

Foundation's Team

Briefing Note on Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States for the EU's Equality between Women and Men Strategy- APRIL 2015 / Note de synthèse sur l'Europe centrale, les Balkans et les États baltiques en ce qui concerne la stratégie européenne en faveur de l'égalité entre les hommes et le...

Created by Foundation's Team 3130 days ago

The aim of this report is to introduce 8 priority areas for urgent action in order to advance women’s rights and gender equality in theregion, such as the adaptation of a new Strategy for Gender .This note also explains why the region needs a new high- level political commitment for equalit...

Foundation's Team

Fighting Back Tears… Clinging to Dreams: Syrian Women in their Own Words / Refouler ses larmes... S'accrocher à ses rêves : les femmes syriennes à travers leurs propres mots / مغالبة الدموع و التمسك بالأحلام: النساء السوريات بكلماتهن

Created by Foundation's Team 3133 days ago

This report aims to amplify the voices of Syrian women, and add new texture to the portrait of their lives inside Syria and in neighbouring countries. It casts light on women survivors of the conflict, through sharing their stories and using their own words. The report explains their new roles as...

Foundation's Team

The Future of Female Mobilization in Lebanon, Morocco, and Yemen after the Arab Spring / L'avenir de la mobilisation féminine au Liban, au Maroc et au Yémen suite au printemps arabe / مستقبل تعبئة النساء في لبنان، المغرب، واليمن بعد الربيع العربي

Created by Foundation's Team 3144 days ago

This study examines the propensity to vote among women, in Lebanon, Morocco and Yemen, after the Arab spring. It questions whether or not the impositions on women’s personal space reduces their political participation.The article relies on different studies and statistics, about women´...

Foundation's Team

Women and Gender in Middle East Politics / Les femmes et le genre dans les politiques du Moyen Orient / النساء و النوع الإجتماعي في سياسات الشرق الأوسط

Created by Foundation's Team 3144 days ago

The barriers to women’s political participation in the Middle East have long preoccupied scholars and analysts. This report is a collection of articles of an interdisciplinary group of scholars who were invited to attend a workshop on important issues related to women’s public politic...

Foundation's Team

Giving a Voice to Mediterranean Women / Donner la parole aux femmes de la Méditerranée / اعطاء صوت لنساء البحر الأبيض المتوسط

Created by Foundation's Team 3155 days ago

This paper casts light on the work of Mediterranean Network of Information and Communication with a Gender Perspective, which was created in 2007 to give more visibility to women in the media. It explains the concept of journalism with gender perspective, and details some of the activities and ob...

Foundation's Team

Violations against women in Syria and the disproportionate impact of the conflict on them – Universal Periodic Review of the Syrian Arab Republic submission to the Human Rights Council. National League for Peace and Freedom / Violations des droits des femmes en Syrie et impact disproportionné du ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3177 days ago

This report is a result from a work with Syrian grassroots women’s organisations to collect data, develop drafting skills, improve gender analysis and produce a document that highlights the crimes committed against Syrian women and the disproportionate impact of the armed conflict on them. ...

Foundation's Team

‘'Peacebuilding Defines Our Future Now” A Study of Women's Peace Activism in Syria / La consolidation de la paix définit notre avenir dès maintenant / "بناء السلام يرسم مستقبلنا الآن": دراسة حول حراك النساء في بناء السلام في سوريا

Created by Foundation's Team 3177 days ago

The aim of this research is to map women activism in Syria – prominent individuals as well as women’s groups. It gives an insight into Syrian women´s activism and on how it contributes to peacebuilding in the country. The study describes the general characteristics of the identi...

Foundation's Team

An Artistic Intifada: Young Palestinian Women's Non-Violent Resistance through Art / Une intifada artistique : la résistance non violente des jeunes Palestiniennes à travers l'art / انتفاضة فنية: المقاومة السلمية للشابات الفلسطينيات من خلال الفن

Created by Foundation's Team 3179 days ago

This paper casts light on the work of female Palestinians who use artistic expressions as a platform, and a tool to revolt against both political and patriarchal realities in their country. The works of these artists reveal different daily Palestinian struggles that are often not portrayed by bot...

Foundation's Team

Women and the Arab Spring: Taking their place? / Les femmes et le printemps arabe : prendre leur place? / النساء و الربيع العربي: هل يأخذن مكانهن؟

Created by Foundation's Team 3182 days ago

This report takes a country-by-country look at the role played by women in the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It underlines the obstacles that prevent them from playing their full part in the political and public life of their countries. It emphasises the importance ...

Foundation's Team

Women and Football in Turkey / Femmes et football en Turquie / النساء و كرة القدم في تركيا

Created by Foundation's Team 3193 days ago

Football was considered a "the sport of men" for a long time in Turkey. This led women to be alienated from this field, excluding a number of women football players, spectators, managers, referees and football coaches — who might have taken place in both women football and football in Turke...