

Foundation's Team

Fostering women's economic participation in the Western Mediterranean: Successful policies for in-depth transformations / Promouvoir la participation économique des femmes en Méditerranée occidentale : Des politiques qui marchent pour de profondes transformations / تعزيز المشاركة الاقتصادية للمرأ...

Created by Foundation's Team 1339 days ago

In the context of the 2021 Spanish co-presidency of the 5+5 Dialogue and drawing on the Tunis Declaration adopted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Western Mediterranean countries on 22 October 2020, the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), founding member of the Eu...

Foundation's Team

Closing the gender gap: policy-making that promotes inclusive Mediterranean societies / Réduire l'écart entre genres : vers des politiques qui favorisent des sociétés méditerranéennes inclusives / سدّ الفجوة بين الجنسين: صنع السياسات التي تحثّ على بناء مجتمعات متوسطيّة شاملة

Created by Foundation's Team 1562 days ago

This policy brief presents some preliminary findings of a recently launched assessment of existing policy measures regarding women empowerment issues in the South Mediterranean region. In order to explain the persistence of numerous gender gaps, the author examines the reasons behind th...

Foundation's Team

EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum in Amman, Jordan / Amman accueillera bientôt le Forum Femmes EuroMed pour le Dialogue / عمان تستضيف منتدى حوار النساء الأورمتوسطيات

Created by Foundation's Team 1992 days ago

On September 11 and 12, 2019, the EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum will be held in Amman (Jordan), organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation. This important meeting aims to encourage women’s role as agents for the promotion of intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region,...