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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Valencia University
Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA)
Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University
NAWF Women Entrepreneurs
Abou Fadhl Mohamad Bahlouli
Libya Women's Forum
Mafraq Youth Gathering for Civil Society Development
Moroccan Youth Association for Development AMDJ
European Observatory on Femicide
International Observatory of Human Rights
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Thenextwomen tunisie
Women's aspirations Association
Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines (Jossour FFM)
Hajar Foundation for Community Development
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
Nahda Association for Relief and development
Aya Al Khawalda - Independent journalist
Mediterranean Network against Trafficking Women (MNATW)
Nahda Association
Mohammed V University- Agdal Rabat
Women Against Violence (WAV)
Théâtre Variable n°2
Ensan Aid
Racha Ramadan
Association ACM
Radio Souriat
Tamazight Women Movement
Savera Liverpool
Women Empowerment Unit in Jerash Municipality
Association Al Nada pour la Citoyenneté et le Développement Gafsa (ANCD)
The Digital Museum of Women  Zatek
Center for Study and Research on Human Rights and Migration
Master genre et droits des femmes des deux rives de la meditérranée
Libyan Women's Union – Tripoli
Tunisian Association of Development Law - ATDD

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The inauguration of the women's space in Sakiet Sidi Youssef

On December 20, 2022, the “Association Joussour de Citoyenneté” (AJC) inaugurated the first space in Sakiet...

International Conference: “Gender through the current crises and democratic challenges in the Mediterranean”

6 April 2013, Auditorium of Marseille Provence Métropole-Pharo in MarseilleThis conference, the first...

ECWR issues its annual report 2019 entitled Egyptian Women and Access to Justice

Within the framework of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights role of monitoring and analyzing the situation of Egyptian...

European Women's Lobby declaration on COVID-19

Forum Femmes Méditerranée, memeber of the French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby, publishes the...

Project: Support for the promotion of women's self-employment in Azrou

The project 'Promotion of Women’s Self Employment' is a citizens’ initiative that promotes the human development and...

FEC contributed to the provision of a better care for women victims of violence

The purpose of the project was to bring out the need for a shelter for women victims of violence in the wilaya of Oran where...

Book presentation: Your Fatwa does not Apply Here

On May 29, the TransMéditerranée Festival hosted Ms. Karima Bennoune, Professor of Law at the University of...

Increasing the representation of Lebanese women in the local political life

The Committee for the Follow-Up on Women's Issues – CFUWI Association launches a field project within the framework of the...

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe launches the campaign Intersectionality Transforms our Realities

Within the framework of its project “Promoting Diversity and Equality”, co-funded by the governments of Spain...

Tandem’s Day: Meeting after 6 months of mentoring

Within the framework of the main mission of RFMN (Women’s Network for Mentoring/Networking), which supports professional...