
Shared practices

Foundation's Team

The Wednesdays of CREDIF

Created by Foundation's Team 3316 days ago

The practice consists of sessions aimed at raising awareness of and mobilising a large and diverse public (academics, representatives of the association world, etc.) every last Wednesday of the month. The sessions seek to contribute to research,...

Foundation's Team

Drop-in and advice centre for women in distress

Created by Foundation's Team 3320 days ago

The Drop-in and advice centre for women in distress is a shelter for women fleeing situations of spousal abuse. Its objectives are: to receive morally or physically threatened women; provide them with a temporary residence; ensure them moral and...

Foundation's Team

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Created by Foundation's Team 3427 days ago

Many girls from the villages of Upper Egypt are deprived of education and, therefore, they cannot improve their situation or their children’s situation. This program aimed at keeping the most marginalized girls in schools through a set of...

Foundation's Team

Social awareness program on women's rights

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

With the participation of OxfamNovib, this practice has carried out various training and awareness-raising activities addressed to several groups, such as students who were trained through advocacy campaigns. On the other hand, journalists, teachers...

Foundation's Team

Because they are my children, my nationality is their right

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

The campaign targeted 18,000 Lebanese women married to foreigners. The majority of them live in Lebanon and they have problems with the residency and work of their children.  In 2005, a group comprising representatives from different regions...

Foundation's Team

Soulaliyates women' s right to ownership and enhancing their role in local governance.

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

Despite the problem of illiteracy among Soulaliyates women, the Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes - Beni Mellal sought to organize them in an independent association. The aim was to create women leaders,...

Foundation's Team

Migrant Women: A Resource

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

This practice began in 2014 and it was supported by the European Commission Representation in Italy, Provincia di Roma and Atelier. It collected 15 stories from migrant women entrepreneurs in order to share them and create a network that proposes a...

Foundation's Team

Social Change through Women's Cinema

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

SHASHAT promotes women’s cinema as an agent of social transformation in the Palestinian society, and women as creative directors of the Palestinian popular culture. The successful practice applied the following methodology: 1. Multi-year...

Foundation's Team

Eliminating gender violence from media

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

In strong patriarchal societies, the violence against women is taken as a social norm and there is distorted understanding on women’s role in the society limiting her potential capacity only to household chores. Therefore, scenes of violence...

Foundation's Team

I am unbeatable Campaign

Created by Foundation's Team 3496 days ago

MARCH took part in the Women’s Race on May 4th 2014 in more ways than one; fighting against domestic violence, the team ran carrying signs and wearing T-shirts with the slogan “We’re Unbeatable”. However, the most interesting...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
Women On Top
The School Girls of Azaghar Foundation
Equity, Parity and Gender Mainstreaming Commission of Guelmim
ISIS Center for Women and Development
Al-Thoria Studies Center
Al Marsa for culture and creativity
Cairo Center for Development (CCD)
Oxfam Intermon Maroc
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
Women and Leadership
Almidan Association for Development and Human Rights
Wojoud for Empowering Civil Society
Seed of Peace - Oran
Association Tazghart
Programme d'Appui à la Société Civile (PASC-TUNISIE)
Jerusalem Center for Women
Libyan Women's Union – Tripoli
Anne Laure Humbert
Benno pour reussir
Association ACM
The Children of Female Prisoners' Care Association (CFPA)
Cyprus University
European Observatory on Femicide
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
Disi Women's Cooperative
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF)
Savera Liverpool
Mor Masa Ritüeli
Sanaa El Aji
Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)

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Feminist mobilization in Morocco to protect seasonal workers in Spain

The National Coordinating Body of Feminist Associations has developed an Advocacy Memorandum aimed at improving the conditions of...

Stop Violence Against Women: Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November,...

MIFTAH wants to strengthen women’s access to decision-making positions

In Palestine, women and youth are underrepresented in local councils, in political bodies and in the public life....

Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality!

Here we have the 3 winners and the 17 finalists of our art contest 'Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles...

PCPD launches the Feminist Political Charter

The Palestinian Centre Peace and Democracy – PCPD launched the Feminist Political Charter during a meeting in Ramallah in...

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Mataró: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

From 7 to 21 March 2023, the Espai Mataró Connecta hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMWF)’s...

GEMNET Newsletter n. 7

We warmly welcome all our readers and we are happy to announce that we are back with a renewed version of GEMNET Newsletter with...

Donia promotes women's engagement in environment protection in Lebanon

Lebanon is currently experiencing deforestation, soil erosion, desertification, air pollution from vehicular traffic and the...

Egypt: EU supports the combat against gender based violence

In an event, last week under the EU Support to Egypt’s National Population Strategy project, Pope Tawadros II, Pope of...

Déclaration de la Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes (FLDF) à l'occasion de la Campagne de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes

Déclaration de la Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes (FLDF)à l’occasion de la Campagne de lutte contre les violences...