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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Jiwar Creation & Society
Socio-cultural centre for women in action
هلدا عواد
SEMNID Association for Social Development
Youth Capacities Development Association-Biskra (YCDB)
Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support
University of Manouba Tunisia
Jawhara Association
Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action
Aswat Nissa
Palestinian Bar Association (PBA)
Kasdi Merbah Ouragla University
Regional Center for Dialogue and Mediation (RCMD)
Green Globe
Social Association  Active Woman  of the Tizi-Ouzou Wilaya
Centre ADHUC—Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat
Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği - KADEM - Women and Democracy Association
Association Féminine pour le Développement de la Famille (AFDF)
Audiopedia Foundation
Youssef Bouataoun
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Center for Research in Applied Economics for Development-CREAD
Association 100% Mamans
Action et Promotion Sociale et Culturelle
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Tunisian Association of Women Judges- TAWJ
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Organization Dihya for Development
Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University
Building Bridge Association (BBA)
Urban Community of Marrakech
Jyhene Kebsi
Al Marsa for culture and creativity

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A group of organizations calling for a mechanism to follow up and monitor the "National Strategy to Combat Violence against Women," a year after its launch

This manifesto, which was issued by several civil society organizations in Egypt, aims to follow-up, monitor and evaluate...

Gender Equality Action 2009/2010. Employment & Training Corporation

This plan aims to provide a detailed overview of the objectives for gender equality in the field of employment. It sets out new...

Women's Participation: The Making of the Tunisian Constitution

This report presents the proceedings of the regional strategic roundtable titled “Women’s Participation: The Making...

Gender Equality Commission - Compilation of good practices to reduce existing obstacles and facilitate women's access to justice (2015)

One of the five objectives of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy for 2014-2017 is to work with member States towards...

Approaches for Gender Responsive Urban Transport

This report discusses how we should deal with gender issues in transport policy and planning. It summarizes not only the...

étude sur l'entreprenariat féminin dans les quartiers populaires

L'entrepreneuriat est de plus en plus présentécomme une piste pertinente pour lutter contrele chômage et la dégradation de...

Practitioner Toolkit: Honour related violence

This Toolkit aims at providing women victims of Honour related violence (HRV) or women at HRV risk with a “self-assessment...

More women in senior positions: the key to economic stability and growth

This report examines the current situation and recent trends regarding women's and men's participation in key decision-making...

Gender Equality and Turkey's 2023 Goals

This article provides an overview of Turkey’s recent developments in combating violence against women, as well as in gender...

Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

This is the 1st report of the Independent Expert on Protection against Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation...