

Yesim Sevig

Digitalisation of Women Entrepreneurship and Growing Opportunities for All

Created by Yesim Sevig 3052 days ago

KAGIDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey) is organizing a seminar on “Digitalisation of Women Entrepreneurship and Growing Opportunities for All” – hosted by MEP Gesine MEISSNER from 09:15 to 12:00. The seminar will focus on • How can...

Maria Àngels Roque

SPANISH - Mujeres y transgresión en el nuevo cómic árabe

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 3065 days ago

En el marco de la exposición "Cálamos y viñetas: cómic árabe en movimiento" queremos debatir sobre los temas, los protagonistas, los estilos, así como las motivaciones y trayectoria de los creadores gráficos emergentes en el mundo árabe. Lo haremos...

Antonia Tsirigoti

European Conference "Building Healthy Intimate Relationships"

Created by Antonia Tsirigoti 3072 days ago

We are in the pleasant position to announce that in the context of the GEAR against IPV-II project (co-funded by the DAPHNE III Programme of the European Union), a 2-day European Conference, entitled Building Healthy Intimate Relationships, will be...

Dima Alkaradsheh

"Feminist Visions: Theoretic Concepts vs. the Current Arab Reality"

Created by Dima Alkaradsheh 3077 days ago

1st session - Marxist feminism and women issues - Feminist and sociology Coffee break 2nd session - Feminist theory and the gender concepts - The concept of sexuality 3rd session - Arab Feminist Thought: Reality and ambitions - Modern...

Alexia CM

9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and Research)

Created by Alexia CM 3154 days ago

The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Université Paris Diderot, and the Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC), with support from the French Ministry for National Education, Higher Education and Research, is inviting...

Foundation's Team

Research Colloquium “Globalization, Gender and Mobility”

Created by Foundation's Team 3221 days ago

Human mobility and its stakes play a relevant role in the contemporary debate about migration from the political, societal and media perspective. The questionings brought by it, indeed, must be framed on the one hand, within the current issues on...

Foundation's Team

Women journalists of the Mediterranean gather to denounce violence

Created by Foundation's Team 3239 days ago

Women journalists of the Mediterranean, from the mainstream media as well as bloggers and social networks, will debate and exchange their experiences with a gender vision at the IEMed, headquarters of the Foundation in Barcelona. This event is...

Foundation's Team

Euro-Mediterranean Associations expected to get new skills in the advocacy workshop

Created by Foundation's Team 3252 days ago

The capacity-building workshop in advocacy and policy dialogue for gender equality, held within the framework of the CSO WINS projectand funded by the EU, will take place from April 3rd to 10th, 2016, in Barcelona, Spain. The workshop is a training...

Foundation's Team

Tribute to women entrepreneurs of Moroccan origin in Barcelona

Created by Foundation's Team 3272 days ago

On the occasion of the International Day of Women's Rights, the Ibn Battuta Foundation, member of the Foundation, has chosen to pay tribute to women entrepreneurs of Moroccan origin who reside in Barcelona. The session will begin with an awards...

Foundation's Team

The Foundation presents its monitoring report on the progress of equality in Oran

Created by Foundation's Team 3280 days ago

On 5 March, the Foundation in partnership with the association “Femmes en Communication Oran”, who is the coordinator of the Radio “Voix des femmes” as well as the “Centre d’information et de documentation sur les...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

2 RIVES TV (Lyon TV Cable)
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Elham Ibrahim Younis Abdelaal
MSA University
Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development  (ARDD - Legal Aid)
Centre de Recherches, d'Etude de Documentation et d'Information sur la Femme, CREDIF
Trajectorya noorteorganisatsioon MTÜ
Kenzy Associacion for Development
Women and Leadership
Wojoud for Empowering Civil Society
Amal Wazan for women football
Sihem Benallal Benrahou
Libyan Women ORG
Network of women artisans of Morocco
Future Pioneers for Empowering Communities (FPEC)
Fundació Aroa
The Digital Museum of Women  Zatek
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme
Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)
Khadija Zizi
Tunisian National League of Policewomen
Horus Foundation for Development and Training
Cooperation Association
University of Mohammed V Rabat
Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes
Association Voix d'Ève (AVE)
Soumia Boutkhil
Office for Gender Equality
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF) de Ouarzazate
Mouwatinet Association
Jiwar Creation & Society
Morgan Sigl Fertilhanges
Myriem Narjis
The Entrepreneurs Forum (FCE)
CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Nisaa Network

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Shared practices

Excision - Let's talk about it!

The excision of women’s external sexual organ is a violation of their rights and has serious physical and psychological...

'Let’s erase sexist prejudices'

A teaching DVD called « Let’s erase sexist prejudices » provides a serie of activities to promote non-sexist...

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

In 1962, when Algeria became independent, it set up a huge literacy programme. More than 85 percent of the population was...

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

This successful practice targets activists and young university students in 30 locations in the West Bank and Gaza. The...

Social awareness program on women's rights

With the participation of OxfamNovib, this practice has carried out various training and awareness-raising activities addressed...

SheFighter, inspiring initiative to end violence against women and girls

An estimated 80% of women in Jordan have faced street harassment, and 1 in 3 women in this country are survivors of physical...

Pioneer Women: daring, innovaton, entrepreneurship

Created 10 years ago, the Pioneers is a network of nearly 20 incubators and nurseries in the service of entrepreneurs and...

The street belongs to us - Campaign against sexual harassment: Making Egypt' s streets safer for women

The practice was initiated in 2004 with the aim of breaking the taboo that existed at that time, of sexual harassment. The...

Migrant Women: A Resource

This practice began in 2014 and it was supported by the European Commission Representation in Italy, Provincia di Roma and...

Palestinian women through the eyes of their youth

Gender based violence (GBV) is still considered a taboo in Palestinian society. This topic needs to be in everyday...