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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
Hope Village Society (HVS)
Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture
Sihem Benallal Benrahou
Association Tawaza pour le plaidoyer de la femme
Humanity Diaspo
International Observatory of Human Rights
Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)
Right and Democracy Organization
Audiopedia Foundation
Women & Cinema
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme
Amal Wazan for women football
RIHAN ASSOCIATION for Youth and Development
Nelly Jazra
Cairo Center for Development (CCD)
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Aix Marseille Université
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Association Talassemtane pour l'Environnement et Développement (ATED)
Traditional Women Association for Development
Association de Développement Local Méditerranéen (ADELMA)
Vision Communication Consultancy
Khadija Ben Hassine
March Lebanon Association
Apid Imprenditorialità Donna
Trajectorya noorteorganisatsioon MTÜ
Faculty Affiliate, PHRGE, Northeastern College of Law
Krizia Nardini
The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering (RDFL)
Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)
Mohammed V University- Agdal Rabat

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Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Sant Adrià de Besòs: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

From 2 - 16 May 2023, Casal Dalt de la Vila hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s...

CMC raises awareness on Cyberviolence against people with disabilities in Rafah Governorate

People with disabilities create personal presence in digital spaces in order to build relationships and self-expression, but...

Setif in Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

For the first time, the WIBA Community participated this year in the international campaign aimed at raising awareness among...

LEGS Anual Seminar Translating gender, 2020-2021

This monthly-held seminar, bringing together the entire LEGS-Laboratory for Gender and Sexuality Studies, but open to the general...

Analyzing the role of elected women in local authorities in Ifrane

The principle of gender equality in Morocco is stated in the Constitution, more specifically in Article 19. Similarly, the laws...

Inauguration of the Bridges of Safety Center

Friday 26 May 2023The inauguration of the 'Bridges of Safety' center to shelter women victims of violence and their accompanying...

Reflection on women as vectors of dialogue and hope in the Mediterranean

The 'KĪMIYYA Forum. Women Actors of Dialogue' was dedicated to the role of women in creating links among civil society...

Ask your Lawyer : ECWR Launches the First Online Website for Legal Consultancies

(Cairo, December 24th, 2017) The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights -ECWR- launches the first interactive website offering...

Tamaynut is engaged to push women into decision-making decisions in Souss-Massa

Several structural obstacles prevent women´s access to leadership. These obstacles are of a legal, socio-economic,...

The Foundation works to push forward the regional gender equality agenda

The next Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Dialogue meeting on Women’s Empowerment will take place in Barcelona on...