Created by Foundation's Team 1068 days ago
Decades of occupation and militarisation, periodic escalations of hostilities and Israeli policies of blockade, segregation and control contrary to international humanitarian and human rights law have had severe consequences on the Palestinian population and have specifically and multif...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: palestine, palestinian women, peace, conflict, palestine, femmes palestiniennes, paix, فلسطين, النساء الفلسطينيات
Created by Foundation's Team 1296 days ago
In 2017, the Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC) released an evaluation report highlighting the role of women in Palestinian politics, with the aim to examine the factors that hinder their access to decision-making bodies. This article is based upon the field diag...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: palestine, west bank, political participation, participation politique, droit, palestiniennes, recommandations, المشاركة السياسية, فلسطين, الضفة الغربية
Created by Foundation's Team 1510 days ago
Malgré de nombreux progrès pendant les dernières années, les disparités de genre en Palestine restent très présentes dans différents contextes, notamment la participation politique et l’accès aux postes de décis...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: women's political participation, palestine, miftah, palestine, miftah, vie politique, participation politique des femmes, المشاركة السياسية للمرأة, فلسطين, مفتاح
Created by Foundation's Team 1726 days ago
The guide is directed to everyone, regardless of their gender, specifically to trainers and coaches who have a background in the digital world, and who have awareness of the issue of digital safety. The guide is intended to work with young people aged 13 to 21 and assumes that it will b...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: cyber-violence, palestine, gender based violence, cyber-security, protection, youth, guide, cyberviolence, syber-sécurite, protection, jeunes, palestine, guide, violence basée sur le genre, عنف رقمي, فلسطين, شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي, تحرش, دليل
Created by Foundation's Team 1775 days ago
This supplement presents national and international perspectives to better understand the work of women in peace building in Lebanon: their missions, struggles, sacrifices, hopes and aspirations. It also showcases—through the lives of Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian women peace b...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...palestine, genre, contributions des femmes, autonomisation économique, السلام, النزاع, مساهمات المرأة, تمكين اقتصادي, اصوات النساء, لبنان, سورية, فلسطين...
Created by Foundation's Team 1809 days ago
Though Palestinian women have always played a fundamental role in the struggle for liberation from the Israeli settler colonial regime, they have faced consistent political marginalization. This experience has become more multifaceted and entrenched since the 1990s, when the Oslo Accord...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: political participation, women's participation, occupation, palestine, women's bodies, participation politique, palestine, occupation, patriarcat, féminisme, droits des femmes, activisme, احتلال, مشاركة المرأة, مشاركة سياسية, فلسطين, المجتمع المدني, أجساد النساء
Created by Foundation's Team 1816 days ago
Are you a creative graphic designer or illustrator? Are you interested in helping the EU´s delegation to Palestine design a logo for its campaign marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based (GBV) Violence in Palestine? If you answer is yes, then you are encouraged to sub...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Tags : ...vbg, violence contre les filles et les femmes, palestine, union européenne, concours, art, créativité, sensibilisation, activisme, مسابقة, إبداع, فلسطين, العنف القائم على النوع الاجت...
Created by Foundation's Team 1895 days ago
Gender statistics are statistics on gender issues, measuring the status of men and women in various fields and during their life cycle. They are one of the many other statistical branches; they have their own concepts, tools and methodologies. At the same time, however, they intersect ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...algeria, palestine, tunisie, égypte, maroc, algérie, israel, femmes, droits humains, emploi, santé, violence contre les femmes, prise de décision, فلسطين, الجزائر, تونس, المغرب, إسرائ...
Created by Foundation's Team 1961 days ago
On April 1st, 2019, Hiwar Center for Youth and Women’s Empowerment organized a policy dialogue in Ramallah (Palestine) on women’s participation in public life. The event aimed at raising political parties, politicians and the broader public’s awareness o...
Contenu type : News
Tags : Tags: political participation, elections, quota, palestine, women's role, leadership, decision-making, participation politique, rôle des femmes, palestine, elections, leadership, quota, prise de décision, مشاركة سياسية, دور المرأة, صنع القرار, قيادة, فلسطين, انتخابات, كوتا
Created by Foundation's Team 2020 days ago
This article focuses on girls’ access to school education in "Area C" where security and administrative authorities are under Israeli control since the Oslo Accords in 1993, including factors that lead to girls’ recurrent absences and school dropouts. The article is based on a fi...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: education, occupation, security, poverty, sécurité, education, filles, palestine, occupation, infrastructure, marginalisation, تعليم, فتيات, فلسطين, احتلال, فقر, أمن, بنية تحتية
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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