arab Family (AKFA)
Le chemin de la dignité
Development Association ‘Rawafed’
Faculty Affiliate, PHRGE, Northeastern College of Law
University El Maner Tunis
Savera Liverpool
Creativity Center for Citizenship and Democracy
Association Voix d'Ève (AVE)
Urban Community of Marrakech
Myriem Narjis
Association Anaouat pour la femme et l'enfant

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