Created by Foundation's Team 2905 days ago
A teaching DVD called « Let’s erase sexist prejudices » provides a serie of activities to promote non-sexist behavior in young children. It is adapted from Quebecois and Spanish programs and from European instruction kits inciting parents and teachers to think about th...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Tags : Tags: mixity, co-education, schooling, respect, mixité, scolarisation, respect, تعليم مختلط, احترام, تعليم مدرسي
Created by Foundation's Team 3377 days ago
This Convention seeks to create the conditions for schools to channel equality between girls and boys message at all levels and it helps modify the gendered division of roles in society. It is structured around three priority fields of action: acquiring and transmitting a culture of gender equali...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...té, scolarisation, stéréotypes, violence fondée sur le genre., العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي, آلية مؤسساتية لتعزيز النوع الإجتماعي, تعليم مختلط, مهنة, تعليم مدرسي, صور نمطية
Created by Foundation's Team 3377 days ago
This case study seeks to identify the main mechanisms that link gender equality to development in Tunisia, emphasising how the economic, social and political factors have interacted with the legislative and political reforms in the evolution of gender relations and progress in the country. To thi...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...ociaux et culturels, enseignement supérieur, marché du travail, rémunération, scolarisation, تنمية, اقتصاد, حقوق مدنية و ثقافية, تعليم عالي, سوق العمل, الأجور, تعليم مدرسي
Created by Foundation's Team 3441 days ago
This study examines the situation of women in terms of illiteracy based on data collected in the Information and Daily Life survey (IVQ) 2004-2005, conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) in partnership with ANLCI. Illiteracy describes the situation of peopl...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: literacy, illiteracy, labour market, schooling, alphabétisation, illettrisme, marché du travail, scolarisation, معرفة القراءة وا لكتابة, أمية, سوق العمل, تعليم مدرسي
Created by Foundation's Team 3517 days ago
This edition was published to mark the 15th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women. It features data on gender disparity in primary and secondary education according to the mandate of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, which aims to ensure that as many indicators as possible are disag...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: access to education, primary education, secondary education, higher education, schooling, accès à l’éducation, enseignement primaire, enseignement secondaire, enseignement supérieur, scolarisation, وصول إلى التعليم, تعليم إبتدائي, تعليم ثانوي, تعليم عالي, تعليم مدرسي
Created by Foundation's Team 3517 days ago
Based on the fact that despite the high rates of educated women the female presence in decision-making spheres is limited in certain countries, this brochure examines the correlation between the integration of women in the economy and their participation in political life. Through indicators link...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: unemployment, economic participation, political participation, quotas, schooling, chômage, participation économique, participation politique, quotas, scolarisation, بطالة, مشاركة إقتصادية, مشاركة سياسية, نظام حصص, تعليم مدرسي
Created by Foundation's Team 3518 days ago
This study examines the state of education in Turkey and its links with the country' s development, from a historical and gender perspective. Following the proclamation of theTurkish Republic, primary education was declared compulsory and this status was subsequently secured by Article 42 of the ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ...l’éducation, accès à l’emploi, développement, éducation primaire, education secondaire, scolarisation, وصول إلى التعليم, وصول إلى التوظيف, تنمية, تعليم إبتدائي, تعليم ثانوي, تعليم مدرسي
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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