

Foundation's Team

1001 heroines: a mission to discover feminist works / 1001 héroïnes: à la découverte des œuvres féministes / 1001 بطلة: رحلة لاكتشاف الأعمال النسوية الفنية والأدبية

Created by Foundation's Team 1983 days ago

Created by two activist feminist women, 1001 heroines is an excellent website that lists and recommends feminist works (books, films and series) and encourages the discovery of works that break gender stereotypes and advance the struggle for equality and the rights of girls and women. ...

Foundation's Team

Gender-related opportunities in the audio-visual sector / الفرص التي تتعلق بنوع الجنس في القطاع السمعي البصري / Opportunités liées au genre dans le secteur audiovisuel

Created by Foundation's Team 2128 days ago

This informative handbook has been produced with the aim of filling an important gap in the existing publications available to film professionals. For the first time ever, in Arabic and in English, a book puts together relevant information about gender equality opportunities in the audi...

Foundation's Team

Excellent promotional opportunity for female directors from the Mediterranean / فرصة ممتازة لتعزيز عمل صانعات الأفلام في المتوسط / Magnifique opportunité de promotion pour les réalisatrices de la Méditerranée

Created by Foundation's Team 2445 days ago

As part of the one-day professional forum organized on the 13th of October 2018 in Marseille (France), "Rencontres Films Femmes Méditerranée" is launching a call for projects to select 10 Mediterranean female directors (as long as they have already made a film, short ...

Foundation's Team

The place of women in music and cinema in Europe / مكانة المرأة في الموسيقى والسينما في أوروبا / La place des femmes dans la musique et le cinéma en Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 2453 days ago

This study explores the different forms of exclusion that affect women in culture in Europe, and highlights the obstacles that they may encountered in their artistic careers, such as the persistence of stereotypes, low representation in positions of responsibility or in artistic program...

Foundation's Team

Le MEDFEST lance sa deuxième édition du festival du court-métrage / انطلاق الدورة الثانية لمهرجان الأفلام القصيرة ميدفست / MEDFEST launches its second edition short film festival

Created by Foundation's Team 2556 days ago

Le MEDFEST est un festival égyptien de courts-métrages éducatifs, culturels, humanitaires et à caractère médical, lancé en janvier 2017. Sa vision est d’explorer des terrains communs entre la médecine et le cinéma comm...

Brigitte Aknin

Screening of a film about French-Moroccan activist Latifa Ibn Ziaten in Marrakesh / Projection d'un film sur la militante franco-marocaine Latifa Ibn Ziaten à Marrakesh / عرض فيلم عن الناشطة الفرنسية المغربية لطيفة بن زياتين

Created by Brigitte Aknin 2666 days ago

For the first time, the film recounting the journey of Mrs. Latifa Ibn Ziaten "Latifa, the heart in combat" will be screened in Morocco on November 9, 2017 at 18H at the ESAV (School of Visual Arts of Marrakesh). Madame latifa Ibn Ziaten will lead a meeting at the end of the screening. ...

Foundation's Team

Where are the women? / Où sont les femmes ? / أين هن النساء؟

Created by Foundation's Team 2999 days ago

The aim of this brochure entitled « Where are the women ? » is to raise aware among the public, politicians, and professionals on the under-representation of women in the operas, the theatres, and well as in the audio-visual sector (i.e. cinema, radio and television). It also contain...

Foundation's Team

Centre for Women and Literature. Gender, sexualities and cultural criticism / Centre Femmes et Littérature. Genre, sexualité, critique de la culture / مركز البحث النظري والنوع و الجنسانية في برشلونة

Created by Foundation's Team 3426 days ago

ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat is a research center pertaining to the University of Barcelona (Spain) and founded in 2016. ts main objective is to promote research on the theorization, practices and cultural representations of gender and sexual diversity...

Foundation's Team

Social Change through Women's Cinema / Changer la société grâce au cinéma des femmes / التغيير الإجتماعي من خلال سينما النساء

Created by Foundation's Team 3501 days ago

SHASHAT promotes women’s cinema as an agent of social transformation in the Palestinian society, and women as creative directors of the Palestinian popular culture. The successful practice applied the following methodology: 1. Multi-year video training for young women; 2. Mentori...

Foundation's Team

Handbook of Good Practices to Combat Gender Stereotypes and Promote Equal Opportunities in Film, Television and Theatre in Europe / Manuel de bonnes pratiques pour lutter contre les stéréotypes liés au genre et promouvoir l' égalité des chances dans les secteurs du cinéma, de la télévision et du ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3563 days ago

This handbook features over 50 good practices divided into the following sections: establishment of qualitative and quantitative objectives; gender equality in the gestation and promotion of a management sensitive to the gender dimension; the revision of professional training; the calling into qu...