
Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Experts for the Alternative Report to the Universal Periodic Review of Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 1322 days ago

CONTEXT OF THE PRESENT SPECIFICATIONS: IREX Europe (acting under the name of ERIM - Equal Rights and Independent Media) is a French NGO created in 2004 whose action contributes to the promotion and defense of human rights, independent media, and...

Foundation's Team

Call for Tenders : Fight against GBV and violence against children

Created by Foundation's Team 1323 days ago

The Council of Europe is looking for one (or several) provider(s) with diversified and high added value expertise related to gender equality, the fight against violence towards women and domestic violence, the fight against...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for Participants : IV EuroMeSCo Youth Forum

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1324 days ago

Are you a young researcher from the Euro-Mediterranean region? Are you interested in exploring the green and digital transition nexus with economic, migration and security developments? The EuroMeSCo Youth Forum is part of the Euromed Young...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for women trainees on sustainable business management!

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1332 days ago

MSMEs in the Mediterranean region face important challenges in terms of sustainability, capacity to innovate, competitiveness and internationalization. These challenges call for new solutions to maintain their existence and to enhance growth....

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for Researchers - EuroMeSCo Joint Study Groups 2021-2022

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1351 days ago

Deadline extended to 25 June, 2021 (included).  The EuroMeSCo network belongs to the IEMed, one of the Euro-Mediterranean Women Foundation’s founding members. Euromesco is happy to announce that the Call for Joint Study Groups has...

Foundation's Team

KOHL Journal is Looking for a Communications Strategist

Created by Foundation's Team 1353 days ago

APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINE:  How to apply: Please submit to, with “Communications Strategist” as the subject line: a cover letter a CV two references an example of an online or offline...

Foundation's Team

Are you a feminist artist?

Created by Foundation's Team 1356 days ago

On the occasion of the Generation Equality Forum which will bring together heads of state from around the world at the end of June to talk about gender equality, #NousToutes and the Génération Féministe collective are launching...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Training opportunity for women from Medenine working on the agri-food sector

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1366 days ago

As part of its involvement with InnovAgroWoMed (an ENI CBC Med Project) in Tunisia, CAWTAR will offer free and integrated training, to accompany and support women interested to find job opportunities in the agri-food sector, in the state of...

Maria Àngels Roque

The 2021 edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Literary Contest is now open!

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1374 days ago

A Sea of Words 2021: Youth and mobility. Towards a Euro-Mediterranean citizenship Since 2008, the IEMed and the Anna Lindh Foundation organise "A Sea of Words", a literary contest aimed at youth (18-30 years) from the...

Foundation's Team

Register for the Forum Generation Egality

Created by Foundation's Team 1378 days ago

Participate in the Generation Equality Forum, which will be held in Paris from June 30 to July 2.  It is a multi-actor and intergenerational gathering: it encourages all kinds of participation.  The Forum kicked off in Mexico City from...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Wojoud for Empowering Civil Society
Association Femmes en Communication (FEC)
Assiwar- the Feminist Arab Movement
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
Adina Mocanu
Kasdi Merbah Ouragla University
Oxfam Intermon Maroc
Gender equality and parity commission - Municipality of Enfidha
Al-Thoria Studies Center
Khadija Ben Hassine
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (PHRO)
Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens
Socio-cultural centre for women in action
ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality
Tunisian League of Women's Political Rights
Association El Ghaith
Nahda Association for Relief and development
Sami Zouari
Safadi Foundation
Life  Foundation for Development and Social Reintegration (LFDCI)
Right and Democracy Organization
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures Marrakech-Safi
Orbital Endowment Fund
Association des Filles de la Renaissance
Women’s House for Development
Carmen Garraton
Youth Today Association for Development
The School Girls of Azaghar Foundation
Human Development Network
Women's Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN)
Al Marsa for culture and creativity
Wafa Association for Awareness
Women's Security Index (WSI)

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Shared practices

Drop-in and advice centre for women in distress

The Drop-in and advice centre for women in distress is a shelter for women fleeing situations of spousal abuse. Its objectives...

Imams, preachers and community leaders fighting GBV

“Communicate for GBV” is a project implemented by the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and...

SheFighter, inspiring initiative to end violence against women and girls

An estimated 80% of women in Jordan have faced street harassment, and 1 in 3 women in this country are survivors of physical...

Sharing a culture of women-men equality the collection “Egal à egal” (equal to equal)

The “Laboratoire de l’égalité” (equality laboratory) has three main aims: to bring together...

How to report a harassment, simplified guide to fight sexual harassment in Egypt

In the recent years, the magnitude of sexual violence in Egypt increased significantly, especially following the 2011 popular...

Protection of women's rights through concerted actions at national, regional and international levels.

GAF uses legal mechanisms to force the Bulgarian state to meet its obligations regarding the improvement of the role of women in...

Croatia: Lobbying in support of women survivors of wartime sexual violence

In many armed conflicts and throughout history, rape and sexual violence were used as a weapon of war, as a tool to terrorize,...

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

This successful practice targets activists and young university students in 30 locations in the West Bank and Gaza. The...

Against Trafficking in Women – Awareness campaign against human trafficking in Tunisia

This campaign has the main aim to raise awareness among the public opinion and especially among the youth on the existent and...

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Many girls from the villages of Upper Egypt are deprived of education and, therefore, they cannot improve their situation or...