Created by Foundation's Team 1902 days ago
IDEES is an online magazine on contemporary issues edited by the Centre for Contemporary Studies of the Government of Catalonia. Its 47 issue entitled "Feminisms(s)" intends to explore feminisms in all their complexities and questions the concept of feminism today. It raises s...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: feminism, lgbtqi, catalonia, history, journalism, economy, discrimination, equality, gender, féminisme, catalogne, genre, journalisme, histoire, lgbtqi, sexualité, visibilité, rôle des femmes, نسوية, تقاطعية, كتالونيا, النوع, جندر, صحافة, تاريخ, دور النساء, تمييز, مقاومة
Created by Foundation's Team 2007 days ago
Women in News (WIN) is an online platform that aims to increase women’ presence and leadership voices in the news. WIN is currently working with more than 80 media from 12 countries throughout the Middle East (including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine), and the Sub-Saharan Af...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags :, genre, médias, journalisme, formation, prix, région mena, afrique, leadership, construction des capacités, المساواة بين الجنسين, إعلام, صحافة, النساء, قيادة, مشاركة النساء...
Created by Foundation's Team 2012 days ago
Dans le cadre du projet ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange, l’Union européenne a lancé un cours en ligne de cinq semaines sur les relations entre les sexes et les médias, intitulé "Gender In/equality in Media and Journalism" ((In)égalité des sexes ...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Tags : Tags: course, gender equality, media, journalism, cours, égalité femmes-hommes, médias, journalisme, دورة, إعلام, جندر, النوع الاجتماعي, صحافة, المساواة بين الجنسين
Created by Foundation's Team 2054 days ago
This guide aims at raising awareness regarding gender sensitivity in press coverage. It also seeks to inform media professionals about the media laws in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, and the extent to which these laws are affected by other laws (such as Penal Code, qnd the Na...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...women's image, journalisme, médias, lois, genre, syrie, turquie, liban, jordanie, égalité femmes-hommes, droits humains, droits fes femmes, إعلام, صحافة, سورية, تركيا, العراق, الأردن...
Created by Foundation's Team 2148 days ago
In this report, the Observatory of gender equality in culture and communication presents data covering the diversity of sectors that form the field of culture and communication: heritage, artistic creation, cinema, audio-visual sector, books, and press. In its first part, the Observator...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...ent, salaries, france, culture, communication, france, media, art, postes de direction, rémunération, emploi, égalité femmes-hommes, ثقافة, إعلام, صحافة, فرنسا, مناصب القيادة, المساو...
Created by Foundation's Team 2350 days ago
L’OPEN Media Hub lance un appel à candidatures pour permettre aux journalistes de télévision et de vidéo en ligne du voisinage européen de créer des contenus liés à l’Union européenne (UE) et aux relations de leu...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Tags : Tags: media, journalism, audiovisual sector, gender mainstreaming, médias, journalisme, secteur audiovisuel, intégration de la dimension genre, جندر, النوع الاجتماعي, هوية, أدوار النساء, سياسة, إعلام, صحافة, ثقافة, الاتحاد الأوروبي
Created by Foundation's Team 2372 days ago
This article closely examines the status of women journalists in Libyan traditional media and how this status transformed from before to after the revolution of February 2011. This analysis argues that women’s role in Libyan media changed from one of engagement in defending women’s caus...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: media, arab spring, libya, women's participation, activism, journalism, libye, activisme, médias, printemps arabe, journalisme, participation des femmes, إعلام, صحافة, ليبيا, نضال, الربيع العربي, مشاركة المرأة
Created by Foundation's Team 3118 days ago
After the revolution of 2011 in Egypt, many Egyptian feminist groups, movements, and NGOs consolidated their efforts in order to promote women’s rights. This paper sheds light on the role of Egyptian women artists, through analysing the cultural production of some of the activists who parti...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: arts, journalism, media, religion, arab spring, role of women, arts, journalisme, médias, religion, printemps arabe, rôle des femmes, فنون, صحافة, اعلام, دين, الربيع العربي, دور المرأة
Created by Foundation's Team 3400 days ago
This guide encourages professionals of the written press in editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, both traditional and electronic, to rethink the representation of women and adopt a culture of equality. It aims to foster the adoption of professional approaches to improve a more balanced ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: gender mainstreaming, journalism, media, press, gender representation, stereotypes, intégration de la dimension genre, journalisme, médias, presse, représentation des genres, stéréotypes., تعميم النوع الإجتماعي, صحافة, اعلام, تمثيل النوع الإجتماعي, صور نمطية
Created by Foundation's Team 3467 days ago
Following a first report on the place of women in the media and the implementation of a steering committee of female stereotypes, a binding contract was signed between media representatives, the Committee on the Image of Women in the Media and the Minister for Equality in 2010. This report assess...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: media, press, radio, gender representation, stereotypes, television, médias, presse, radio, représentation des genres, stéréotypes, télévision, إعلام, صحافة, راديو, تمثيل النوع الإجتماعي, صور نمطية, تلفزيون
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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