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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association féminine pour la protection de la famille
Association des femmes pour le développement et la culture
Mor Masa Ritüeli
United Religions Initiative
The Association of Women and Community for Comprehensive Development in Tiba
The Lebanese Association of Women Researchers - Bahithat
Racha Ramadan
Women's aspirations Association
Association Aspirations féminines
Building Bridge Association (BBA)
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Tafoukt Souss Association for Women Development
University El Maner Tunis
Abdulhakeq Al Barghazi
Right and Democracy Organization
The Moroccan Human Rights Forum
University of Manouba Tunisia
European Observatory on Femicide
Sawa Organization - All Women Together Today and Tomorrow
Organisation TAMAYNUT
Women'  s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
MSA University
Human Development Network
Equity, Parity and Gender Mainstreaming Commission of Guelmim
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
Institute for gender equality
Association Voix de Femmes Marocaines
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Aswat Nissa
Urban Community of Marrakech
Elmehwar Association for Developing the Egyptian Family
Liberated T
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences

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Feminist diplomacy: from a mobilising slogan to a real dynamic of change?

Since March 2018, France has been using the term 'feminist diplomacy' when referring to its foreign policy actions in terms of...

Illegal Migration of Algerian Women as an Act of Resistance: A Sociological Study of the Phenomenon of the Harragat

In recent years Algerian women have witnessed major socio–cultural transformations, which have enabled them to undertake...

UN WOMEN For Arab States &The Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW Committee) Regional Consultation for the Proposed General Recommendation on Women Human Rights in Situations of Conflict and Post Conflict contexts

This report overviews the consultatiions for the general recommendations of UN WOMEN For Arab States &The Committee on...

Global Education Digest 2010: Comparing Statistics on Education Across the World

This edition was published to mark the 15th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women. It features data on gender...

Against Wind and Tides: A Review of the Status of Women and Gender Equality in the Arab Region (Beijing +20)

This report reviews the status of women and gender equality in the Arab region and the implementation of the Beijing declaration...

The Economic Participation of Women in Poverty Pockets in the Mafraq Governorate, Jordan

This study points out the challenges that women in poverty pockets in Al-Mafraq (Jordan) face on the economic level. It...

Rural women's perception of their participation in the decision-making process

This survey was conducted as part of a project by I WATCH to involve Tunisian women, including women in rural areas, in the...

Women's Political Academy, a new project that aspires to increase the political participation of Libyan women

Between October 22 and November 27 2017, Jurists Without Borders organized a training within the framework of its...

Storytelling in Morocco

Bochra Laghssais hails from one of the oldest civilizations that we know of, the Amazigh civilization in North Africa. The...

Squares and gender: The Bennacer Bachir garden in the city centre of Constantine

Constantine, in Algeria, hosted in 2015 the event « Constantine Capital of Arab culture 2015». This event triggered...