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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association for the Promotion of Rural Women of Mezzouna
Association Aspirations féminines
Université d'  Alger III
Right and Democracy Organization
Aya Al Khawalda - Independent journalist
Association de Développement Local Méditerranéen (ADELMA)
Peace and friendship international organization. P4all
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration
Portuguese Association of Women in Legal Careers
Creativity Center for Citizenship and Democracy
CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
University of Mohammed V Rabat
Association Anaouat pour la femme et l'enfant
Elmehwar Association for Developing the Egyptian Family
Fadilia Foundation
Radio Souriat
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
Immigrant Women in Catalonia Association (AOMICAT)
Hassène Kassar
Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL)
Women & Cinema
Ntic et Citoyennete - Maurifemme
Moroccan Youth Association for Development AMDJ
Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF)
The Egyptian Youth Council for Development
International Observatory of Human Rights
Intissar Bendjabellah
Libyan Women Forum (LWF)
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
The Community Development and Media Center
Vision Communication Consultancy
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Femmes Informations Juridiques Internationales Rhône-Alpes (FIJI-RA)

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The Make your voice heard project against GBV arrive to Khemisset city

20 young women from Khemisset city and its surroundings in a training on combating violence against women (VAW). The training...

CEDAW Association launches its annual report on the status of Egyptian women in 2017

The CEDAW Association for Democracy and Human Rights launched its annual report on the situation of women in Egypt, especially in...

We present you the 3 final winners of our photo contest

We are pleased to announce the 3 final winners of our photography contest 'Powerful Women: Breaking Stereotypes in the...

A new issue of Quaderns de la Mediterrània, on art and creativity as bridges of intercultural dialogue

A new issue of Quaderns de la Mediterrània is out!This issue, number 32, on “Art and Creativity: Bridges of...

Protection mechanisms and strategies against VAW in Alexandria

Women in Egypt are often subject to violence not only from family members and community members, but also by institutions of the...

CLUSTER joins the Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Policy Conference, an event to foster employment among youth and women in the region

On 17 May 2022, CLUSTER, represented by the Managing Director of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed),...

Centre de ressources numériques en français sur le genre - Nous vous publions!

Observ’action est le centre de documentation numérique de Genre en Action spécialisé en genre et développement dans le monde...

Coeur de Femmes - 4 and 5 March 2020 in Marseille

Coeur de Femmes is a time for meeting, sharing, discovering know-how and the possibilities of creation. A place for debate on...

The Society of Women Graduates organizes a meeting on the Role of women in the Palestinian cultural scene

The Women Graduates Society in the Gaza Strip hosted the Minister of Culture, His Excellency Dr. Atef Abu Seif, in the presence...

Mobilization of equality actors in the region of Mount Lebanon

The National Committee for the Follow up of Women's Issues (CFUWI) has set up a pilot action of mobilization of equality actors...