

Foundation's Team

Institutional Mechanisms for Gender Accountability in the Arab Region / Les mécanismes institutionnels pour la redevabilité en matière de genre dans la région arabe / الآليات المؤسسية للمساءلة في القضايا المتعلقة بالمساواة بين الجنسين في المنطقة العربية

Created by Foundation's Team 2594 days ago

The present policy brief discusses ESCWA States members’ obligations to protect, protect and fulfil the human rights of women. It examines the various forms of institutional mechanisms and how they address accountability and gender discrimination in Arab countries. It considers ho...

Foundation's Team

First Jobs for Young Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Expectations and Reality / Premier emploi pour les jeunes femmes au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord : attente et réalité / الوظائف الأولى للنساء الشابات في الشرق الأوسط و شمال أفريقيا: التوقعات و الواقع

Created by Foundation's Team 3194 days ago

This study questions the impact of the absence of young women from the workplace in the MENA region, at all the working levels. It emphasizes the potential and the economic benefits of increasing women´s employment in the region. The study furthermore seeks to understand the expectations of...

Foundation's Team

Gender at Work; A companion to the World Development Report on Jobs / Genre et vie professionnelle ; publication complétant le Rapport sur le développement dans le monde consacré à l'emploi / النوع الإجتماعي في العمل, مرفق لتقرير تنمية العالم حول الأعمال

Created by Foundation's Team 3285 days ago

This report emphasizes the importance of gender equality in the world of work, for both men and women. The report looks closely at existing constraints as well as policies and practices regarding women participation in the world of work, which show promise in closing the gaps. The report advocate...

Foundation's Team

Towards gender equality in the Arab/Middle East region: Islam, culture, and feminist activism / Vers l'égalité entre hommes et femmes dans la région arabe/Moyen-Orient : islam, culture et militance féministe / نحو مساواة بين الجنسين في منطقة العالم العربي و الشرق الاوسط: الإسلام, الثقافة و النشا...

Created by Foundation's Team 3300 days ago

The study analyzes the situation of Gender Equality in the Arab countries, in light of culture, Islam and gender relations. It gives examples of women´s economic and political participation in the region. The study explains the feminist critique of Islam and the feminist movement within Isl...

Foundation's Team

Jordan. MENA Gender Equality Profile. Status of Girls and Women in the Middle East and North Africa / Jordanie. Profil sur l'égalité entre les sexes. Statut des filles et des femmes au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (MENA) / ملف المساواة بين الجنسين في منطقة MENA. الأردن

Created by Foundation's Team 3396 days ago

This document is designed as a country-file addressing the legal framework in terms of gender equality, the institutions and the mechanisms in this field. It also provides data and statistics on women's political and economic participation, reproductive health and education.  / Ce document e...

Foundation's Team

Egypt. MENA Gender Equality Profile. Status of Girls and Women in the Middle East and North Africa / Égypte. Profil de l'égalité entre les sexes. Statut des filles et des femmes au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (MENA) / مصر. ملف المساواة بين الجنسين في MENA. وضع النساء و الفتيات في الشرق الأ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3396 days ago

This document is designed as a country-file addressing the legal framework in terms of gender equality, the institutions and the mechanisms in this field. It also provides data and statistics on women's political and economic participation, reproductive health and education. / Ce document est str...

Foundation's Team

Women and Unions in Southern Mediterranean Countries: Summary Report / Femmes et syndicats dans les pays du sud de la Méditerranée : Rapport de synthèse / النساء و الإتحادات في بلدان جنوب البحر الأبيض المتوسط: ملخص تقرير

Created by Foundation's Team 3397 days ago

This document summarises five national reports on the participation of women in economic, social, political and trade union life in five southern Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). Its aim is to assess the situation of working women and offer guidelines to ...

Foundation's Team

National Women' s Strategy 2007 - 2016 / La stratégie nationale pour les femmes 2007 - 2016 / الإستراتيجية الوطنية للمرأة 2007-2016

Created by Foundation's Team 3453 days ago

The National Women's Strategy addresses all the key fields concerning women, in keeping with the international commitments made by Ireland in the framework of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDA...

Foundation's Team

Estonia. National review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on women and the outcomes of the 23rd. Special session of the General Assembly 2009 - 2014 / Estonie. Examen national de la mise en œuvre de la Déclaration de B...

Created by Foundation's Team 3454 days ago

This document examines the progress achieved since the United Nations World Women's Conference (1995) and the challenges in terms of gender promotion and women's empowerment. It features the main laws in this field, provides statistics and introduces the programmes and projects implemented at a n...

Foundation's Team

Valuation of our intangible heritage, the rose fragrance, as a tool to combat discrimination against women in the valleys of Dadès and Mgoun. / Valorisation de notre patrimoine immatériel, la rose à parfum, comme levier pour lutter contre la discrimination des femmes dans les vallées de Dadès et ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3481 days ago

This successful practice aims to accompany women to integrate themselves to local economic activities, particularly in the area of the valuation of the rose fragrance. This action raised awareness to rural population, particularly to women. The challenges of the successful practice&rsqu...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Daem for Media
Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms M.A.L.I.
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Tunisian National League of Policewomen
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix Marseille Université
Women Now for Development
Fondation Zakoura
Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL)
Association Voix de Femmes Marocaines
Elham Ibrahim Younis Abdelaal
Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)
Syrian Women's Network
Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support
Jiwar Creation & Society
European Observatory on Femicide
International therapeutic Attorneys Centre (ICAR)
Master genre et droits des femmes des deux rives de la meditérranée
Al Marsa for culture and creativity
Association Khmir Environnement et Développement
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Europeans Without Borders
Morocco Volunteers
Brunella Mariani
Portuguese Association of Women in Legal Careers
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
The Arab Association for Human Rights
Disi Women's Cooperative
Amal Wazan for women football
Bothoor Alkhaer Human Organization
Women and Leadership
Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
Audiopedia Foundation
Cyprus University
Nahda Association for Relief and development

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Shared practices

Inviting children with their mothers for breakfast to raise awareness among mothers

In 2011, it was nearly impossible to mobilize women in rural areas, especially with  the absence of a meeting place for...

Campaign in favour of Parity in Municipal Elections in Tunisia

In 2016, several associations of Tunisian civil society and a few regional and international organizations launched a campaign...

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in the Palestinian struggle on the ground, their political...

Women in armed conflicts and disappearances

The successful practice targets Palestinian women who experience violence of the occupation and its repressive practices. They...

Respect: "Gommons les préjugés sexistes"

Il nous est apparu important, dans ce dvd pédagogique “gommons les préjugés sexistes”, de développer une série d'activités qui...

Social Change through Women's Cinema

SHASHAT promotes women’s cinema as an agent of social transformation in the Palestinian society, and women as creative...

Equality for local development: gender mainstreaming in municipalities

The project aimed at increasing analytical and practical capacities of local authorities in order to implement real gender...

Fostering women' s capacities and gender awareness-raising

This practice forms part of an initiative called TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design), a non-profit annual international...

Pacte pour l’égalité: media campaign to raise awareness on profesional inequalities

In 2012, the Laboratoire de l’Egalité (equality laboratory) launched media campaign, coproduced by the agency...

Manarat : Stories of inspiring women from the Middle East and North Africa

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, Oxfam Great Britain’s Regional Gender Justice Programme is launching...