Created by Foundation's Team 1905 days ago
Violence against women (VAW) exists around the world. It affects the physical and mental health of women, limits their control and enjoyment of their own bodies, their ability to participate in society and their presence in public spaces. In Algeria, as in the whole world, this se...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: violence against women, algeria, civil society, mobilization, violence contre des femmes, algérie, mobilisation, féminisme, société civile, العنف ضد النساء, الجزائر, حماية, المجتمع المدني, حركات اجتماعية
Created by Foundation's Team 1917 days ago
Arla Hoxha, Dea Rrozhani and Jonada Shukarasi are three Young Albanian female developpers who recently won recently won the ‘’Technovation 2019 Grand Prize’’ for their application mobile ‘’ GjejZa’’ which means ‘’Find you voice...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: youth, stem, gender based violence, albania, protection, innovation, girls, jeunes, filles, stem, technologie, innovation, violence contre les filles et les femmes, albanie, protection, تكنولوجيا, ابتكار, فتيات, ألبانيا, العنف الموجه ضد الفتيات و النساء, حماية, دعم
Created by Foundation's Team 1917 days ago
In Turkey, as in many other countries around the world, hundreds of thousands of women are daily victims of human rights violations. Between one-third and one-half of Turkish women are reported to be victims of physical violence in their families. They are beaten, raped and even, in som...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: domestic violence, norms and traditions, turkey, women's protction, survivors, victims, violence, turquie, violence domestique, survivant-e-s, victimes, عنف, تركيا, عنف منزلي, حماية, الناجيات, الضحايا, قانون, الأعراف والتقاليد
Created by Foundation's Team 1931 days ago
The present report is based on information verified by the United Nations, primarily through the monitoring, analysis and reporting arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1960 (2010). It focuses on sexual violence as both a t...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: rape, sexual violence, stigma, victims, survivors, protection, girls and women, conflict, war, viol, violence sexuelle, conflit, guerre, filles et femmes, survivant-e-s, victimes, protection, اغتصاب, العنف الجنسي, نزاع, حرب, وصمة, الفتيات والنساء, الناجيات والناجون, حماية
Created by Foundation's Team 1945 days ago
L’étude vise à déterminer l’étendue du harcèlement et sa prévalence par lieu, sexe, âge, groupes communautaires et différentes nationalités, et à identifier les types de harcèlement les plus ré...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: harassment, jordan, policies, law, gender based violence, harcèlement, jordanie, politiques, lois, violence basée sur le genre, تحرش, العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي, الأردن, العنف الأسري, قوانين, تشريعات, حماية
Created by Foundation's Team 1973 days ago
Through an in-depth assessment inventory of 35 countries and the study of recent major trends, this report provides the latest overview of sexual exploitation at regional and global levels. It sets out not only the 6 major challenges to be met in view of the latest developments and thei...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...umains, violence basée sur le genre, protection, prévention, lois, législation, crime, prostitution, استغلال جنسي, العتف القائم على النوع, شعبوية, حماية, وقاية, الاتجار بالبشر, تشريع...
Created by Foundation's Team 2015 days ago
This article focuses on the subject of trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Lebanon, where the combination of an already delicate economic situation, a large influx of refugees and an extremely complex and deteriorated political and social scene, seems to encou...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: prostitution, trafficking in women, lebanon, protection, social services, refugees, taboo, prostitution, exploitation sexuelle, liban, traite des femmes, conflit, réfugiés, protection, الاتجار بالنساء, البغاء, لبنان, حماية, خدمات اجتماعية, الاستغلال الجنسي, لاجئين
Created by Foundation's Team 2062 days ago
Cet article explore le niveau de conscience des femmes par rapport aux formes de violence auxquelles elles sont exposées, leurs causes et leurs impacts, ainsi que les connaissances des femmes sur les mécanismes de protection existants. Il vise à mettre la lumi&egrav...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: egypt, domestic violence, laws, protection, prevention, women's role, awareness, egypte, violence domestique, médias, lois, protection, prévention, العنف المنزلي, مصر, حماية, وقاية, وعي, النساء, قوانين, مناهضة العنف
Created by Foundation's Team 2126 days ago
Violence against women (VAW) has implications at many levels, especially at the social, psychological and economic ones. This diagnosis explores the level of women’s awareness regarding the forms of violence they are exposed to, their causes and impacts, as well as their knowledge...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: domestic violence, gender-based violence, violence against women, violence basée sur le genre, violence contre les femmes, violence domestique, stéréotypes de genre, العنف المنزلي, العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي, مصر, حماية, ضحايا, المجتمع المدني
Created by Foundation's Team 2136 days ago
Life Foundation for Development and Community Reintegration held a policy dialogue on March 25, 2019 to review the efforts made by the government to combat tourism marriage, and follow-up on the results of the campaign “Our Girls are not for sale”. Through this campaign whic...
Contenu type : News
Tags : Tags: forced marriage, minors marriage, egypt, law, dialogue, protection, victims, mariage forcé, mariage de mineures, égypte, loi, protection, victimes, زواج الأطفال, زواج سياحي, زواج القاصرات, مصر, قوانين, حوار, حماية, توعية
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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