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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
Nazra for Feminist Studies
Youth Today Association for Development
Seed of Peace - Oran
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Association Neama for Development
Egyptian Center for Women'  s Rights (ECWR)
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development - REFORM
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix Marseille Université
Association for the Development & Enhancement of Women (ADEW)
Sarab Center for Culture and Community Arts
Tafoukt Souss Association for Women Development
Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA)
Trajectories for Peace and Development
Association Generation Challenge for Development and Culture
Women's Center AlThouri Silwan
Al-Mashreq for development and population
National Association for Youth Exchange
Infakto Research Workshop
Abou Fadhl Mohamad Bahlouli
Psycho Social Counseling Center for Women (PSCCW)
Benno pour reussir
Research Team on Gender
Association AGIR pour le Developpement et l'Epanouissement de la Jeunesse
Association de Développement Local Méditerranéen (ADELMA)
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
Pertinence Sa Dynamisme Qualite
Al-Thoria Studies Center
Amel Association International
Mediterraneo Sociale
University Hassan II Casablanca
Amal Wazan for women football
Office for Gender Equality

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Gender equality and gender mainstreaming - Achievements and Issues

This document examines the legislation and the institutions established by the Baltic countries to reduce gender inequalities and...

Untapped Potential. European Foundation Funding for Women and Girls

The survey reviews the philanthropic activities of European foundations, in particular the nature of their action, their...

Women´s Watch 2012-2013

 This report offers a feminist overview of women’s rights and gender equality in Europe, both in public and private...

Protection line: providing support and counselling for women and girls

This report analyses quantitative data relating to female trends in using the support line, between January 2011 and October...

IMAGES survey on men and gender equality in the Rabat - Salé - Kenitra region in Morocco

This publication is the fruit of a study on men and gender equality, conducted in Rabat-Salé-Kénitra (Morocco) in...

The Status of Black Moroccan Women: Colour and Gender Stigmas

This paper investigates the status of black Moroccan women, not just as key members of the society, but as a social category...

A group of organizations calling for a mechanism to follow up and monitor the "National Strategy to Combat Violence against Women," a year after its launch

This manifesto, which was issued by several civil society organizations in Egypt, aims to follow-up, monitor and evaluate...

What can be done about the persistence of child marriage in Morocco?

Globally, the annual number of child marriages is estimated at 14. 2 million (2019) and it is mainly girls who are affected by...

Syria Response Consultations on the UK National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

Throughout the uprising and conflict in Syria, women’s rights activists have worked to deliver a wide range of life saving...

National Situation Analysis Report: Human Rights of Women and Gender Equality — Occupied Palestinian Territory

This report was produced within the programme “Enhancing Equality between Men and Women in the Euromed Region”...