Created by Foundation's Team 2960 days ago
This report examines the situation of women in poverty and employment in London, one of the world´s largest and most expensive and diverse cities.The report examines the effects of inequality on women, particularly with regard to the following factors: Poverty, London, Spending and Employme...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...ement du temps de travail, conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée, écart salarial, travail à temps partiel, الوصول إلى التوظيف, تنظيم وقت العمل, التوفيق بين العمل و الحياة العائلية, فجوة الأجو...
Created by Foundation's Team 3168 days ago
The study focuses on policies and good practices in the field of reconciliation of work, family and private life in the European Union.It includes a policy and literature review in this field, which casts light on various issues, such as: participation of men and women in employment, leave arrang...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...du temps de travail, conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée, congé parental, participation économique, carrière professionnelle, تنظيم وقت العمل, توفيق بين العمل و الحياة العائلية, اجازة والد...
Created by Foundation's Team 3419 days ago
This guide was conceived to promote parenthood among male wage earners based on practices developed within corporations in France and in other countries. From an educational approach, the guide addresses the following issues: the challenges for enterprises to promote parenthood among male wage ea...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...y, aménagement du temps de travail, conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée, masculinité, partage des responsabilités, paternité, تنظيم وقت العمل, توفيق بين العمل و الحياة العائلية, ذكورة, مسؤ...
Created by Foundation's Team 3419 days ago
This study was conducted in the framework of the project Qualitemps, which seeks to further involve fathers in family life in order to strengthen professional equality between women and men. It is based on a sample of 400 fathers with executive positions aged 30 to 40, 60 interviews with senior m...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...ménagement du temps de travail, conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée, masculinité, partage des responsabilités, paternité, تنظيم وقت العمل, توفيق بين الحياة العملية و الحياة العائلية, ذكورة, م...
Created by Foundation's Team 3422 days ago
This report forms part of the framework of a mission entrusted to IGAS on professional gender equality linked to family and domestic responsibilities. It describes the economic and social transformations underway in European countries, which reveal a better consideration of parenthood by parents ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags :, conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée, congé parental, égalité professionnelle, partage des responsabilités, rôle des femmes, تنظيم وقت العمل, توفيق العمل و الحياة العائلية, إجازة أبوة...
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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