

Foundation's Team

“Do Not Underestimate my Strength!” From war to sustainable peace: a solidarity dialogue between Bosnian and Ukrainian women activists 7–9 June 2016 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, / « Ne sous-estimez pas ma force ! » De la guerre à la paix durable : un dialogue solidaire entre les femmes activ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3044 days ago

This report gathers the views and opinions expressed by women activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine, who participated in the solidarity dialogue, organized in Sarajevo in June 2016 by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and The Kvinna Till Kvinna Foundation. T...

Foundation's Team

Report on the Associative Movement of Women in the Rural Environment in Algeria / Rapport Sur Le Mouvement Associatif De La Femme Dans Le Milieu Rural En Algérie / تقرير عن الحركة الجمعوية للمرأة في البيئة الريفية في الجزائر

Created by Foundation's Team 3053 days ago

Without pretending to be an exhaustive study of the associative fabric in the rural environment, this report concerns the participation of women in the associative movement. Its objective is to identify the weaknesses and strengths of rural women's associations and the challenges and opportunitie...

Foundation's Team

ON HER OWN: How women forced to flee from Syria are shouldering increased responsibility as they struggle to survive / PAR ELLE-MÊME : sur la façon dont les femmes contraintes de fuir la Syrie assument de plus en plus de responsabilités tout en luttant pour leur survie / لوحدها: كيف تتحمل النساء ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3061 days ago

Syrian women sheltering in countries surrounding Syria, or undertaking the long and perilous journey to Europe with their children, are faced with intolerable choices. As they yearn for safety, dangers are ever-present; while exiled in camps, travelling, and anxiously waiting to cross borders.Thi...

Foundation's Team

Universal Periodic Review of the Syrian Arab Republic 26th Session of the Working Group - November 2016. Joint NGO Submission on Politic and Civic Rights / Examen périodique universel de la République arabe syrienne - XXVIe séance du groupe de travail – novembre 2016 – Soumission conjointe d'ONG...

Created by Foundation's Team 3074 days ago

This joint report was prepared by a group of civil society organizations in Syria, it aims at evaluating the achieved progress of the Politic and Civic Rights on the ground in the last four and a half years, on the basis of the recommendations accepted by the Syrian government that committed to i...

Foundation's Team

Report: Women, Peace and Security Financing Workshop / Rapport sur l'atelier Femmes, paix et financement sécuritaire / تقرير: ورشة عمل تمويل النساء و السلام و الأمن

Created by Foundation's Team 3076 days ago

This report presents a summary of the workshop that took place on 7-8 July 2016, which was co-hosted by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), under the title: "Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Local to Global Financing as Mechanisms for Gender Equali...

Foundation's Team

The impact of austerity measures on women's voluntary community organisations and the response of the women's sector / Impact des mesures d'austérité sur les organisations locales de femmes bénévoles et réaction des organisations de femmes / تأثير إجراءات التقشف على منظمات المجتمع النسائية الطوعي...

Created by Foundation's Team 3082 days ago

This report is based on the analysis of a survey, and the evidence collected by Women Resource Centre (WRC) to demonstrate how far the cuts have destabilised the women's voluntary and community sector. The report is organised into two parts: Part One analyses the survey data in relation to the im...

Foundation's Team

The Fragility of Gender Equality Policies in Spain / La fragilité des politiques d'égalité hommes-femmes en Espagne / هشاشة سياسات المساواة بين الجنسين في إسبانية

Created by Foundation's Team 3122 days ago

Even though Spain has become a model in legislative policies for gender equality at the international level, the economic crisis has led to a growth in inequality, which has revealed the weaknesses of the adopted instruments.This article discusses the situation of gender equality and women´...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality and Turkey's 2023 Goals / Égalité entre les hommes et les femmes et objectifs de la Turquie pour 2023 / المساواة بين الجنسين في أهداف تركيا لعام 2023

Created by Foundation's Team 3122 days ago

This article provides an overview of Turkey’s recent developments in combating violence against women, as well as in gender equality in education, labour force participation, and politics. It presents a set of suggestions related to legislation and implementation for each topic addressed. I...

Foundation's Team

CULTURE, GENDER AND GROWTH / CULTURE, GENRE ET CROISSANCE / الثقافة, النوع الإجتماعي و النمو

Created by Foundation's Team 3122 days ago

Whereas the general prospects about gender equality remain quite pessimistic, recent changes have occurred within family institutions in some countries and show a determining example. This short report is a text framed in the "Insights" series from the OECD ‘s Development Center. The autho...

Foundation's Team

Between Art and Activism: Egyptian Women and the Revolution / Entre art et activisme : les femmes égyptiennes et la révolution / بين الفن و النشاط: المرأة المصرية و الثورة

Created by Foundation's Team 3122 days ago

After the revolution of 2011 in Egypt, many Egyptian feminist groups, movements, and NGOs consolidated their efforts in order to promote women’s rights. This paper sheds light on the role of Egyptian women artists, through analysing the cultural production of some of the activists who parti...