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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Ntic et Citoyennete - Maurifemme
Cooperation for Community Development Association
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries
Libyan Women Forum (LWF)
Humanity Diaspo
Hiwar Center for youth and women's empowerment
Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech
Thenextwomen tunisie
Almidan Association for Development and Human Rights
Soumia Boutkhil
Bint Bladi Association
Mouwatinet Association
Nelly Jazra
Committee for the Follow-Up on women' s Issues (CFUWI)
Libyan Women ORG
Intissar Bendjabellah
Women's Center AlThouri Silwan
CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
International Center for Rights and Freedoms (ICRF)
Elmehwar Association for Developing the Egyptian Family
ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality
Organization Dihya for Development
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Arab Women Parlamentarian Network
Association Tahadi pour l'Environnement
RUSEMEG - Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-Méditerranéen
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
هلدا عواد
Service for Women's Rights and Gender Equality (SDFE)
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Association Generation Challenge for Development and Culture
Movimento per l'Autosviluppo, l'Interscambio e la Solidarietà (M.A.I.S.)
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Bothoor Alkhaer Human Organization

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La Fondation Zakoura aux côtés des associations de Souss Massa

Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec le Gouvernement Princier de la Principauté de Monaco relatif au volet renforcement de...

The Community Media Center holds the second edition of the photographic exhibition that reflects the reality and roles of Palestinian women in Rafah governorate

The CMC held the second edition of the photographic exhibition that sheds light on various aspects of Palestinian women’s...

BRIDGES - a new project to assess the production and impact of migration narratives

On April 21, 2021 the kick-off meeting of the project BRIDGES was held virtually. Coordinated by CIDOB, BRIDGES seeks to...

Policy dialogue in Ramallah to strengthen women's presence in public life

On April 1st, 2019, Hiwar Center for Youth and Women’s Empowerment organized a policy dialogue in Ramallah...

Classic tales revised for gender equality

In the society in which we live, gender equality has become relevant and plays a fundamental role in the education of children....

MIFTAH wants to strengthen women’s access to decision-making positions

In Palestine, women and youth are underrepresented in local councils, in political bodies and in the public life....

Online platform to support young Turkish female entrepreneurs

The Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey (KAGIDER) established a new training platform named ‘’My dream...

Participation in Beijing+20 activities of the Commission on the status of women

New York, 14 March 2015In 2015, the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women took on a special dimension as it...

تقرير بشأن العنف ضد النساء خالل فترة الحجر الصحي وحالة الطوارئ الصحية

مند بداية الإعلان عن تدابير حالة الطوارئ الصحية والحجر، وضعت شبكة الرابطة انجاد ضد عنف النوع منصة للاستماع رهن إشارة النساء هدفها...

A training programme to enhance Euro-Med interculturality

Act for dialogue, be a plural citizen! The project 'Act for dialogue, Be a plural citizen!' (of wich FFM is a partner) aims...