
Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

EuroMeSCo Euromed Survey on social justice in the Mediterranean: Participate now

Created by Foundation's Team 867 days ago

The European Institute for the Mediterranean (IEMed) is carrying out a survey in the framework of the “EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots” project. Your views are very valuable for this exercise, therefore we kindly ask you to take the time...

Foundation's Team

Deadline Extended for INVESTMED Project

Created by Foundation's Team 1093 days ago

INVESTMED is an EU-supported project under the ENI CBC Med program, designed to address the economic and environmental challenges faced by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and business support organisations in the Mediterranean...

Foundation's Team

UNIDO and UfM launch a MENA Women Business Club

Created by Foundation's Team 1177 days ago

In view of the  Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, UNIDO and UfM have launched today a MENA Women Business Club to scale-up women’s businesses in the region. The MENA Women Business Club will offer hundreds of women-owned and women-led...

Foundation's Team

INVESTMED Call for grants: Business support organisations

Created by Foundation's Team 1179 days ago

INVESTMED is an EU-supported project under the ENI CBC Med program, designed to address the economic and environmental challenges faced by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Mediterranean region. The project aims to help MSMEs...

Foundation's Team

Middle East Programme Officer at Euromed Rights

Created by Foundation's Team 1196 days ago

EuroMed Rights is looking to recruit an experienced, dynamic professional as Middle East Programme Officer. S/he will be responsible for implementing and developing EuroMed Rights’ Palestine, Israel and the Palestinians (PIP)...

Maria Àngels Roque

Spain: CLUSTER project is looking for a communication consultant

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1197 days ago

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Lead Beneficiary of CLUSTER (“advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditerRanean”) capitalisation project, has published a call for applications to fill in the...

Foundation's Team

Embodied (un)certainties: Producing knowledge from the margin.

Created by Foundation's Team 1217 days ago

Embodied (un)certainties: Producing knowledge from the margin. A Ph.D. workshop on affective queer-feminist epistemologies CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Workshop at the University of Vienna December  2nd,  2021  (evening): ...

Foundation's Team

Senior Trainer, Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1245 days ago

Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality is looking for a Senior Trainer to coordinate and carry out a capacity building bootcamp on Developing critical thinking tools for youth and related issues. The bootcamp will include training, coaching and debate...

Foundation's Team

Mentorship programme for young Syrian feminist activists

Created by Foundation's Team 1245 days ago

Are you Syrian, between the age of 18 and 32? Are you passionate about women’s rights and gender equality? Would you like to have the opportunity to be mentored by prominent women’s rights activists and learn from their journey? If...

Maria Àngels Roque

Technical support of project and communication for CLUSTER

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1251 days ago

This year, the IEMed was awarded a grant to tackle social exclusion and poverty amongst vulnerable groups, through the ENI CBC Med project CLUSTER.   CLUSTER is currently looking for a person who can provide technical support in...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

International Observatory of Human Rights
European Anti-Violence Network (EAVN)
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Challenge Association of Sustainable Development (A.C.D.D.)
Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Tunisie pionnieres
International Alliance of Women (IAW)
Ministry of Women , Family and Children
Jazeera Media Network
Rural Women's Development Socity
Association ACM
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
Ibn Battuta Foundation
Elmehwar Association for Developing the Egyptian Family
Tunisian Association of Development Law - ATDD
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Tunisian National League of Policewomen
The Union of Feminist Action
Soroptimist Club Marrakech
Wojoud for Empowering Civil Society
Mauritanian Council of Businesswomen – CMFA
ISIS Center for Women and Development
Traditional Women Association for Development
Europeans Without Borders
French Coordination for the European Women's Lobby (C.L.E.F.)
Pertinence Sa Dynamisme Qualite
Jyhene Kebsi
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM)
Donia for Sutsainable Development
Al Marsa for culture and creativity
Femmes Informations Juridiques Internationales Rhône-Alpes (FIJI-RA)
The School Girls of Azaghar Foundation
Sanaa El Aji

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The Community Media Center holds a conference on the rights and needs of academies in the Gaza Strip

Gaza - CMC Community Media Center - September 2022CMC Community Media Center held a conference entitled “Palestinian...

The call for the 36th Prize 8 de Marzo-Maria Aurèlia Capmany of 2022 is open until March 10th

Like every year, to commemorate International Women’s Day, Barcelona City Council announces the March 8-Maria...

CFPA organizes medical convoys, free tests and check-ups for women

The Children of Female Prisoners’ Care Association (CFPA), in cooperation with the Al-Shehab Foundation, carried out a...

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development supports Tunisian women entrepreneurs

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is organising free online training workshops from September to...

The Chemin de la Dignité association accompanies women leaders in Douar Hicher

The political and public participation of women is today a major imperative for the realization of democracy and the...

Mobilization and consultation of equality actors at local level

The 7 associations selected as part of the “Axis 1 Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender...

Jordan: CLUSTER met to promote social inclusion in the Mediterranean

On 20 July 2022, CLUSTER project partners gathered for the first time presentially in Amman, Jordan, and online, for a...

A member in the spotlight: Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres

The Foundation had the opportunity to meet Ana Sofia Fernandes, president of the Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das...

Gender equity in and through education

The round table organized as part of the activities of the International Consortium for Gender Equality on the AUF campuses was...

CMC Launches Kalam Reham Play on Combating Gender-Based Violence, Performed in UNRWA Schools

As part of the 16-day global campaign, the Community Media Center (CMC) launches the play 'Kalam Reham' on combating gender-based...