

Foundation's Team

Proceedings of the Research seminar on violence against women

Created by Foundation's Team 3394 days ago

8 and 9 October 2015 in Tunis This research seminar of RUSEMEG was organized at the Faculty of Letters of Arts and Humanities of Manouba in cooperation with CREDIF and CAWTAR. The seminar aimed to provide a cross-reflection...

Foundation's Team

Call for experts in advocacy and political dialogue in favour of equality

Created by Foundation's Team 3395 days ago

The IEMed and its partners ASALA, CAWTAR, DJAZAIROUNA, FFM, LDDF and RUSEMEG, are looking for experts in the development of advocacy and policy dialogue in favour of equality between men and women in the southern Mediterranean to develop a...

Foundation's Team

The Foundation has presented its First monitoring report in Marseille

Created by Foundation's Team 3437 days ago

The event, organized by the Forum Femmes Méditerranée, has gathered more than 50 people at the Cité des Associations. They have discussed the three axes analysed in the report: the participation of women in economic life,...

Foundation's Team

Starting the implementation of the 7 local mobilisation actions for equality

Created by Foundation's Team 3442 days ago

On 9 September 2015, 7 representatives of organizations in the southern Mediterranean met in Marrakech (Morocco) to discuss the themes, methodologies and target groups for their pilot mobilisation actions. Each action aims to make an exact overview...

Foundation's Team

Proceedings of the Research seminar: "Brakes and barriers to women economic empowerment"

Created by Foundation's Team 3487 days ago

27th and 28th May 2015 in Rabat   The Research seminar organised by the RUSEMEG constitutes the first research, promoting action on gender carried out under the project « Strengthening the capacity of equality...

Foundation's Team

7 organizations of the southern Mediterranean will lead local mobilization actions

Created by Foundation's Team 3493 days ago

Supporters of the project "Strengthening the capacity of equality actors" are pleased to announce the list of civil society organizations that will be responsible for encouraging networking among different equality actors in their countries. From...

Foundation's Team

Call for applications for the mobilization of gender equality actors at local level

Created by Foundation's Team 3535 days ago

Within the project "Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender equality" funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the European Institute of the Mediterranean –IEMed- and its partners...

Foundation's Team

Selection of 12 successful practices in advocacy and political dialogue

Created by Foundation's Team 3546 days ago

The call for successful practices of advocacy in order to strengthen the role of women in society was launched in March 2015 and it mobilized 100 organizations within the CSO WINS project. This initiative is supported by the IEMed and 6 other...

Foundation's Team

Presentation of the Foundation's work plan at the UfM Conference

Created by Foundation's Team 3567 days ago

19 to 21 May, Barcelona   Based on the conclusions of the 1st Conference on Women’s Empowerment, held on 26 and 27 March 2014, this conference will bring together key regional actors with the aim of identifying the opportunities...

Foundation's Team

“Women in the Mediterranean” is the 1st monitoring report of the Foundation

Created by Foundation's Team 3567 days ago

Since its launch, the Foundation has undertaken monitoring the progress in terms of equality with reference to the commitments of the UfM states in the field of strengthening the role of women in society. In 2014, working with equality experts and...